chapter 44

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Dennis held the bridge of his nose, he turned heading towards the stairs. But Deborah came in front him.

"What are you talking about Dennis?,  mom left because you had an Affair with dad you seduce and ruin his life"

Dennis was confused he turned to shawn.

"Is this what he told you guys?" Dennis asked shawn

"Something like that I guess" shawn answered.

Dennis frowns upset.

"I did not had any affair with your dad" Dennis said

"Ofcourse you'd deny it, your so desperate for dad you even made him ban us from calling mom" she said.

Dennis looked at the little girl.

"I didn't have an Affair with your dad" he said

"Then why did you try buttering us up during their marriage, why did dad always left us simple because of you"

Shawn frowns.

"Deborah, your mom was a fucking drug addict. You think Royce would want his kids around that type of person" Dennis bluntly said raising a brow

"No! Don't insult mom!"

Dennis looks at her he didn't remove eyes from her it was best not to keep this little girl in dark.

"No, she was doing drugs a lot even. Often times left you guys alone in the house, until you got that burn on your foot that was due to him leaving you to buy drugs. I took care of you guys cause I was generally worried and not because your dad if I was being honest I kinda hated him back then" Dennis said.

7 years ago Dennis didn't live in this house he lived in a simple apartment, not because he didn't have the money but simply because he wanted to. Back then he was working as an illustrator and designer. Dennis needed total concentration to work but their was this annoying set of neighbors recently started to fight on the constant rampage, always never stopping for a second.

They were an annoyance to all the neighborhood, then one day Dennis found a baby and little girl at his doorstep. He had taken care of the little girl since non of the parents where anywhere to be found, as someone who generally can't have kids it was a surprise to have to take care of a baby and a little toddler.

That evening when the father came home Dennis had argued with and it was then he found out the situation, the mother recently has been taking drugs turns out that evening that evening the mother had gain access to the hidden bank account and ran off with their money leaving behind papers that Royce paid for.

Royce was behind on rent and the recent issue at his home that caused him of to take care of the kids personally, then he had to go back and forth between each ended up in him being fired.  To put it in simplest term Royce was at his lowest.

Dennis was a very understanding person and didn't have much to do himself so he gave an aiding hand to Royce, he made him stayed in his apartment with the kids. Because Drake was rich and company had branch he used his link and had Royce get a job where he worked hard.

Royce didn't take Dennis kindness for granted and when he had the chance he held out as best he could, there livelihood had stabilized and before they knew it shawn Deborah and Roy who was just a baby saw Dennis as their mother.

Dennis too had grown to love them as his own, and he and Royce fallen hard for each other and 2 years later they had gotten married. As a gift and to make up for not being there because of a complicated situation that happened with parker (parker was in prison while being pregnant), he couldn't make it.

Around this time Deborah's mother had unknowingly to Royce and Dennis approached Deborah telling her all sorts of lies, when Dennis found out he had her cut off contact putting a restraining order on her but the damage was already done.

Deborah believe that her dad had an Affair and chase away their mother and Dennis was a horrible person.

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