chapter 36

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One month later....

"Hey teach your kid manners!" A woman yelled

"Your one to talk, your kid started it first!" Louis yelled back

Louis was in the park having a normal outing with his kids and parker and chelsie.

They cousin where playing normal with a water gun when some kid bumped into lorrie and didn't apologize, when lorrie told him to apologize and he didn't, lorrie just sprayed him with the water gun getting the attention of the mother.

The mother tried to scold lorrie but lorrie who had the attitude of his mother made monkey faces at her upsetting her more, while Louis laughed in a corner but when she hit lorrie, Theo sprayed water on her and Louis stepped in. And that was how the situation got to this.

"My son was only passing and your child was in the way!" She yelled justifying her son

"This is an open park their is no 'way', your kid just doesn't know when his wrong just like his mother!" Louis retorts back.

"Do you think because you're pregnant you are entitled!" She yelled that

"So your bringing my pregnancy in a conversation that typically has nothing to do with it, such a lame backfire" he said

Parker furrows his eyebrows Louis is pregnant he can't stress himself too much it's not good for the baby especially when so close to the delivery time, so he got up then went into the conversation.

"Ma'am if your son just apologizes for bumping into him this matter will be resolved easily" parker cuts in

"Who are you?!" She asked upset.

"I'm a relative and your really disturbing the surrounding people" parker said as if dealing with a customer,

"What fuck are you! Stay out of this!" She yelled

"Ma'am I cannot please excuse"

"You are siding with them this is bullying, look everyone these entitled people are bullying us"

The crowd was gathering as she yelled parker just took Louis arm ready to leave.

"They're leaving! They can't face me so their leaving! Hey! Get back here!"

The lady grabbed parker's shoulder but he slapped her hand off and glared at her, she didn't take the hint and approaches closer when suddenly Louis crouches down.


"Urgh, I don't feel do good" Louis stooped down

Soon they saw that Louis pants were beginning to soak so parker immediately grabbed for phone to call the ambulance.

"Calm down Louis!, go sit down near a bench right there" parker said in a panic

"What are you so in a panic about I'm fine, I don't feel any contraction yet so I'm not in any pain" Louis said calmly.

Louis sat on the bench breathing softly while they wait for the ambulance.

"Is mom alright?" Theo said

"Mom is leaking"

Louis smiled then kissed both their cheeks.

"It's okay it's just your little sibling in on the way" Louis reassures them calmly

The ambulance was taking it's sweet time and Louis face didn't look pleasant, parker took out a piece of pamphlet to mean while fan the sweat Louis while he tried to look as calm as possible.

"Hey, parker?" Louis said slowly


"Can .... can you call sharon?"

"I already did his heading over here immediately" parker said

"Good cause I don't think I ca- urgh!"

Louis scorch down holding his stomach, he was trembling and parker hold his hand the kids where starting to cry at the way their mother seemed to be in pain.

"Parker" a soft gently tone call forth

Parker looked a side to see a man stooped down with a bouquet in hand and smiling brightly.

"I've longed to see you, my love"

Parker then looked aside at him bewildered and could only wonder

'Who?...... who is this man?.... was this some type of sick twisted joke or something?"

Parker barely spared two glances after the ambulance came and took them away. Luther frowns as he looks at the ambulance that drove away with his beloved parker.

Luther was planning this special day for his love but it was ruin now he must try again.

"Parker who was THAT!!" Louis yelled

"I don't know, some looney I guess?" Parker answered.

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