Leaving for the Boyfriend's House

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The next morning we wished Mandy, Raj and baby Juan Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I told them they need to celebrate their son's first Christmas together as a family after they said that half the house will feel empty. I pulled Mandy aside and said that if the house is empty, she can give a special gift to Raj after putting someone in bed. I wiggled my eyebrows and she gave me a smack on the arm and I was laughing as we left. Juan was waving bye. He loves to say bye. We were in the car and I drove until it was time to stop for a quick breakfast. We left at six in the morning so we can make it to his house by one or two in the afternoon.

 I drove for about three hours then Nate took over and didn't stop at all. I fell asleep after not being able to sleep the night before. When we finally got near Nate's place he was on the phone talking to Sammy saying we were about 20 minutes away. It was on speaker and she asked to speak to me but I was fast asleep but I heard him say she's sleeping. I woke up and talked to her in a sleepy voice after apologizing to Nate for not driving. He said I missed a snack break and a small lunch break. He locked the doors and left me in the car while he went to the bathroom. He got me a small sandwich thing it was kind of cold and I didn't mind waiting. I told him thank you and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I knew he was tired.

About 15 minutes later we're standing at Nate's front porch. I had only been to his house once or twice before and today when I got inside Sammy joked with me saying my room has been prepared in Nate's room. My bed was actually set up in one of the empty guest rooms in the house. After that incident with Francis, I can't sleep at night sometimes. I dream of that psychotic man breaking out of a detention centre and coming back for me. Those are the times I knock at Nate's room and cuddle up with him. I make sure that nothing else happens between us even though I can't resist a kiss that turns into other things.

It's kind of like a panic attack. The doctor said I need to find more relaxing time. Mandy and I have been going to yoga sessions if we could hit the gym. That's been giong pretty well. Sometimes I play soothing music. Anything that works. Nate is very supportive. He has been the one person I can stand on and it won't hurt him. He even comes to church with me. His family is a half and half. He believes in one god but he isn't really part of either faith. Yet, he's started coming to church with me more often – almost every week. Especially during the operation time.

His mom is the hindu but she doesn't go to temple too often. Nate was baptised and confirmed but stopped going to church with all the bad things happening to him earlier. His parents were worried about him. A lot of hindu rituals are still in his home. His mom greeted us at the door with an aarathy –Nate told me she does this for him when he comes home after a long time. That's really sweet. She circled both of us together and put a dot on my forehead.

We stepped inside the house. Jake and Ayesha were already there to greet us. After a lunch of rice and curry, Nate and I went to clean up. I used the guest room bathroom and a cold spray hit me. Nate was putting a few of my bags in my room when I yelped and he asked if I was okay. I told him everything is fine. He's still over protective but that's something I love about him. I think since I first met him his playboyness was leaving and he's defnitely matured. Nate had gone to sleep as soon as he had his shower and when I went to his room, he slept. Sammy and I had a long chat. She asked me about the thing with Francis. I told her how scary it was. She got me talking about the kidnapper/killer dude and I did shed a few tears. She comforted me. I was asked about my operation and I told Nate's family how Nate helped me get through that tough time.

 They also noticed how much weight I had lost. Ayesha brought the sari and blouse with her – Sammy is also a bridesmaid. I tried my blouse on and it was a little big. Nate's mom used to be a seamstress so she quickly adjusted that. The saree is gorgeous!

Ayesha's family is Indian (half of her family is Sikh and the other half is Catholic) but Jake is Catholic. We're going to be wearing our saris the Gujarat way which I love, it shows the beautiful designs at the end of the saree.

Sammy had broken up with the guy she was dating last summer, about an year ago and now she had a new fling. He'll be coming to the wedding too. I met him and he seems like a nice boy. He's a few months older than Sam. Sam tells me she thinks he's amazing. It was one of her best friends from high school and he never had the courage to ask her out. He helped her through the break up back in January. They somehow ended up kissing and he told her everything. She found that sweet.

That night, I was having a panic attack. I went to bed early at about 8. I wasn't feeling that great from the hours of driving. Sam goes to bed late what with everything she does. I had gone to bed and I could feel the creeps coing back. I got up and walked to Nate's room where he was looking his laptop on his bed. He saw me, came over and hugged me tight. He took me to his bed and laid me down. I wouldn't let go of him and we laid there in silence. His bed is on the side and I was on the side of the wall. I was covered in his blanket and he was in front of me. His mom came and took the lights off but he turned a lamp light on. Soon I was dazing off and he carried me back to my room and laid me there. 

Sammy was surprised to see me being carried in like that but I think everything was explained to her. The next morning she said she was so sorry, she didn't know about how bad it was. I told her it's nothing. She asked me if I got these panic attacks often. I told her it's not so bad and I had them way more, earlier, after the incident. I still have the scar of the stab to my arm and the cut on my foot from the glass. When I wear t-shirts you could see it but it's not that bad. 

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