January as Jusual

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I had another doctor's appointment about a week later. It turns out that they need to start another treatment and the medications aren't doing a full job. My blood was not being pumped out properly. I was going to need surgery after they find my blood tissue's weak spot. My x-rays had begun as January continued.  And my blood type was being stored in time for surgery. Mandy began to do school from home. She had her first contraction on January seccond. She was breathing hard and rubbing her belly. Raj was a bit scared but I ssured him that it was normal. She didn't want to be bothered by him because he was freaking out so I told Nate to watch football or something with him – I helped Mandy relax a bit and made her a smoothie.

Plans for my surgery were made and it was to be in a few months but only if the medication I'm on now isn't working. So January progressed as usual and we were living day to day life together. Spring was coming in in another two months. Mandy is at her ninth month as of the beginning of Febuary. 

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