chapter 52

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Christmas was closing in and everyone was excited, Deborah just sat in the swing under the tree outside sadly slowly swinging.

Chelsie who was looking for her came and find her seeing her so sad she puffed, she then rushed behind her and gently pushed the swing. Deborah snapped out her small depression when she felt something forcing the swing behind her, she looked around to see Chelsie forcing the swing forward.

"What are you doing?" Deborah asked

"Big sister is sad because the swing must be slow right then I'll push it forward" chelsie said determined,

Deborah pupils shrunk for a bit before returning back to normal "No" she answered calmly.

Deborah sighed then picked up the little girl and put her in her lap then gently swing the both of them, chelsie was holding on to the ropes so she won't fall.

"I've received a call from my mother today" Deborah said sadly, "he is not coming, he was with his boyfriend...... playing".

"Then why not let the both them come and play with us?"

"My mother- that man doesn't want to be apart of our family" Deborah said

"Hmp, the Mr. Doesn't want our family well roo bad cause he won't get mommy's cakes!, don't be sad sister Deborah grandma loves grandpa loves you, uncle shawn loves you big brother Roy loves you mommy can make cakes for you and asked daddy for toys and he'll give you" she said.

Deborah looked at her, she can see why parker would shower her with loves and kisses even she now wants the urge to spoil her, Deborah frowns then she stop the swing and leans in and kissed chelsie's baby cheeks.

"Chelsea I'm sorry" Deborah said sincerely

Chelsie smiled widely.

"Now it's time to apologize to grandma, he is really sad when you're mean to also mommy he is scary when mad"

"And sassy too, I don't understand how you came from that type of person" Deborah said.

"Big sister Deborah I'll be sleeping with you or Roy the rest of the holidays I want mommy and daddy to make a little brother or sister!" Chelsie declares. "Chelsie will be a brave girl".

Deborah just spent the rest of their time listening to the chatters of chelsie while swinging.

Soon the big day came Christmas eve...

The dinner table was filled with all kinds of pastries and food the big golden Turkey laid in the center while punch, fruit cake, Christmas cake, Christmas cookies and even cupcakes. Their where all different types of food this was very excessive but all loved it anyway soon all sat around the table saying prayers and thank yous, the joyful moment could not be ruined Royce and Drake took pictures from time to many took turns.

"I want to come again next Christmas!"

"Yeah!, so much food!" Roy yelled

Everyone laughed at the innocent remarks of the children but agreed in their hearts, it was sad that they had to leave in 2 days they wish this day would never end. After dinner it was time to sit down and all watch a Christmas movie but before that Deborah had requested a moment of their time then turned on a slideshow she created on her computer.

"I'd like to say,  Dennis I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I was rude and mean to you, I'm sorry that I was disrespectful to you. The truth is you are a great person and a wonderful mother, when I was a kid and even now you were there for me and stuck by even when I treated you badly, you never turn your bad or abandoned me and for that I'm grateful" she said sincerely.

Watching the slideshow with all of them as a family Dennis felt his heart warmed and he looked at Royce who kissed his temple and rubbed his shoulder, he then open his arms. Deborah then went up to him and hug him.

"Silly child, your my little baby girl" Dennis then kissed his forehead. "But don't think your off hook it's Christmas I can't ruin the holiday and a good mood now, it's time I teach you manners young lady" Dennis said.

Deborah frowns but then smiled "yes, mom"

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