Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

The rain outside the door was still pattering, and the redundant adjutant had consciously gone to the door to stand guard.

Chu Zheng only felt that his eyes were a little sore.

"I'm sorry..."

Qiao Yiran had already reached out and hugged him vigorously.

Chu Zheng was dressed quite solemnly at this moment. This cold commander's uniform was really cold enough to be hugged.

But this is the person I love.

His responsibilities, responsibility, and unhesitating attitude all constitute the reasons why I am so excited for him.

Qiao Yiran rarely showed such a serious expression in front of Chu Zheng.

"Your Highness, I should be the one who should say sorry."

"When you asked me if I was a star thief, I denied it."

"Because I have never been a star thief."

Chu Zheng's eyes Gradually widened.

"Your Highness, starting tomorrow, we will establish a new federal republic. There will be no distinction between nobles and commoners. People will have the same freedom and dignity."

"Where the jurisdiction of the republic reaches, it will be guaranteed The basic rights of every citizen, the law will judge the merits and demerits of everyone equally."

"This is the country I want to fight for and sacrifice all my lofty ideals for."

"The country was established to Guarantee the happiness of the people, and as leaders and practitioners, we should put the happiness of all the people before any needs and regard it as the highest value."

Chu Zheng looked at Qiao Yiran with a wry smile.

By this time, he already understood everything.

What is the secret mission of this person who came to Emperor Star, and what is the ideal and pursuit of this person.

And as the representative force of the backward and decaying imperial power of the empire, he is destined to follow the empire that has sunk to the west to fall apart, like a sunken battleship falling into the abyss, and buried forever.

It turns out that we are destined to be two different people.

In fact, there will still be a little regret.

Between us, there has never been a complete mark.

Chu Zheng remembered what Qiao Yiran said at that time, the mark was evidence that two people in love promised each other for life.

Perhaps, guys with completely different identities, positions, and goals never have a future with each other.

It was wrong from the start.

What a pity.

But even so, when this man talks about his longing for the future, he looks so radiant.

It's fascinating.

Qiao Yiran's smile is mysterious, like a child who has prepared a beloved gift and is waiting for praise.

"Last night, the Legion of Dawn had urgently held a preparatory meeting. Your Highness, do you know who the candidate for the Federal President was finally nominated by the interim parliament?"

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