Chapter 48.

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"Please leave a message after the beep." The automated voice said; just before the phone recording beeped.

"Hey, Meyers? I mean, Yarah..." Storm said raspily as she recorded herself; then she coughed for a bit into the elbow of her arm, before she continued with hot tears streaming down her cheeks "Uhh- I know that I'll probably get out of here alive or.. I won't..."

"But, I want you to remember that I'll never forget about the time that we spent together, the jokes, the laughter.." Storm exhaled loudly as she laid her head against the wall next to her "I'm sure you're wondering how I look right now and it's not pretty.."

Storm chuckled painfully before she continued "If I knew- If someone had told me about the plan; then- then I'd do everything different and I want you to know it. Everything is temporary and this- this is merely one of those things; though, I- I never tho- thought I'd be the one to hurt you..."

"I don't fall in love with people very often; I just can't believe it was you. Out of everyone; you just had to steal my heart.." Storm continued as she pulled her legs closer to her chest "That's very rude, you know? To steal?"

Clearing her throat as she held her phone closer to her, Storm began blabbering as the fire raged on around her "Did you ever hear of a- an angel called Kynlee? Well... He was sent to Earth b- by his God to kill the person prophesied to bring the end of the world. But.... the angel fell in love with it's target and that- that was not good for business."

"I believe that you and I are merely the reincarnations of Kynlee and his love since our love has always been as doomed as theirs." Storm wiped away her tears as she curled further away from the fire with her body sweating intensely; then she said with a yawn "If I don't make it, I don't want you to remember me; but, I don't want you to forget me.. so please don't."

The young woman's eyes fluttered close as she inhaled a brief breath, let her phone slip from her fingers and laid her head against the heated wall. With tears rolling down her cheeks, Storm began reciting her favorite poem softly as she reminisced "Tonight I've watched.. Tonight I've watched the moon and then the Pleiades go down. The night is now half-gone.."

"Youth goes..."

"Come on, Stormy!!"

Images of her youth flashed in front of her blurry eyes...

"I am in bed alone."

Of her time in the UK.


Of her childhood running in the streets, playing with her cousins, giggling from tickles, simply being and feeling loved.

"Living, we have learnt; can be both sloppy and precise. And so, you choose your careful witness to your silly little life."

Images of Storm with Caspian, Nkosi, Beth, Duncan, Zandile and everyone else that had made her life great.

"You begin to trace each other's journeys, you begin to chart each other's pace. You start to notice all the sweetness and the details of their ways."

Her mind wandered to the night she studied the tiny details on Yarah's face; details that she'd never forget.

"Because loving seeks a language of solace."

Like the tiny beauty mark below the corner of Yarah's left lip, the tiny slit above her right eyebrow and the almost missable bump on the tip of her sharp nose..

"It speaks volumes of tomorrow when you are fluent in forgiveness."

Storm thought back to the times she had unknowingly caused Yarah heartache and how many times the shorter teenager forgave her.

"Sometimes familiar becomes magic."

Yarah's melodic laugh echoed in Storm's mind and caused her stomach to flutter.

"Sometimes magic needs distance."

Storm thought of when she wanted to leave Yarah and how much pain that must've caused her.

"Sometimes space is what shapes it."

Storm began thinking about what could've been.

"And the shape is not instant?"

About how her future could've looked like.

"Sometimes, the horizon's surprising. And the view is worth risking."

Who would've been in her life and who wouldn't.

"And the risk is a wait; but this girl is persistent. Sometimes a future just means that each day is worth finding."

Would she have been married with children? Living a 'normal' life?

"And this is a presence and this moment is shining."

Would she have been with Yarah, single or with another person who showered her with affection and attention?

"Sometimes her prayers are just... soothing."

What would Storm have achieved if she ended up dating Yarah?

"Sometimes her face is just lovely."

Would she be happy?


Would they have years? Or...

"Years; spent searching but sometimes people do get lucky." Storm concluded with a soft sigh.

"Is this the end??" Storm mentally asked herself as her entire body went colder. She swallowed hard as she wiped the sweat dripping from her brows and then she realized that she didn't stop recording herself.

Panicking blindly, Storm hung up her phone and sighed softly.

The beautiful darkness that surrounded her was peaceful.

It calmed Storm.

Her breathing slowed.

Her heart rate slowed.

She smiled to herself.

This darkness that embraced Storm was sweet...



And more than enough to make Storm relax in it's cool embrace.

With one last sigh of relief; Storm let go.

The air slipped from her lungs..

The darkness became constant..

The smoke vanished from around Storm..

And she merely let the world go to nothing.

Love In The Dark.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن