Holidays at the Household

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Later on in December, we had many Christmas parties. Definitely lots of fun with Nate on the side forcing me to eat and sleep. I finished my exams with marks coming on our student accounts three days later. I did okay. I force myself to study whether I want to or not. I ignore other things. I'm off duty at the library but I gave my librarian friends Christmas pots for gifts and they were happy with them. For Christmas this year, I got Mandy and Raj their crib. They've been looking at a bunch now and were planning to order the one they selected in January from the store but I got it for them early – I have connections too. For Nate, I got him a lense thing he's been planning to buy for his camera along with a dress shirt I think would be perfect for him – he looks good in black. For presents alone for Mandy and Raj, I got Mandy a fragrance sampler set and for Raj, a polo shirt.

 The hosue was decorated from top to bottom. Even the basement had a mini chirstmas tree in a corner. We were off a week before Christmas and two weeks after.  I sent cards to family and to Nate's family too. They were actually coming here a few days before Christmas. They'll be staying in the guest room upstairs. Sammy was going to share with me I think.  They'll stay here for a few days and go on to family's homes and go back home. So I got a few gifts for them too. For his parents, a Christmas themed kitchen set. It was cute and I couldn't resist buying it along with a small fragrance set for Sammy. The families would be coming over.

I got gifts for Jake, Ayesha, both Mandy's and Raj's parents, for Amy, Joseph, June and little John. Just little things – whatever I can afford on my budget and library money. We had a Christmas party with Mandy and Raj's families. It was really fun. Mandy can really get dressed up and she won't let me off the hook with something simple.

She wore a bronze/coppery dress that bounced off her belly casing it well but also flowing down to her knees. I wore a soft pink dress with sleeves to my elbows. This dress was tight fitted and showed off my figure – I had lost weight and I had to get a dress about two sizes smaller than usual. I wore that with diamond looking studs and this really cute pink necklace Mandy gave me earlier. So when Christmas morning came around. I went on to church for mass, Nate came with me. We went back home to find Mandy and Raj at the door. They wanted to open presents with us so we all gathered around and began. It was really fun. All my gifts are sitting on top of my study table right now including lots of nice tops, dresses, jewelry, and  fragrance sets. Nate got me something pretty useful too – he really wants me to have my medications properly and know my apointment dates. He got a customizable calendar set along with a pair of really pretty earrings he asked Mandy to help him pick out.

Nate's family was here for Chistmas. They were heading over to Nate's aunt's place for their Christmas party. I was to go with Nate. Sammy shared my room with me. She loved the fragrance set I got for her. She bought a cute scarf for me. She told me about her life so far. School was going okay. She also told me about her boyfriend. They've been dating since the first-day of classes. They met and became friends earlier and now they're together – how sweet. She asked me how it was going with Nate and I, especially because we're living together. I told her not to think dirty – we're in separate rooms. She asked if we've had any romance at all.

We do but these past few months, we've both been busy – school, work and back. We don't get a lot of down time and when we do, we need some private time too. Sam – "So basically, you guys are barely invested in the relationship?" me – "It's not like that, it's just that we're busy." She said I need alone time with him – away from the house and I don't know what she's upto.

We went to get ready – today is going to be pretty cold so I'm wearing a few layers on top. I pulled on a sweater dress that was full sleeve and hit right above my knees and a pair of tights of course with stockings and all. I paired it with a pair of beige-ish boots that I absolutely love. Sammy was dressed in a cute baby blue dress – really bright against the slush outside with dark tights underneath to keep her warm. We were both ready soon and met her parents upstairs by eleven.

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