The way he talked rendered the principal speechless and he could only gulp and nod. After all who wouldn't be intimidated by the great CEO, he is a legend.

They both left the campus, Aiden opened the passenger seat for Aly and she seated herself.

"What a gentleman." She snorted looking at him and he gave her a smirk and closed her door and went to his seat.

Aiden doesn't like people driving for him, hence he never carries a driver with him, but he still always has a car or two following him incase of protection.

He started driving,
"Is he alive?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yet." He replied with a cheeky grin.
She rolled her eyes at him, with a shake of her head.

"You know he already got what he deserved." She tried saving the life of the poor soul.

He look at her with a serious gaze or more like glared at her, with a fiery expression, telling her to not push it.

Aly was scared, yes you read right, Aiden is a very calm person, but he doesn't take bullshit, from anyone, not even Aly specifically if it involves Aly herself.

They both entered the hospital where the poor soul was getting his broken nose fixed.

A few men were behind them, only there for their purpose, that was not letting anyone enter when they proceed inside the room.

They entered the room and a big smirk came over Aiden's face looking at the guy who had a cast over his broken nose.

Aly stopped walking and just stood there, she knew she had no work here but she was here because Aiden wanted her to be.

Aiden walked towards him. The guy was already terrified of Aly and now he was close to passing out when Aiden came in front of his bed.

"Hey there." Said Aiden with a sickeningly calm note.

"W-who?" The guy stuttered.
"Oh you don't need to know that. Now you see that girl over there," he said pointing towards Aly. The guy looked towards Aly and his eyes widened seeing Aly wave at him with a smirk.

"Remember how she broke the shit out of you?" Aiden started.

"I saw everything, and I just couldn't help but get mad you know? You know why?"

"The second she needs something, it's infront of her even before she opens her mouth, Even the tiniest of frown over her face is something I can't digest, and what did u do?" He said, now his eyes were dark, and his voice turned lower at the last.

The guy was too scared to respond, making it worse that it already was.

"I asked you something, how did u make her feel?" His voice getting deeper in octave than ever, still his face showed not a single emotion.

Ever Aly felt herself shiver under his aura.
"I tou-touched h-her" he stuttered with a face full of sweat. Body full on trembling.

Aiden put a hand in his hair and yanked him forward to his eye level,
"And?" He whispered in a sickeningly scary voice.
"I m-made her f-feel uncomfortable" The guy responded hissing right after when the hold over his hair got extremely painful.

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