chapter 12

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Parker was sitting on the bed corner playing with chelsie as the tube in her leaked some medicine through her vein.



"Will you cook for me every day?" She asked sweetly

"Not every day but most of the time" parker smiled



"Can I sleep with you and daddy I don't want the monster come get me" her dozy eyes said

"What monster?"

"The monster that wants to take chelsie away from mommy and daddy" chelsie blinked slowly

"If so then mommy and daddy will protect you in our arm" parker said.



"I'm sleepy *yawn* whenever I come here and they do this I'm always sleepy daddy is always next to me when I fall asleep so will you stay after I wake up," her milky tone was getting softer as she blinks.

"How about you and mommy sleep together then?" Parker suggested whole heartedly


Soon the little angel couldn't keep her eyes open anymore and fell asleep. Parker looked at her sleeping peacefully, he brushed his hand through hair a couple of times before hugging her and falling asleep.

It was break time Drake just got off the phone with parker and chelsie and returning to the office to have lunch that his wife prepared for him. As he turned to walk someone bumped into him with their smoothie.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry! That's gonna leave a stain" Lohan said in seductive yet panic tone. "Let me clean that"

Drake frowns when the person start to brush it making even more messy.

"Stop it, I'll deal with it on my own" he frowns

He moved away hands then walks away.

"I'm very sorry boss" he said nervously

Drake just continues walking away, who bumps into each other in an open hall?. Drake is not stupid his seen this trick one too many times to think this is a coincidence. But that fello was the little brother of a friend he can't fire him.

Drake went to his office and took up his office phone.

"Stacy bring me a new shirt and jacket"

Drake looked at his table to see a photo of chelsie and smiled he should have one of parker or maybe the all of them in general.

Chelsie's chemotherapy was done for the day or ever but the little angel was still sleepy.

"You've been a good and brave girl chelsie here is a lollipop" the doctor offers.

"T~hank *yawn* you doctor"

Parker smiled at the cuteness of the little angel. She took the candy and rub her sleepy eyes.

"Thank you doctor"

"Even if her chemo is finish you should still bring her for check ups" the doctor informs him

"Yes, I understand doctor" he answered firmly.

After saying their goodbyes parker was walking to exist the hospital when he met into.

"L-lenora?!" Parker exclaimed

"Parker?!" She exclaimed

Chelsie moaned at the loudness of the 2 people, parker seeing that he disturb her gently placed her head back on his shoulder then hush her and looked back at Lenora; who was in a state of shock.

Parker was treating chelsie tenderly she was his cousin and she heard a lot from parker's sister on how parker treated his family she even witness it herself, but seeing parker now she could barely believe her own eyes.

"Parker?" She questioned

"Hey Lenora, how is the family?" He asked nicely

'Who the hell is this?!' She screamed internally

"Everyone is fine ..... and you?"

"We are fine, um tell everyone I said hello" he said politely

Lenora was speechless. Parker was being polite he even dressed modestly, lenora felt like she was looking a stranger and not her own cousin.

"Chelsie is sleeping, I must get going goodbye" parker said feeling that this was too awkward,

"Um...... yeah ..goodbye"

She gently waved at him.

He left outside to where Drake picked them up by the lemo. Drake kissed the sleeping chelsie on her forehead then gently placed her in the seat locking her in careful not wake her. Parker gently closed the car door smiling at Drake.

"How's your day?" Parker asked in a pleasant mood

Parker then looked at his shirt and jacket that wasn't what he was wearing.

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