chapter 93

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Parker pouts he is planning on visiting Drake with lunch today, can't sit at home all day eating away at his hormones grieving over how big he is and wonders what new Mistress will spark Drake's interest Yeah the usual stuff.

"Bringing daddy his lunch!" Chelsie cheered

Chelsie smiled happily holding Parker's hand, once he entered and stated who they were they guided him to the elevator. Once they reach the top floor Parker dismisses her with a thank you. 

Walking now holding chelsie's hand the employees looked at him wondering who he was. 

"Who's wife is that? His so pretty" 

Looking at his soft Lavender blue color hair that was slightly wavy and dropped to his neck, that long lashes that cast over his beautiful unique periwinkle eyes that looked so glossy and shiny. There was a beautiful mole under the right eye that made his face look more tempting as they're eyes chased down to his luscious soft pink lips that were so begging to be kissed. 

They saw that he was pregnant and with a little girl who was almost identical to him but had lighter feathers. She looked like something that was heaven sent. The two beautiful people who ever this person came to must be the luckiest man in the world, they could even smell the fresh milky pastry scent coming from him, refreshing the entire open space. 

Lohan didn't like the attention this person was bringing. It was annoying, he got up put on a pretense smiled then walked up to parker. 

"Excuse but do you need something?" He asked softly 

"No, I only came here to visit my husband" parker said 

"I'm sorry sir but unauthorized visits is not allowed" Lohan pouts 

"Is this a hospital or prison? Can't a wife visit his human to give him a good meal" Parker looked blankly at him 

"Eh- I'm sorry sir but I don't think our boss will appreciate you distracting our employees" Lohan said 

Parker tilted his head and his hair shoft a side fluttering making the hearts of many flutters; all genders alike. 

"I don't see a problem besides it's close to lunch which is no problems all things considered"  parker said blankly 

"Yeah, Lohan, there is no problem, let him visit his human can't you see his pregnant are you really gonna make him go back like that? It must have been hard for him the whole journey here" and employee said 

"My sister told me it was very tiring to move around when pregnant, and your ankles are easily swollen for him to turn a pregnant ger away so easily" another said 

"Please his only like this because the boss is close friends with his brother" 

Parker looked at Lohan and tilted his head, "your brother is a friend of the boss?" 

Lohan although hating the people who are bad mouthing him looked at parker with a smile, "yes, we are also very close planning on going on a date next week" 

Lohan flaunted at Parker to mark who has the authority, Lohan glared at the employees. This was the first their hearing of this because the boss had next to no forms of relations to his employees except work and he never think of anything other than going home so Lohan revealing to be a Mistress was big news 

"A date huh?.... may ask you what you think you'll gain from telling me this?" 


"Question, who do you think you're talking to?" Parker's tone was flat 

Lohan felt wary at the sudden change in tone, soon Drake came out and chelsie smiled running to him. He picked her up smiling and gave her a kiss


"Hey angel" 

All the employees automatically thought the same thing.

'Oh shit!'

They all looked at Lohan in feeling pity for the stupid fool, parker then turns to Drake.


"Yes? Are you okay?"

"This person, do you know him?" 

Drake looked at him, it took him scraping at the back of his head to try and remember then hit him.

"He's …. Wolverine, no I mean Logan!" 

"Um… It's Lohan sir" Lohan said sheepishly

"Yeah that" Drake said coldly

The people looked at him, Lohan thinking Lohan probably wanted to dig a whole now.

Parker smile at Lohan, "Logan maybe you should take an early retirement" 


Parker suddenly felt a slight kick at the bottom of his stomach "ouch!" 

Drake looked at Parker alarmed. 

"Don't worry  I'm ok– ouch!" 

Drake put down Chelsie, "call the ambulance immediately!" 

"Fuck! Is that normal! Ouch!" 

Drake went to gently take Parker  into bridal style where he wrapped his arm around his neck wincing in pain.

"Mommy, daddy?" 

"Everything is ok angel, stacy please take her please" 

He said hurrying to the elevator.

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