chapter 22

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The alarm clock went off Ray got off the bed tired he barely got any sleep last night.

He looked over on the side of the bed to see that Taylor has to wake up.

"Taylor" he said in a hush tone "Taylor time wake up" he gently shoving him awake.

Taylor only mumbled brushing him off, Ray frowns seeing that Taylor refused to get up this was strange but he didn't preach on and got up.

Ray went to get a shower, when he came back in the bed room he let out a sigh of relief seeing Taylor was not there thinking his going to prepare Jordan for school.

After getting ready he went to the kitchen to see that breakfast wasn't ready and Taylor was not there.

"W-what is he doing?" Ray asked angry and confused

He walked to the living room to see Taylor there sitting in the sofa playing games and eating cereals.

"Hell?! What are you doing?!" He asked flabbergasted

Taylor looked up at him for a moment then look down plugging in his earphone and putting it in his ear. Ray mouth was wide open Taylor just ignored him straight to his face, what was going on with him.

"Taylor! Taylor! Hey I'm speaking to you!"

Ray was now shaking Taylor not aggressively but enough to try an get his attention, but Taylor's eyes didn't move from his phone only turning up the volume.

Seeing time was passing by Ray had to take things into his own hands. And try to prepare the kids.

"No!, It's not turtle Tuesday!" Jordan yelled

"Come on Jordan I'm going to be late"

Ray was trying to convince the half dry kid who was crossing his arms and throwing a tantrum.

"No! No! No! I don't want to it's not turtle Tuesday!" The child yelled on repeat.

Jordan stomped his feet on repeat creating so much noise that he woke Railey up.

"Urgh! Fine damn it you leave me no choice!" He said super angry

Ray grabbed the child trying to force the underwear on.

"No! No! No! Not turtle Tuesday!"

The child kept kicking and fighting unwilling to comply with Ray's demands. It Taylor was at the side of the room videoing his husband struggling with the child to get him wear his underwear.

It was late after 10 AM before Ray confused get everything done, not only did he had to fight the child to where his clothes but he had to do so with his breakfast because the time was going he just gave him cereal he couldn't even give the child a proper lunch. And what was Taylor doing this whole time nothing.

Even when the child threw the plate off the table Taylor did not budge Ray had no idea their son had such a temper, it makes him question how the hell did Taylor do it?.  Not to mention Railey he had to change his shirt because Railey had puked on him making his shirt smell like baby vomit not to mention her messing him up with her baby food. Ray was already exhausted and didn't start work yet.

Ray waits for Taylor to send him with usual 'I love you', but 10 minutes gone by and he didn't come not being able to wait any longer he drove off upset.

Parker and chelsie was now in the living room stretching both mother and daughter did a lot together it made parker sad that his little angel will soon have to return to school and leave him here alone. Parker had gotten so used being a family that he felt as though his been with them since the beginning.

On the week days it was mostly chelsie and him since Drake had to go to work but on weekends they did things together like play or watch family movies together, the end of this week they will be going to the amusement park and enjoy a family outing as usual.

"Bend to the side" the man on the TV said,

The two simultaneously followed what the man said bending at the side William who just came in smiled seeing the two he didn't disturb them and just place down the refreshments.

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