Chapter 6.

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Tommy had been slowly getting more and more annoyed by Yarah's behavior since the morning when he caught her making out with his older sister.

But Yarah was nonchalant about everything.

She simply continued acting out the entire day.

And Tommy couldn't speak out.

He knew this behavior all too well.

Yarah would usually start acting weird when she learnt something private about Storm and she would usually express herself by being moody and unresponsive towards Tommy.

Yarah hissed as she put down the red cup.

She reached out to refill the same cup but Tommy grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away from the bowl of pink liquid. Yarah turned her head to him and he immediately explained before she could speak "We need to talk. You can't simply drink away your problems, Yarah." The shorter teenager scoffed as she jerked away her hand.

Yarah turned back to the punch bowl and wanted to refill her cup.

But Tommy stopped her again.

Tommy held both of Yarah's hands and this just added fuel to fire.

The girl huffed in anger as she glared up at her boyfriend.

"Let me go." Yarah deadpanned but Tommy shook his head.

"Go bother someone else, Thomas." Yarah said with a look of visible annoyance on her face.

Again, Tommy shook his head.

Yarah tried wiggling her wrists free but Tommy wouldn't let go as he said "Yarah, we have to talk and I'm not letting you go until we do."

Then she stomped on his toes and this made Tommy release Yarah's wrists. She faced him and said with her arms crossed "I don't want to fucking talk to you! Okay? Just leave me the hell alone!"

Tommy threatened as she turned back to the punch bowl "If you pour yourself a drink, I swear, Yarah, it's endgame between us!!"

Yarah froze.

"I swear to fucking God, Yarah! We'll never get back together if you pour that drink!!" Tommy reiterated.

Yarah shrugged and said nonchalantly as she reached out to the punch bowl "It's not like we were ever going to work out." She began refilling her cup and this made Tommy roll his eyes in anger then he said "I'm not going to beg you! It's your life after all."

Tommy shook his head as he walked away from Yarah; who gulped down another cup of the heavily spiked drink.

She turned her attention to the whiskeys and filled her cup halfway full with Hennessy before adding some Coke.

As Yarah gulped down the strong tasting liquor, Zoé spotted her and immediately made her way towards her twin.

Yarah and Zoé used to be identical but then they started becoming separate individuals; Yarah became a drama queen with a flair for gymnastics, cheerleading and a wild dating life whilst Zoé became a recluse who loved reading, smoking marijuana and just staying at home. Their looks also changed.

Zoé is a nerdy kind of beautiful. She stood as tall as her somewhat short sister with sunkissed medium bronze skin that was complimented by the deep dimple at the center of her left cheek, her wide and almost upside down triangular smile, unique cognac brown eyes and chestnut brown hair that reached just below her shoulders.

She also had a piercing in her left nostril and her supermodel body rounded out her cute wired aviator reading glasses that she never seemed to take off. Cute in a geeky way.

Zoé said to Yarah as she stepped in front of her "Hey, sis.."

"Where's Tommy?" The slightly younger twin inquired as she glanced around but Yarah snapped and said "Probably somewhere fucking a junior! I honestly don't give a shit! And you shouldn't either because we broke up!!"


"Finally! Not again."

"What do you mean?"

"It's finally over between me and that two pump chump!"

"Oookay.. maybe you should get some fresh air." Zoé suggested as she took away Yarah's empty plastic cup.

The older twin by 5 minutes nodded then she said "I really can't deal with the world right now." Her sister nodded then Yarah spotted a sleek bright red iPhone 13 on the countertop behind Zoé and quickly went to pick it up.

Zoé furrowed her brows as she watched Yarah inspect the phone then they both turned their attention to the message that popped up on the Captain Marvel lockscreen;

Where are you?

Zoé inquired as Yarah locked the phone "Who do you think it belongs to?"

Feigning ignorance, Yarah shrugged then she said as she slipped the phone into her back pocket "I'm sure someone will ask about it.. but for now, I'm going to the back yard to drink away my blues." Zoé nodded as she watched Yarah grab the full bottle of Hennessy before she showed herself out towards the back yard.

The back of the house was also somewhat cramped so Yarah walked over to the treehouse that stood proudly near the end of the yard and climbed up the rope ladder.

When she got inside the treehouse, Yarah walked over to the small balcony and sat down with her feet hanging over the railing. She took a huge gulp of the Hennessy before she hissed.

Her ears and throat were on fire but it didn't stop Yarah as she took more and more gulps from the bottle of liquor.

Suddenly, she watched Frankie and Jared call after her as they walked around the backyard.

Giggling quietly and mischievously, Yarah simply watched the young men search for her for a few brief minutes before they returned to the house.

With the music sounding slightly distant and the alcohol starting to effect her, Yarah took out the phone and turned it on.

Knowing that the phone was Storm's, Yarah decided to turn the phone on and off just to look at the different lesbian wallpapers that varied from older women to young adults and even fanart. Each one just made Yarah calm down and blush since she knew that Storm definitely would like such stuff but then the phone vibrated...

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