Chapter 11

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Parker smiled he just finished packing everyone's lunch he chelsie and Drake just entered the lemo.

"Daddy I have 10 fingers" she said showing them

She was bored sitting in complete silence.

"No you have 8 fingers" Drake said

She tilts her head


Drake took her fingers and placed it down.

"You have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs" Drake said

Chelsie gave a shocked expression, parker chuckled at her cute behavior.

"If so then does that means chelsie has 8 toes?"

Parker smiled as he looked at her.

"Yes, and you have 2 hallux"

"Is that what my big thumb for my feet is called?"


"Okay so does daddy has it too?"


Drake showed her his two thumbs. The played with her thumbs with his, parker smiled at their cute interactions.

"Mommy my thumbs"

She showed her thumbs grinning, parker smiled showing his thumb.

"Yes, mommy has it too" parker laughed

Chelsie looked at parker's then back her's then look Drake and back at her's she pouted.

"Hmm? Something wrong?"

"Mommy has bigger thumbs that I" she pouts

"Yes because mommy is older" he answer

"So when I get older my thumbs will be bigger?" the milk voice child asked



Drake smiled at the interaction of the mother and daughter. He liked that parker turned over a new leaf and hope he stays like this.

He saw how much brighter their daughter is now that parker was playing his part. Soon they reached the private hospital where Drake dropped them off.

"Daddy kisses"

Drake chuckled kissing her cheek then her forehead.

"Kisses be a little angel" drake said

"I will" she giggles

Drake looked at parker.

"Stay with her, this will be her last time and then after sometime she can return to school"

"I will" parker said sternly

"Mommy let's go! Bun bun we are going to be brave together" she said making a funny serious face.

Parker looked at the precious thing only 4 and already went through a life threatening situation. Drake saw parker's guilty stare then pull him closer.

"Your making an effort now even if your late just don't stray back to your old ways" drake said .

Parker blushed at the closeness of their faces and avoided eye contact, chelsie slowly appeared in the background.

"Are you going to kiss?" Her milky voice asked

Parker looked at her blushing then wave.

"No, no, angel" he said frantically

"But daddy gave chel chel goodbye kisses why didn't mommy get any?" She tilt her head confused.

"Mommy don't need kisses mommy is fi-"

Drake kissed parker on the cheek.

"There mommy got his goodbye kiss"

"Yay! Mommy got her kiss now let's get going" she yelled

Parker was still stunned a bit from the kiss from the kiss, drake pulled him closer and whispered in his ear.

"Why such a big reaction not like we haven't done more" Drake whispered.

Parker was flustered he wanted to we haven't but then again his gonna of to since he is in parker's body.

'But why is this man's voice so damn hot?!'

Parker cleared his mind and voice.

"She is present, I never expected you to" parker explained

"It's a harmless kiss, not a full out French kiss now that word be different" he said

Parker think his right he didn't need to be worried he looked at his innocent daughter who was talking with bun bun, he looked back at Drake and nods.

"Yes, I understand, we should get going"

Drake nods then wave at them as the two leave and enter the hospital.

Parker checked with the lady at the front desk then she told them to head in after checking with the doctor.

"Okay Mr- parker?! I mean Mr Faulkmoore"

It was something new to the doctor's eyes, while the doctor knew Drake and parker since he was the one to do chelsie's chemotherapy.

He knew parker didn't really care about their child since he sometimes heard them over the phone, but seeing him now maybe he was wrong and just jumped to baseless accusations.

"Hello doctor" parker said awkwardly

"Hello chelsie"

"Hello doctor, I be a brave and good girl today" she said confidently

The doctor chuckled then patted her head.

"Aren't you always"

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