chapter 70

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Sean watched Parker as he gently and carefully placed the cakes in separate boxes and stacks them on each other, Chelsie watches happily smiling.

Florian was about to touch the cake.

"No, no" Sean stopped him. "Not for you you" 

Parker was surprised he was paying attention to Florian, Sean's attention seemed to be mainly on the phone but it seems he was actually paying attention to Florian. Really can't judge people.

"Um…. Do you want help?..... I know you probably don't" Sean asked awkwardly

Parker tilts his head, was Sean being careful around him? He is pregnant but there was no need really for his only about four months.

"If you want to, but you have to be careful" Parker said 

Sean nods then gets up, puts the phone down and helps gently pack the box with cakes. Chelsie got up and tugged the end of Parker's long shirt.

"Yes, angel?" 

"Can I have cookies please" she smiled 

"Of course, give me a moment" 

Parker then takes a moment to go to the fridge and take out some cookies for her, it was enough for both children. He gave them some juice so they won't be parched. He went back over to Sean who was done packing the cakes.

"Oh, you're done. Thank you" he said looking at him 

"Shall we go then?" He said calmly 

Parker nods as they both begin to carry the boxes to the car and carefully pack them into the trunk. After a while they were finally at the last set as Sean gently placed them down.

"You're a great mother aren't you" He said calmly 

"Hm?" Parker was caught off guard by the compliment but smiled, "I do my best for her" he said

"Well it's clearer your effort is showing" he said ominously, "hey parker could do me a favor?" 

"What's that?" 

"You see, I didn't tell Drake the real reason why I suddenly called and was about to come here" he said

Parker was curious so he closed down the trunk. "Let's talk in the car" parker said 

They both went into the car where Sean played with his fingers nervously. "You see in a couple of months I'll lose Florian in court" 

Parker looked at him silently "....." 

"As you know I'm a drop with a kid and have no financial support other than my parents, previously I had a fiance but called off the wedding due to some differences. You could say I'm the one who gave birth to Florian but not his parents. My boyfriend didn't want him around and my parents didn't want him sullying my life. 

So Florian doesn't know who I am and I didn't help, I thought that it would be better if my fiance got to know him better because I wanted all of us together. He didn't want to raise a kid that wasn't his so I called it off.

Now Florian's father and his family are threatening for custody, angry about my break up. My parents refused to help. I'm single drop and don't have a job so how am I supposed to fight against mid class people?" 

He took a deep breath and continued, "I don't want to lose him, I have no right to say this after neglecting him but  before I let him go I want to have these last months together. So Parker, can you teach me how to be a good mother?"

Parker was silent; he didn't know what to say.


James looked at the doctor then at her round stomach.

"You can rub I when your done" she smiled 

"No- okay" 

He looked at the doctor who could feel his anticipating stare.

"I know you're excited for the baby Mr. Johnson but you must be patient" the doctor chucked 

That was not what he was antsy about, it's about whether the baby was his or not. They hadn't even have sex in what 3 o 2 years? She claims it is insemination. 

To think she actually used his sperm to impress her family but he did tell her she could do whatever she wanted. 

He just hoped that this all worked out in the end because he doesn't want to hurt anymore.

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