Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Under Qiao Yiran's unbelievable eyes, Chu Zheng continued.

"Yes, brother, everyone has their own little secret... We have been hiding it from each other."

"I never blamed you, so please forgive me once."

Qiao Yiran no longer knew What kind of expression should he use to face this situation? He was actually seen through by Chu Zheng, which he never imagined.

What the hell plot world is this!

Seeing Qiao Yiran's ridiculous reaction, Chu Zheng's expression relaxed a little. He tried to comfort Qiao Yiran: "You don't have to show such a damn expression... Even if you are really a ghost, I will ...I won't report on you."

Qiao Yiran's entire face was numb: "I'm really human."

Chu Zheng covered his mouth and laughed.

The smile brought life to his pale complexion. The sudden joy dilutes the original gloomy atmosphere.

"Brother, I have thought about it before."

"You raised me in captivity and then abandoned's wrong."

"Even if you want to go to hell, you should be dragged along with you."

"But now I Don't think so."

Qiao Yiran felt that he might also be infected by Chu Zheng, a lunatic, and became a little abnormal - he said that he didn't want to drag himself to hell, but he was still a little strangely moved in his heart.

Chu Zheng coughed twice, and after saying these words that had been suppressed in his heart without any scruples, the expression on his face faded from the original gloomy depression, and became brighter instead: "Maybe I should I also want to thank the person who made me sick." "Actually, I have never been able to understand other people's emotions. I can only consider my own feelings and lack empathy for other people and other things."

"I always thought that if you like someone, you have to be absolutely possessive, that is, you have to leave no gaps, no space... But now I seem to understand a little bit. It turns out that when you really like someone, you can't stand the other person showing that even if you have something A little sad expression."

"I used to think that being able to see you love me, even shed tears for me, let me know that I am so important, should be a very satisfying thing."

"But in the future, I still don't I don't deserve you to cry for me."

"Actually, I'm worse than you think. I've also had a lot of dark, extreme, and crazy thoughts."

"I'm an outlier in the crowd. Just let me stay like this without a companion It's pretty good."

"I may not live long, and I don't know."

"I don't have any legal heirs, and I probably won't have a will. I've gone to a lawyer to notarize it for me, and my The copyright of those songs will be written under your name, as my last gift to you."

Chu Zheng gently stretched out his hand towards Qiao Yiran.

Qiao Yiran didn't know why, but the conditioned reflex formed over the past few days made him put his hand on the opponent's hand in the first place.

Chu Zheng shook the man's hand lightly, and quickly let go.

His movements were very light, as if he was afraid of disturbing something, with an unprecedented tenderness and preciousness.

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