Chapter 18.

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Yarah banged on the door and continuously rang the doorbell, hoping to break through to her aunt.

Unfortunately, Temperance said; muffled by the door "You need to get to know your cousins girlfriend! Think about it!! You get a full movie night with snacks and you don't get to watch it with your sister or anyone else!!"

Storm looked down at her watch in boredom then she said, looking up at Yarah "Look! We don't have to talk. We could just.. sit and watch the movie silently?"

Sighing, Yarah slowly turned around and faced Storm with her nostrils flared widely as she clenched her jaw. The angry teenager said through gritted teeth as she stomped down the flight of stairs "Let's just get this over with."

Storm rolled her eyes as she turned around and walked over to her car, with Yarah following behind her.

The taller teenager opened her car door and climbed into Monster whilst Yarah walked around and got into the car.

Sighing, Storm pushed her keys into the ignition and pulled away from Tasha's house.

The drive to Lookout mountain was tense and silent; but soon, the awkward pair pulled up to the security gate that had been setup for the movie premiere so Storm gave the security guard the tickets and gained them access into the parking area prepared for the premiere.

Storm pulled Monster into an empty spot then she said as she pulled up the handbrake "I'm going to get myself some snacks. Would you like something?" Yarah nodded and replied as she stared straight at the blank movie screen "Butter popcorn and a Coke, please."

Nodding slowly, Storm climbed out of the car and closed the door behind her before she walked across the parking lot; over to the food trucks.

The teenager walked over to the truck and bought two large bags of buttered popcorn, two large cups of Coke's and a bunch of large amounts of different sweets.

"Heya, Carter?" A familiar voice said to Storm as she headed back to her car so she turned around and looked at Micky.

The goalkeeper smiled brightly as she looked at the snacks that Storm held then Micky said as she reached into the pocket of her blue Mom jeans "I saw Tasha here and assumed you two would be having a date. Then I assumed that you'd need some motivation so I thought I'd give you some since I'm here with my siblings."

Storm smiled calmly as she acted casual then she said as she looked at the thickly rolled blunt "Well, I appreciate it." Micky moved closer to Storm and placed the blunt in her team captains blazer pocket.

The goalkeeper smiled brightly as the movie screen lit up then she said to Storm as she patted her shoulder "I'll see you around, Cap."

As Micky walked away, Storm couldn't help but feel betrayed and angry at Tasha as she walked over to Monster.

Yarah spotted Storm as she stood next to the car with a stoic expression on her face so she reached over and opened the door for the blank faced teen. Storm gave Yarah a bag of popcorn and a Coke before she put the bags of sweets on the dashboard of the car.

The masculine teenager pulled out the blunt that Micky gifted her then she asked Yarah "Do you mind?" The teenager shrugged and said as she reached into her pocket "Only if I don't get to light it.." Yarah pulled out a bright pink lighter so Storm handed her the blunt and watched her lit it up.

After a few long drags, Yarah passed the blunt over Storm whilst they watched the movie start.

The pair turned the car into a hot box while passing the blunt between themselves and eating the snacks. The pair sat silently as they watched the movie and munched down with marijuana induced conviction.

However, the shared silence was peaceful and both teenagers seemed to enjoy it.

Finally, the movie came to an end and a rather interesting sound came from the passenger seat so Storm looked over and caught Yarah softly sobbing while wiping away her tears.

Storm's eyes shot wide in shock as she inquired "Are you alright, Meyers?" Yarah nodded as she replied "Yeah. I'm fine. I enjoyed tonight but I just hate sad endings."

"Oh.." Storm muttered as she turned on the car engine then she slowly backed out of the parking spot. Yarah sighed softly then she asked as she took out her phone "Did you enjoy the movie?" Storm nodded then she asked with her brows furrowed in curiosity as she slowly navigated her way through the packed space "What're you doing?"

"Marking this off of my watchlist."

"You have a watchlist?"

"Yep. Don't you?"

"No." Storm replied laughing and the sound seemed to cause butterflies to rampage in Yarah's stomach.

The shorter teenager asked as she put her phone into her pocket "You have never compiled a list of movies you wanna watch?" Storm shook her head in response to the question but then she spotted Tasha and a somewhat masculine figure walking hand in hand towards an white Toyota Corolla.

"Dude, you have to make a watchlist. It's like, the ultimate guide to push time and have fun!" Yarah said and her words seemed to bring Storm's mind back to the car. Nodding, Storm suggested as she managed to drive past the security gates "Well, since I don't have a movie list; how about we use your list and watch every movie on it?"

"Together, that is." Storm added as she sped up a bit, but Yarah shrugged in response. The shorter teenager explained whilst she watched her companion focus on the road "Look, I had a great time tonight but I don't think we should make a habit of this. You can't lead me on while you're dating my cousin. It's wrong."

Storm nodded in understanding then she accidentally whispered to herself "Well, I don't think your cousin is in a relationship with me..."

"What do you mean?" Yarah asked and Storm simply shook her head.

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