chapter 43

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Drake was now in sofa trying to get chelsie to calm down but he had no luck so for the little girl wouldn't stop crying, Deborah was in the sofa as Drake didn't allow her to leave.

Drake when first got here didn't care much about as she was just entering teen hood and they naturally had attitude around these times but never expected her to go overboard, she may not think it's a serious matter but it is. Chelsie is only 4 and can't really tell the difference between fake and real, children generally believes anything and chelsie is just a toddler still technically a baby.

Dennis and parker just entered the house laughing they took off their coats and scarf as it is warm inside. As they removed their gloves and entered the living room both furrow at the tension in the room, parker looked at his baby girl who was being hushed within Drake's lap as he gently patted her back.

"What's going on?" Parker asked probably not liking what's his about to hear

Hearing parker's voice chelsie got up immediately and started stretching for him.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Parker Walked up to her picking her up.

"What's the matter angel mommy's here"

Soon shawn walked in while texting with a candy cane in his mouth, immediately she panicked.

"Bad candy, it's bad candy don't eat it. It'll make uncle sick!" Chelsie panics shouting.

"Bad candy?" Parker asked confused

"Oh it's that funny scene where the man was given poison candy and he started to puke his guts out then Santa ghost pops out and ROAR!"

Chelsie screamed and hide inside parker's chest, he looked at Drake who was looking too angry for words to be more specific; If he talks he might start shouting.

"Deborah, what did you do?" Dennis asked worried

"Why is everyone so worried Pssh, fine. Little chelsie watched a Christmas movie with me" she smiled proudly. "To be more specific "Santa's Night Out" it was great"

(A/n: I just made a random name out doesn't fit a horror movie name)

"YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" Parker didn't hold back "a four fucking year old!"

"Parker, parker, children, chil-dren" Dennis tried to calm him down

"Don't calm me aunty! You just heard what she did!!, my four year old baby girl. Do you give her access to these kinds of movies? None of it's content or fit for children sex violence horror are you kidding me?" He shouts.

Ofcourse Dennis blocked all those types his not sure how she got access but he needs to calm parker down.

"Parker let's talk this over" he said worried

"Talk what over?!, look at her aunty! look at my daughter!"

Dennis looked at chelsie who was wearing a terrified expression while clutching tightly on to parker, there was no excuse to dismiss Deborah's behavior chelsie was terrified traumatized if you like to call it.

"Your daughter is just a little coward" Deborah said

"Is this what I'm going to have deal with this whole Christmas?, cause I'm not feeling it's a safe place for my little girl!" Parker yelled

"Parker I'm sorry, this won't happen again I swear" Dennis promised.

Deborah smiled seeing the chaos between parker and Dennis, shawn had to hide the candy as to not frighten the little girl anymore. What his sister did was wrong and he felt pity seeing the sweet girl like this Drake didn't say anything, seeing that this was going no where he got up.

"Ma I'm sorry but I don't think we can stay over for Christmas, I don't think my daughter is comfortable" Drake said

Dennis frowns upset he was looking forward to having them here happily as one big family, but now it was ruined. Seeing Dennis misty eyes shawn glared at Deborah who was without regret.

"Drake, please I promise it won't happen again" he said in a begging tone

"Why are you stopping them if they want to leave let the-"

"SHUT UP!, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Dennis yelled in frustration. "This is why your fucking mother abandoned you!" Dennis yelled at her.

"W-what?!" She asked in bewilderment.

Dennis heaved a sigh.

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