Chapter 33.

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Yarah and Zoé sat in silence on the front stairway of their house.

The twins sat silently.

Neither of them knew what to say.

"What now?" The younger twin finally asked as she looked at her sister.

Yarah shrugged as she stared straight in front of her then Zoé said as she placed her hand on her twin's shoulder "Well, you've gotten yourself into a shitty situation that only you can fix..." Zoé rose to her feet and continued "I'm sure you'll figure something out."

The younger twin flicked away the butt of her marijuana blunt, walked up the short flight of stairs and said as she reached out to the handle of the front door "And if you ever need nothing; I'm always here for you." Yarah rolled her eyes as her younger sister walked into the house then the older teenager returned to her thoughts of Storm.

What was this adorable human being doing to Yarah?

Their relationship is doomed yet it seems right!

This was not right!!!

"Yarah? You've gotta come inside or you'll get cold." A voice said from behind Yarah and gained her attention so she turned to look at the figure from over her shoulder.

Zoé stood in the doorway while leaning against the frame with her arms crossed in front of her chest and a small smile on her face. "Come on.. We'll talk about your feelings and shit." Zoé said with a fake shiver then she sighed loudly and waited.

Yarah didn't move.

The older teenager sat still and stared at the dark road in front of her; ignoring her twin sister.

Feeling rather annoyed with her twin; Zoé stepped over to Yarah, grabbed the older teenager by the hair and pulled her to her feet.

Yarah used both of her hands as she rose to her feet and tried loosening Zoe's grip; then she stood upright and smacked away her twin's hand.

"I'm not going to allow you to sit and sulk around! You're my twin sister and whatever you go through; I go through."


"I don't care, Yarah. We're going inside and then we're going to talk."

"But I don't want to!"

"I don't care about what you want, Yarah! It's about what you need!!" Zoé snapped in anger.

The younger twin's words seeped into her sister's mind as she took her hand and dragged her into the front entrance of their home.

The Meyers home was a beautiful 5 bedroomed house with 3½ bathrooms, an open floor plan that had cream tiles flowing throughout the entire dove grey walled home. Family pictures, light modern furniture, advanced appliances and abstract art made this house a home for; Yarah, Zoé, their younger sister, grandmother and mother.

The twins lived with their younger sister; Aziza, their mother; Ivory, and their rather blunt grandmother; Ursula. The oestrogen filled household was bound together by an undying loyalty between the female occupants.

Zoé dragged Yarah up the flight of stairs that stood near the entrance of the house.

The twins had separate bedrooms and Yarah's was much more.... nerdy. She had a canopied queen sized bed against the wall on the left side of the light wood bedroom door, a fairly large reading nook directly across the door, a sizeable wooden vanity right next to the door and then there's the three large bright red bean bags on the ground that faced the flatscreen TV that hung on the wall.

There are two doors flanking the TV and the one on the left lead to a pretty large bathroom; whereas, the other lead to the sizeable walk-in closet that the twins shared. The room had light grey walls that was complimented by the fairy lights that lined the roof, the full body mirror that stood at the feet of Yarah's bed, the two wooden dressers that flanked her bed and the framed abstract inspirational quotes that hung across the room.

The pair walked into the bedroom and Zoé closed the door behind them before she forced Yarah over to the bean bags on the floor.

Yarah was forcibly plopped down by Zoé before the younger twin sat down next to her and fully faced her. With a blank expression, Zoé said "Speak your mind, sister."

"We're not going to do this, Zoé. Not now; that is." Yarah said as she pushed herself to stand upright then she said as she held out her hand to Zoé "I promise to talk about it tomorrow. I'm really tired and I don't think I'll make any sense now."

Nodding as she took Yarah's hand; Zoé believed her sister and rose to her feet before she placed her hands on her upper shoulders. The younger twin jerked her sister into a tight hug as she whispered sweetly "I love you, Goofy..."

The embrace was calming and Yarah couldn't stop herself from returning the gesture by hugging Zoé even tighter.

Once content, the twins pulled away from each other; so, Zoé said as she pointed at the shared doorway "I'm just next door, okay?"

"Okay." Yarah said softly as she nodded and watched Zoé walk towards the door that led to their shared closet.

Once Zoé closed the closet door; Yarah stripped down to her pink underwear and turned off her bedroom lights before climbing under her bedsheets.

Sleep slowly engulfed the teenager and she dozed off.

But; her warm peacefulness was disturbed.

A light and constant tapping against Yarah's bedroom window; kept her from her peaceful slumber and annoyed her to awaken.

In anger; she jerked off her bedsheets, climbed out of her bed and stomped over to her reading nook. She pulled up the large window that overlooked her homes backyard and looked around; only for her eyes to land on a ghastly pale figure standing underneath her window in a black tracksuit.

"Oh my God..." Yarah whispered to herself as she recognized the pale figure whilst they waved for her to come down to the backdoor of her home.

Not wasting time; Yarah closed the window, grabbed her nightgown and tugged it on before she rushed out of her bedroom and went straight to the backdoor.

The teenager was grateful that her family was asleep while also panicking for the visibly sick person that stood outside of her house.

Then she swung open the back door.


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