chapter 94

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Parker was sitting on the hospital bed breathing slowly, Drake was beside him holding his hand. Drake could feel the tightness of Parker's grip, he looked at him slowly speaking.


Parker inhales 


Parker exhales, this was something Drake had read upon late nights so he can be of some help during the labor process. First stage: is when your uterus starts to contract and then relax. These contractions help to thin and open your cervix.

Drake knows he needs to be strong so that he can't panic because he is at a sensitive period in time where he needs to remain calm and not panic.

"Hic! It hurts please it hurts" parker pleaded 

His hand was trembling, he had a feeling it would be painful but he couldn't even comprehend what his feeling now, being pregnant was hard in itself. Morning sickness, fatigue, hormones, swelling, the baby stiffening in his stomach not to mention kicking so many struggles he couldn't couldn't list them all. The baby was a troublesome one, but even with all the preparations he still couldn't prepare himself enough for this.

Even looked up exercises for these things: yoga and deep squats. He is prepared for them.

They even looked up natural ways to induce labor; 

Nipple stimulation 
Castor oil
Spicy foods 

After about 3 hours of contraction it was time to deliver the baby, Drake with the instruction of the doctor gently held one of Parker's hands and rested the other on his back. 

"Ugghhhhhhhh *huff*huff* ugghhhhhh" 

"Sir I'm gonna need you to push harder" 

Parker clenched tightly on to Drake's hand as he made another effort to push his hardest.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh! Ha ha ha, Ughhhhhhhh" 

Drake clenched his teeth as he felt Parker's tight grip on to his hand, beads of sweats trickled down his face, making it glistens.

"Ughhhhhhhhh- ack! I can't, I can't, I can't it's hard" Parker cried

"Sir you have to push" 

"I can't, I can't anymore" he shakes his head in refusal 

"Please parker you need to do this" Drake said 

"I can't Drake, I just can't" parker sweats 

"Please for us, for you, for our baby, what about Chelsie c'mon love you got to do this. I'm right here with you. Think about when little heaven is born grow up call you mommy play with you" 

Parker though in pain chuckled, "I hope he becomes a lot like his dad" 

"If he has a cool mom like you" 

Parker then clenched on tighter to his 
hand, "Ughhhhhhhhh! Ughhhhhhhhh!"

Parker was extremely tired but he was trying his best, pushing as hard as he can. Chelsie was waiting outside with William playing uno. 

It was a long time past before 

"Waahhh, waaaahh, waaah" 

The doctor wrapped the baby in a white blanket then passed it to the sweaty and tired parker. The doctor looked at the two couple as they laughed seeing their baby.

"Hehehe, his so red" parker's tirely said 

"And small, hey little guy. You know you were real trouble to mommy right?" 

Drake put his finger in the baby's palm where gripped on to it, "mighty grip there" 

Parker smiled when he heard the cooing sounds of the baby, the baby slowly open his eyes and there it was his favorite deep ocean blue eyes. 

He smiled then hand the baby Drake, parker was so tired he needed some rest.

"You do the rest, I need some sleep" 

Drake nods and looked at there baby boy.


Ling was helping James clear out his old home, years worth of trauma is un thos place. His gonna sell it and move on from the past, Ling stumble upon a photo collection and decided to look through it, it shows the happy life of the first 3 years in the marriage. 

He relies that their family was just destined for dark past. He close the book closing that dark chapter in his life and Hope's his sister could do the same.


Clarice sat on the bridge railing with an ash jar in her had a soldier toy and also a bottle of liquor resting on the railing. Her once tall hair is now a messy bob cut, it flutters through the wind as it blows.

She open took the bottle of liquor and chug it down as tears fell from her eyes. She looked at the necklace from her first love the toy soldier from her and the ashes of the son she never met. She can say the least now is that too tired to continue anymore.

She relaxes her body and let it collapses from to the other side of the bridge.


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