Chapter 1

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"This court now declares that the facts stated by the plaintiff are clear and the evidence is sufficient..."

This textbook-style divorce lawsuit has achieved the expected results. Hold up your plain glasses.

The man on the other side who lost the lawsuit was hysterical, and he didn't have the well-dressed and dignified calm appearance before: "Qiao Yiran, you bastard! You are a devil!"

The bailiffs who looked embarrassed had to reach out to control him to maintain the order of the court .

Qiao Yiran was completely unmoved, he even showed a mocking smile without sympathy: "Mr. Qin, this is a public place, please pay attention to your image."

Qiao Yiran turned around and looked at The client behind him, the vigorous and handsome lawyer, finally showed a cheerful expression, which made him look high-spirited: "Miss

Qin , it's a good luck!" Coming out of the excitement at the moment when the court pronounced the verdict, she barely stabilized her emotions and nodded, with uncontrollable enthusiasm showing in her eyes: "Lawyer Qiao... Really, thank you so much! " Waving his hand: "You don't have to thank me, I'm just entrusted by others to be loyal to others. If you want to thank you, the person you should thank the most is yourself." Self-help, God help, this Miss Qin can withstand her weakness. Under the pressure of the mother, she collected the evidence of the secret transfer of property by the biological father one by one, until the fatal blow was delivered in court, which really impressed Barrister Qiao. Seeing the scene where the winning party got along so harmoniously, the man who lost the case became even more furious: "Qin Xiaonan, you bastard! Why didn't I listen to your grandma and strangle you to death!" Qiao Yiran dusted himself slowly In the spotless lawyer's robe, he glanced at the hysterical stray dog ​​across the way, and left this place of right and wrong with satisfaction.

Since he chose the field of marriage and family law when he entered the industry, Qiao Yiran has been used to the ugliness, greed and distortion of human nature. With his enthusiasm, he has won lawsuits that challenged the impossible, and because of this, he has gained fame, and at the same time, he has been recognized by many people. People regard it as a thorn in the side, and they hate it deeply...

Feelings are like flowers in a mirror, always fleeting, and in the end, only interests are entangled.

In the past, loving couples in every possible way accuse each other and expose each other's shortcomings when they go to court.

There is no such thing as loyalty in the world, but there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.

But in contrast, Qiao Yiran has always felt that maintaining the fair distribution of common property in marriage is also an important way to realize the justice he believes in.

Close relatives and distant husbands and wives.

Hurts from those closest to us often come more cruelly and unprepared.

The law cannot solve emotional problems, but at least it can defend the only property.

The title of "divorce lawyer" has caused Qiao Yiran to receive a lot of criticism. The tradition of "it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage" has made people quite critical of lawyers who break up marriages, especially the opinions of the parties' families. big.

The ridiculous thing is, isn't the root cause of marriage breakdown due to the breakdown of the relationship between the parties? The family members of the client wanted to blame the lawyer, which was nothing more than venting their anger.

Everyone must pay the price for the choices they make.

Lawyers should remain loyal to their clients, but relative, of course, lawyers have the right to choose their own clients.

Over the years of working in the business, Qiao Yiran has also encountered many clients who contradicted their promises and were indecisive. A straightforward and generous client like Ms. Qin undoubtedly made Qiao Lv feel very good.

Qiao Yiran stood at the gate of the court and raised his wrist to look at his watch. The driver would arrive in a while. He thought wildly in his mind that he could rest for a while after the case was over. He planned to fly to Semporna for diving and enjoy the underwater world. Magnificent wonders. Compared with the disgusting calculation between people, the beauty of nature is more refreshing.

"Zi la", there was a tooth-numbing sound of tire rubbing, Qiao Yiran's pupils suddenly dilated, and a wave of exclamation came from behind...

The desperate man sat in the driver's seat with his face twisted, his mouth Li muttered nervously: "Qiao Yiran, Lawyer Qiao! Why did you help her! Why!! You forced me to do this!"

The people next to him frantically started calling 120: "Doctor, doctor! The People's Court of the City, come here!"

Just a second before losing consciousness, Qiao Yiran's gaze stayed on the other party's ferocious expression, and one last thought came to his mind: Lawyers are indeed a high-risk profession these days...

- -------In

the picturesque Xiangshan villa area.

The warm sunshine shines on the green grass, and the scent of autumn osmanthus in the air brings the laziness of the afternoon sun, which makes people sleepy.

The European-style building near the artificial lake occupies the best location in the entire community. The owner of the yard lives in seclusion, and no one dares to approach it on weekdays.

And the curtains on the second floor were tightly drawn, covering all the possibility of prying eyes. In the dim room, Qiao Yiran shook his extremely heavy head, and opened his eyes with special effort.

"Qiao Yiran, if you have the ability, can you say it again?" The

man's low voice suppressed his anger rang in his ear, and Qiao Yiran, who was confused, didn't make a sound for the time being, and was ready to wait and see what happened.

The man seemed to understand his silence as a silent resistance, and the anger and sarcasm in his voice could not be suppressed at all: "Oh, didn't you say it just now? Why, don't dare to repeat it?"

The man's ruthless words did not get any expected answer, but the indifference of no response made him even angrier. His voice was cold, and there seemed to be endless resentment hidden behind it. I couldn't help but shudder.

Qiao Yiran lowered his eyelids, twisted his wrist behind his back slightly, and tried to move his hands through the cover of his sideways movement-well, they were tightly tied, and there was no hope of escape at all. .

Nima, what is this all about! ! !

Qiao Yiran, who gave up struggling, quickly glanced around and looked at the room: the room was covered with warm plush carpets, and the curtains had been pulled up in advance, blocking the bright sunlight outside the window, only the gap in the middle A little light loomed through the window, indicating that it was still noon outside the window.

There was no one in the villa, so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard. The deadly environment contributed to the terrifying atmosphere, and the whole room looked a little gloomy because of the air-conditioning that the man in front of him exuded without money.

The closed dark room, his bound hands and feet, and the gloomy man in front of him, all these made Qiao Yiran's heart sink.

In just a few tens of seconds, he had inevitably silently rehearsed a hundred ways to die at the murder scene in his mind.

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