Chapter 24.

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Bentley shook his head whilst keeping his hand up in Storm's face as he knew she'd try and convince him to see things from her point of view; eventually, manipulating him into supporting her.

The pair turned onto the second level of the school and walked over to Storm's locker first.

Bentley grabbed her shoulders and firmly forced her to stand in front of the long greyish blue locker before he said; as if appeasing a child "Go to class. We will talk about this later."

Storm opened her mouth to speak but the second bell rang so Bentley let go of her and vanished into the bustling crowd of students.

Storm had swapped out her books according to her timetable and started with school day...

Yet; one person was missing the entire day.


No one had heard, seen or even, made contact with Tasha the entire day.

Storm just felt gutted as she floated through the school halls like a ghost.

Finally, lunchtime came and Storm walked into the cafeteria after smoking a few blunts with Bentley.

Bentley, who had left Storm to find Kim, walked over to the small eyed stud as she stood at the emergency exit of the cafeteria.

Kimbella rolled her eyes as she said "You don't say that I have to thank you for this ness over here.."

Storm shrugged innocently as Bentley took her wrist and led her towards the lunch line.

Knowingly, Kimbella followed the pair as they each picked up a blue tray and joined the line.

Bentley bought himself two slices of double pepperoni pizza, a bottle of Coke; to go with his small bowl of fruit salad and strawberry parfait. Storm had a pulled pork sandwich with a side of French fries, a bottle of Coke and a chocolate parfait. Whereas; Kimbella simply got a fruit salad and a bottle of orange juice.

The three sat at a table in the middle area of the cafeteria and began eating.

Storm zoned out as she slowly ate her fries whilst Kim and Bentley spoke to each other. The couple acted like their usual cuddly and annoyingly adorable selves as they ate and spoke.

Then, Storm looked up from her food and she immediately locked eyes with Yarah.

Without warning, the tall teenager rose to her feet and made her way towards her target; but, Yarah seemed to notice this and decided to rush out of the cafeteria.

Storm followed after Yarah until the shorter teenager reached the locker room and when she turned to face Storm; the tall figure stood directly in front of her.

Yarah let out a soft gasp in surprise at the closeness of their bodies and backed up against the metal door.

However, the door behind Yarah opened and she nearly fumbled backwards.

In one fast and surprising gesture, Storm laced her arm around Yarah's waist and steadied her.

The shorter teenager inhaled the musky scented cologne that Storm wore as they stood really close to each other; but then, Storm let her go and took a small step back.

"We need to talk." Storm said, but Yarah shook her head as she crossed her arms in front of her chest to create a barrier between the two of them.

The taller teenager opened her mouth to speak; yet, her shorter acquaintance interjected by blurting out "I am afraid of you, Storm Carter!"

"What?" Storm questioned in confusion then Yarah stepped back and held open the locker room door as she gestured for Storm to enter.

Once Storm was inside, Yarah closed the door and walked over to the nearest bench; with Storm following behind her.

The pair sat down on the bench with a small space in between them and they didn't speak.

Storm didn't know what to say.

Yarah couldn't form a proper sentence.

And the silence was comfortable; yet, unbearable so Storm spoke up and inquired "Why are you afraid of me, Meyers?"

Yarah sighed softly as she began fiddling with her thumbs and stared at the locker in front of her.

Storm silently awaited for an answer as she, too, stared at the locker in front of her.

Finally, Yarah said with a sigh "You scare me, Storm.."

"But why? I'm not intimidating or-"

"You scare me because you make me feel, and you make me want to tell you stuff, and- and do stuff with you!"


"Yes! And I can not find it inside of me to just sit by and watch you be with Tasha when I know that I'm better for you! It's just not fair!"


"Look.. You're probably thinking that whatever I do or say in regards to my cousin; is just my way of wanting to break you two up..." Yarah started as she adjusted her seating.

Then she concluded as she looked at Storm "But, it's not. I honestly want you to be happy... And, if that happiness lies with my lying fuck-faced slut of a cousin; Tasha, then so be it."

Silence fell again.

Storm stared blankly at Yarah.

No one spoke.

Yarah suddenly felt uncomfortable and rose to her feet.

Facing Storm, Yarah said with finality "That's how I feel, Storm. Anyway, I'll see you around."

As Yarah turned away and began walking towards the exit, Storm rose to her feet and wanted to go after the shorter teenager; however, she lost her footing and tripped over the bench.

The loud crash that came from behind her; immediately made Yarah spin around and look at Storm.

Smiling goofily as she got up, Storm joked "I guess, I'm falling for you, Meyers..."

Donning her most charming smile, Storm scratched the back of the neck cutely; but, Yarah simply rolled her eyes and turned away from Storm.

Without saying anything further, Yarah walked out of the locker and left Storm standing alone in confusion.

"Wasn't that what she wanted to hear? That I like her too?" Storm mentally questioned herself as she walked out of the locker room and into the hallway.

The tall teenager walked back to the cafeteria in deep thought; until she sat down at her table again.

Kimbella asked as she wiped her mouth "Where have you been?" Storm simply shrugged and continued eating her lunch.

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