Chapter 75

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Chapter 75 I have to force it!

When Qiao Yiran heard the words "Tongxin Qi", he stretched out his hand to feel his chest in astonishment.

In this position, have you ever made a seal with someone?

Why do I have no impression at all.

Chu Zheng only felt that a piece of his chest had been dug out abruptly, and the sense of loss that was missing drove him crazy.

He smiled sarcastically, and said in a sharp tone: "Qiao Yiran, at this moment...who are you still thinking about?"

He kissed Qiao Yiran's lips vigorously.

The answer he didn't want to hear.

A cold-hearted, high-spirited Shangshen. It turns out that there will be a moving day.

Chu Zheng tore open Qiao Yiran's already messy clothes.

The bright red wedding candles flickered gently, and this festiveness seemed a bit ironic in this situation.

The beautifully furnished room had fallen into a mess during the fight just now.

The moonlight grass from the extremely cold place fell messily on the ground.

Chu Zheng's anger had burned to the extreme, but the movements under his hands were still involuntarily relaxed.

He really wanted to bite this man's lip hard, to let him know the taste of bleeding and pain.

In the end, it still came down to a tossing kiss.

Qiao Yiran's face was handsome and gentle, it was the bright light of the long night that he had thought about thousands of times in secret.

Never dared to reach out and touch.

So much so that people get ahead of them.

I hate it.

Chu Zheng's obsessed kisses fell like raindrops, and he was thinking vaguely: I'm really crazy to be so cheap.

A drop of dark red blood rolled down and quietly landed on the big red pillow beside Qiao Yiran.

Chu Zheng suffered a lot of injuries in the fight just now. Although none of them were major injuries, there were quite a few small cuts.

Seeing Qiao Yiran turn his head to look, Chu Zheng wiped the wound on his face casually.

Chu Zheng's tone was vicious: "Why, do you think I'm dirty?"

But his eyes timidly moved away, not daring to meet Qiao Yiran's eyes.

He was really afraid to see the loathing of himself in those always calm eyes.

Even though I already knew that was true.

In the next second, Qiao Yiran's gentle kiss fell on Chu Zheng's cheek unexpectedly.

Qiao Yiran's natal spiritual flame spread out, and the soft spiritual power conveyed a steady stream of warmth.

Every small wound was smoothed patiently, as if it was cherished in every way.

This sudden subconscious action made both of them stunned.

Qiao Yiran turned his head in embarrassment, annoyed at his obsession.

A fleeting moment of distress. A subconscious move.

Trembling, Chu Zheng fell on Qiao Yiran's body, buried his head on Qiao Yiran's side neck, and couldn't see his expression clearly for a moment: "Qiao Yiran, what do you mean?

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