Start from the beginning

"People are giving us weird looks." Ian voiced out loud the obvious. "Hopefully they won't call the authorities on us."

Darcy glanced around, eyebrows narrowed and dark eyes sending daggers their way. "They're staring because we have an Avenger...."

Without meaning to, Kalum drowned out Darcy's voice and focused. A gust of wind softly caressed his face and ruffle his hair slightly, his eyebrows were knitted together, and his eyes were aimlessly darting around the place.

Danger. Another gust of wind hit him from behind, like a light tap on the shoulder, letting him know that he was facing away from the danger. Darcy and Ian continued to bicker, British people continued to go about their day, and some would continue to stare and take pictures. Kalum calmly turned around, he faced the south bank of the River Thames. Danger. The wind had whispered to him again, he started taking short steps toward the river. His naked eyes couldn't detect anything, which frustrated him incredibly. He knew this would've been easier if he had the full might of the eye of Horus, but since he had been banished, that gift had been taken away from him immediately. 

Danger in waters. This time there was no gust of wind, and this time Kalum was able to see something invisible entering the waters. This created a disturbance that caused the water to propagate outward, disturbing an increasingly larger portion of the water system. And then, as if by magic, the predator revealed itself, but the danger didn't stop there, no, the predator never stops when the prey is within its reach.

Terror infested the minds and hearts of the civilians as the enemy's ship made no effort of avoiding running into them. It only took Kal seconds before he was sprinting into action, not before urging Darcy and Ian to leave the campus. Kalum was in full Elysian mode, he had missed the energy surging through his veins, it was magical, it was him. The ship was moving directly towards a civilian who was paralyzed in fear, it was a race between the Dark Elves and the Second Son of Horus and Hathor. But of course, the matter could not win against air, Kalum reached the woman first and leaped into the air with her in her arms. His beautiful dark wings protruded off his back upon jumping, and with one strong flap of his wings, they were already out of harm's way.

"It's okay, madame. I've got you." Kalum said in an effort to calm the shaking lady. "I've got you. You are okay."

ALORA STARK AND JANE FOSTER ventured down the halls of the Greenwich College library, the blonde Egyptian Goddess glanced around aimlessly. Her eyes studied the unbothered students as they carried on with their studies, she felt time slow down as she noticed two strangers studying together. Her blonde hair was tied in a low bun with thin strands of hair cascading around her diamond face, her brown glasses were lowered slightly from the bridge of her nose. Pale lips moved as she read something from her notebook while occasionally glancing at the boy sitting beside her. When she would look he would pretend like he was listening to her by nodding when in fact he was admiring her. His dark chocolate eyes seemed to study every feature of her face, he took advantage of that small window when she was looking at him to admire her.

But the man had fallen in trance, his thoughts of her had left him hypnotized, so when she turned to look at him, she noticed his lovesick look. Their eyes widened, and their hearts skipped a beat, a blush spread across her cheeks, and a boyish smile appeared on his face. Alora was no mind reader, but she knew the feeling they were experiencing because she had first experienced that with Christian. They never dated during her time in college, they were both in different places back then, but feelings did develop, though neither of them dared to take the first step. Alora blinked, and the memory vanished, it was locked away deep in her subconscious.

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