Side Story 4

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Drake looked at Parker and also looked at Heaven who Chelsie was playing with on the bed. 

"It's a nice that you trimmed it" 

Drake gently ran his hand through his hair then on his cheek then gave him a kiss, it was a light kiss for clearer reasons.

"Heaven your hands are really tiny" 

Heaven moved his hand from behind his head, forward in a stiff manner. Chelsie was ready to tickle him.

"Uh, don't Chelsie your brother doesn't understand tickles he will cry instead" 

"He will cry" Chelsie looked at him interested 

"Your brother is not use to it so it will make him cry loudly" 

"Okay, I will not tickle Heaven" 

She took his two folded fist and started to play with them, she also sang nursery rhymes while she played.

Another month passed.

"C'mon Heaven you can do" 

"Come on little brother, you can do it!" 

Heaven forced his lower over then his upper body in turn rolled over they all cheered when he successfully did. It was Heaven's first Christmas. And for the first time he rolled over which was fast considering he was only 3 months old. 

"I'm going to Ling's cafe with Chelsie and Heaven are you coming?" 

"Yeah sure" Drake said


Vincent looked at Claude, who looked as if he was experiencing a headache. He smiled seeing his brother like this before Clarice and Sharon took the spotlight, since her divorce and initial disappearance Claude's reputation in the family is not so great, leaving his family the main family to shine.

"Cheer up brother, at least you still have Sharon Hehehe" 

Claude glared at him, his wife have gone mad, demented, crazy. Going around calling Clarice's name, apologizing to the open space and the person in question is no where to be found. His body is trembling his nervous.

A delivery worker walked in with a check list. "Delivery for the brows family?" 

Vincent went up to the delivery worker, "yeah, this us" 

"Sign here please sir"

Vincent took it and signed it, the worker turned to the others they came in what seemed like a big confetti cannon. All the people in in the open room turned. Soon the man pressed the button and suddenly flowers shot into the sky and rain down.

When Vincent and the elders saw them their face became red with anger. All the flowers includes; 

Yellow roses
Black dahlia 
Yellow chrysanthemums 
And oleanders 

Vincent then saw red, "who the fuck did this?" He looked around in the crowd, "which one of you think is a funny idea" 

Alexia took up the oleander then showed it to her father he then snatched it from her then walked immediately up to Claude, he grabbed him by the collar showing the flower.

"You think this is fucking funny" he shouts 

"What the fu-" 

"Who else would send these, especially this! Except your whore of a daug-" 

Claude punched him off, "don't you dare fucking call my daughter that!" 

Vincent got up back and punch him back a big fight ended up breaking out and all were being recorded. And posted online.


Ling was checking budget it was late, Luther was at a corner sweeping one side. He glances at Ling and blushed, he quickly swept then went over to Ling.

"I'm done cleaning" 

"Uh… Thank you" 

"No problem" 

Soon he looked up and saw Parker coming through the doors, "uh, I've got to go Hehe breaks over" 

"Oh, okay. Becareful" 

He quickly walked off passing by parker and Drake. 


Ling looked from the book and smiled at Parker.

"That must be…… Heaven" 

"Yep, he rolled over for the first time today"

"Hehehe, of course look at how round and chubby he is" 

"But Heaven is cute!" Chelsie shouts 

Ling smiled and pats her head, "of course like his big sister" 

"He has my and mommy's hair!" She said 

Ling chuckled softly, Drake sat side to side with parker while Chelsie sat with Ling. Drake's phone suddenly beeped he picked it out and a message was send to him it was a video from Sharon. 

"Someone disrupted a browns event today" 

"What can I see?" 

Parker looked over in his phone Ling took out his phone and checked the media it was allover it.

"Aren't flowers nice uncle?" 

"Not all flowers has good mean even if pretty, especially the yellow and black ones" 

"I don't understand" 

"How about when your a little older I teach you" Ling chuckled


Yellow roses- greed, infidelity and a broken heart 

Narcissus- selfishness 

Black dahlias- corruption, evil and dishonesty 

Yellow chrysanthemums- neglected love or scorned love

oleanders- revenge (thee flower to give passive aggressively) 

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