chapter 75

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Drake looked at Parker who was passed out cold in his arms, after rewatching some tragic movies then poured out all his emotions cursing at Rose from Titanic he became exhausted and fell asleep in his embrace. 

Drake was Exhausted and burned out. He looked at the large empty ice-cream bowl, spicy food and all you can eat dessert. He could swear with this amount of food here could stop world hunger. He picked up parker gently from the sofa carefully.

'Wow, he put on a lot weight' 

Drake didn't dare say this out, even if parker was asleep he doesn't want parker giving him another lecture, he was in a sensitive mood now that he was pregnant so he has to be on thin ice with his actions. 

After gently resting his beloved wife on the bed he gave him a good night kiss on the lip, and was about to go to bed when he heard.


He looked to the door to see his sweet baby girl crying while rubbing her eyes, he softens then went over and picked her up.

"What's wrong angel?" Drake asked softly

He went over to sit in the sofa while holding her favorite stuff animal bun bun.

"Chelsie had a bad dream a very bad bad dream *hic*" 

He hold her and gently rocked her softly, "can you tell daddy about it so he can make it better?" 

"Chelsie dreamt that daddy was sad and was going to leave mommy *hic*hic* then mommy's belly popped *hic*hic* and mommy was gone" 

She clenched on to Drake, it sounds like a very tramatic dream especially for a 5 year old who doesn't understand any of anything. He hushed her gently.

"That's only a bad dream, daddy is not sad daddy is very much happy. He has mommy and his little angel" 

He kissed her forehead gently, "really?" 

"Yes, now. Hush, little angel don't say a word
Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird
… And if that mocking bird don't sing
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring
… And if that diamond ring is brass
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass

Dream looks down at his daughter, he smiles it gets her everytime she was clutching on to his shirt while sucking her thumb something she didn't do since the surgery. Drake was really in love with his daughter he couldn't really see himself with this small bundle of joy in his life. 

When she was sick, he was really devastated and feared he might lose her it was sort of an eye opener for him to not keep Parker's toxic behavior towards her around. He didn't stick around Parker much and the relationship was strained, he realized he couldn't wait for Parker to come around cause truly he felt that he wouldn't and his behaviour towards their daughter was too much. 

But now he changed and their daughter is finally happy, but every now and then this thought that he hate keeps popping up. What would he have done if he had lost his daughter to leukemia? 

His arms tensed up, and he looked at his daughter teary eyed and kissed her on the forehead. He doesn't want to acknowledge that answer he doesn't want to know nor answer. 

He got up and slowly walked to the bed he gently rest her next to parker where she spread out like it was her own, she was a bit of a careless sleeper he went in next and lie down taking one last look at them smiling before dozing off once more.


James was now cleaning the apartment with Ling.

Ling felt embarrassed and bad that he allowed a guest to clean his dirty apartment he was used to room services and so on cooking and baking was something he learned from his father and brother and something he'd do with his mother and sister. Sometimes they all do food fights.

So cooking and baking was the only thing he was truly good at in the domestic house wife department. Looking for the full package wrong house can't clean very messy and unhealthy.

"Wow everywhere except the kitchen is a mess" James said awkwardly he wasn't judging he just found it fascinating.

Ling pouts, "hey the kitchen is the most sacred place in the room and myst be clean at all time" he said.

"I see, you seems to love the kitchen" he smiled 

Ling looked aside, "yeah, it holds memories plus dear friend and I have that in common among other things" 

"I don't know how to cook, would you teach me some day?" He smiled at Ling 

Ling looked aside with blush at the hedge of his cheek."s-sure, you can invite your wife too hehe" he said awkwardly 

James frowns and breathe, "so you'll be leaving tomorrow?" 

"Yeah not very early though, I'm nervous" 

James walked up to him and push up his chin. "Don't be remember what you said to me you are what you want to be and I'm sure you don't want to be nervous" he said leaning on the broom.

"Wow, James your really nice and supportive. Your wife should treasure a man like you" he whispered the last sentence

Ling should really distance himself from James it's only making his feelings more complicated, James is his sister husband not only that they are expecting a child. James love children he doesn't want to get pregnant he'd adopt any day. But people in high society doesn't really value no blood no inheritance. 

He doesn't want to cost him grief, but yet why doesn't he push him away?.

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