Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 Accidents

Chu Zheng is really a person who can follow the wind and climb up the ladder.

Once Qiao Yiran softened his heart towards him, he would retreat step by step and completely fall.

He could no longer refuse Chu Zheng's unreasonable demands.

Today I want to eat Liu's crystal buns, and tomorrow I want to buy Duji's crab roe stew, Qiao Yiran is simply being driven around by him.

On this day, Qiao Yiran, who had accumulated a lot of work, was finally ready to go back to the company.

The company building is still so shiny and imposing, with handsome men and women rushing in and out of it, and it looks the same as before.

But when he walked into this building again, Qiao Yiran found that his state of mind had undergone an earth-shaking change.

The idol group in his hands has recently had a good brand owner come to approach it, and it is foreseeable that it will get better and better in the future.

And Qiao Yiran already had a vague idea in his mind - he wanted to slowly hand over all the other work at hand.

When Qiao Yiran came to the company's office, the captain had already waited there with several other team members.

Qiao Yiran organized his language, and explained to them the possible change of agent in a few words.

In fact, during this period of time, Qiao Yiran stayed in the hospital all day and slacked off at work, and these little fresh meats also had a vague premonition.

The captain hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Brother Qiao, is it because of Brother Chu's business that you changed your work arrangement?"

Qiao Yiran nodded: "In the future, I may focus more on Xiao Chuna Side."

He thought of Chu Zheng muttering to himself in the night when no one disturbed him, and the sense of urgency in his heart became more and more serious.

"Don't be snatched away by others..."

"Don't show such admiring eyes to them..."

"Brother, I am the closest person to you in this world! All these attentions should belong to me only!"

Qiao Yiran realized that Chu Zheng's problem had become more and more serious - he planned to take Chu Zheng to see a psychiatrist after Chu Zheng recovered.

This person's heart is already sick...very sick...

Qiao Yiran will not be afraid of it, but he wants to heal him well.

Therefore, Qiao Yiran may not have much time to spend on company affairs.

The captain thought for a while, and finally hesitantly said: "Brother Qiao, there is something that I think you need to know."

Qiao Yiran looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong?" The

captain Lowering her voice: "Perhaps, you need to be careful about Chu Rongxuan."

Hearing the name of the long-lost protagonist, Qiao Yiran was suddenly taken aback.

Since he rejected Mr. Cheng's proposal last time, he actually didn't think he would have any interaction with these protagonists.

I have already bound the villain Chu Zheng, and I will probably follow this guy all the way to the dark.

The captain has already continued: "I have bumped into the secret conversation between Chu Rongxuan and his assistant before, and I seem to have heard Brother Chu's name."

What did the fiancé do wrong! [quick wearKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat