Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 The World's Sweetest!

Armaments and supplies were robbed one after another, Emperor Xing finally couldn't sit still, and publicly reprimanded the First Legion for its lack of military discipline.

Qiao Yiran didn't play his cards according to common sense at all. He posted a series of videos on the star network in a tit-for-tat manner, pointing directly at the emperor's random command, adding chaos to the frontier, and depriving the First Army of combat supplies.

Generally speaking, the royal family is very concerned about face. If it was Chu Zheng, he would not expose these internal conflicts between the empires to the star network.

But Qiao Yiran has always taken a wild path, so he doesn't have so many scruples.

Since the nobles of the empire can do such disgusting things, they must be prepared to be complained about.

The front line, military supplies, the royal family...

were full of hot topics, and the news exploded on the star network.

Long before ordinary people withdrew from the fringe line of defense, Emperor Star had already blocked the news of the supplies of the First Legion, which directly caused an uproar among the people of StarNet.

"Are the people in Emperor Star out of their minds?"

"Is there a mistake? I also said why the First Legion suddenly retreated. It turned out that this group of nobles was behind it again!"

"My aunt lives here. In the fringe galaxies...they don't regard the lives of civilians as human lives at all!"

"Your Highness is fighting bloody battles on the front lines, but the people behind have come up with such moths!"

"Even the supply of supplies for the frontier defense lines can't be guaranteed, what else does the empire have?" There is a sense of security!"

Suddenly, the impression of the Emperor Star Royal Family plummeted in the hearts of the masses, and their support rate dropped sharply.

For the first time in so many days, Chu Zheng connected to the holographic communication from Emperor Star.

The small chamber was full of nobles and ministers.

His Majesty's expression was very serious: "Ah Zheng, you have been stationed at the border and are unwilling to come back, and you still post that kind of news on the star network. What do you mean?"

Chu Zheng frowned. The constant battle made him very tired, and he was a little impatient to deal with the questioning from Emperor Star at the moment.

"Your Majesty, you know the reason very well. Two queens may have appeared in the Zerg race. Now the frontier garrison is under great pressure. The First Legion is simply unable to mobilize manpower to attack the rebel Baier galaxy.

" It is appropriate, but what we said is all true." The

chancellor thought of the robbed armaments and supplies, and his heart ached: "The two queens, you said there are? The Zerg has not appeared for hundreds of years. This is the case, and there is no evidence, and we are not at the border, so you can do whatever you say!"

It is true that the frontier has not yet found the trace of the Zerg Queen, and the battle has reached a stalemate. Chu Zheng is really impatient to deal with this kind of nonsense. : "The First Legion has sent a military report. The Zerg's attack method and attack frequency are very similar to those five hundred years ago. If you don't understand it, just ask the military!"

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