
Start from the beginning

"Like the mouse?" I asked her. She laughed.

"Exactly like the mouse. You're funny, aren't ya?" She winked. That's when I realized that she had a British accent.

"You from Britain?" She hummed in response. I was trying to think of another question to ask, but fortunately, Minnie had some questions herself.

"You a good fighter?" She quizzed me. I hesitated before answering.

"I like to believe I am." I answered. We got to a set of doors and she slammed it open. I flinched.

"You're gonna have to be to keep up with these guys." She remarked as I looked around the gigantic room. There were several people sparring, others training, and some just chatting.

"Oh. This looks like it's going to be fun." I sighed. Fighting is something I like to say I am skilled at, but I don't like doing it for fun. It tires me out.

"I'll fight with you just for now. So you can get the hang of it." Minnie offered. "Don't worry. I'll go easy." She teased me as she threw... a suit at me?

"What's this for?" I asked her as I caught it with one hand. I looked over at Minnie who had a smirk on her face.

"Just some safety precautions." She said which made me raise a single eyebrow.

"Now, go change." She responded as she pointed to a row of curtains. I went into one that was open and started to change.

I groaned at how tight it was. I wear loose clothing. Not... whatever this is.

"Great! You have all the right clothing on. Now... I will assess your skills, and based on that, I will match you up with somebody here." Minnie told me. I nodded and she squared up. I began to as well. "Whoever is on the ground for ten seconds, loses." She told me. I nodded. Like wrestling.

"Powers are fair game, by the way." She added. I tilted my head in confusion. Powers? As in plural?

I'm beginning to have a feeling I'm not the only special person here.

Before I could think about it any further, a fist was coming for my face. I dodged it. Rooky move, but I think she was just trying to test me.

I grabbed her arm that had came for my face and twisted it. She hissed for a moment before swiping me off my feet.

I fell to the ground and yelped. She went to stomp on my stomach, so I rolled out of the way. I grabbed her ankle and pulled it towards me so she also fell.

I hovered over her and began to choke her out. I'm not sure how far we were supposed to be going, but she'll tap out if she can't take it.

Minnie grabbed my arms that were blocking her airway, and rolled over so I was now on the ground. I wrestled with her on the ground before standing back up.

I went to pull energy from some random light, but stopped when I noticed Minnie doing the same.

She grabbed energy from a lamp and shoved it towards me. My eyes widened as I was shoved into a wall.

She giggled and I shook my head. I stared right back at her for a moment before getting my thoughts collected again.

How the hell did she mimic my powers!?

My Guilty Pleasure (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now