Chapter 34.

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When Yarah, Caspian and Bentley spoke to each other; Storm eavesdropped on their conversation since she wasn't actually asleep.

She heard everything and when Yarah ran away; Storm jerked open her bedroom door and opened her mouth to speak but Bentley stopped her by closing her mouth with his hand and pushing her back into her room.

"Fuck!" Storm groaned into Bentley's palm as she was too weak to fight against him.

The young man shoved Storm backwards as Caspian closed her bedroom door then he faced the very outraged teenager. Storm's nostrils flared in anger as she clenched her fists so Caspian said; trying to sound as authoritative as he possibly can "You're not going anywhere until you explain everything."

"I want to talk to Meyers."

"Storm, we need to-"

"I want to see Meyers."


"If you don't get Meyers back here; I'm never going to talk to either of you!" Storm threatened as she huffed in anger.

Bentley crossed his arms in front of his chest and deadpanned "Then you're going to have to go through me to see Meyers."

Storm stood for a bit as she seemed to consider her options; but then, she suddenly tried running through Caspian and Bentley.

As if natural; Bentley simply wrapped his arms around Storm's upper arms and spun her around as he stopped her from running away.

Caspian watched in surprise as Bentley raised Storm off of the ground and forcibly carry her over to her bed; where he casually dropped her onto her stomach with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Dad?! Are you really going to allow him to toss me around like this?!" Storm asked her father angrily as she gestured at Bentley and Caspian replied "Yes- No- You better explain yourself, Storm, because from what I'm being told; you're the bad guy!"

Pouting like a rather pale toddler; Storm crossed her arms in front of her chest and shook her head as she mumbled "I want Yarah."

Bentley snapped in anger "No!"

The pair of teenagers stared deathly at each other and neither of them spoke as they glared murderously.

Caspian sighed softly as he walked away from them then he turned to face the pair and said as he flailed his arms around in anger "Alright, You Two!! That's enough! I've had enough of this!"

Brows furrowed immensely; Storm and Bentley looked at Caspian as he said "Bentley, I appreciate your concern for Storm; but, I'd suggest that you leave so that she can get cleaned up and get in bed. She's clearly not feeling well and is not in the right state of mind."

Nodding in understanding, Bentley glanced at Storm and said "I'll definitely see you tomorrow."

The young man greeted and left the pair alone in the bedroom.

Caspian sighed softly as he squeezed the bridge of his nose then he looked at Storm and said "Eat up and get some rest, okay?" She didn't respond as she turned away from her father and picked up the tray containing her food. Storm slowly started eating as she turned her back to her father to create a barrier between them.

"I'll be downstairs if you need anything.." Caspian mumbled loudly as he turned towards the door then he walked over and reached out to take the door handle. He glanced over at Storm and said softly as he turned the handle "I love you, kiddo. Don't forget that."

Caspian pulled open the bedroom door and walked out of the room; leaving Storm alone as she slowly ate the warm soup.

Once she was certain that she was alone; Storm placed the tray on the dresser, climbed off of her messy bed and rushed over to her closet. She tugged off her bathrobe, tossed it on the ground and grabbed a tracksuit and a pair of sneakers; then she quickly tugged it on before she tied her hair back into a ponytail.

Storm was slightly light headed; but, she pushed through her feeling of uncomfortability as she trudged over to her bedroom door and locked it before she walked over to her window, slid it open and allowed the cold night air hit her face.

Shivering partially, Storm carefully climbed out of the window and whilst holding onto the frame; she reached over to the gutter pipe and grabbed onto it. As she slammed into the gutter, Storm grunted softly then she slowly wiggled down the pipe whilst tightly holding onto it.

Storm got close enough to the lawn, let go of the pipe and jumped off; even though her entire body ached and shivered.

"Going somewhere?" A partially familiar voice asked from behind Storm and caused the teenager to spin around in shock.

Kallan smirked mischievously as she had her arms crossed authoritatively in front of her chest and studied the sweaty teenager.

Storm sneezed twice into her elbow before she looked at Kallan and said as she stepped out of view from the kitchen area "I have to go see someone. I'll be back before the mor-"

The teenager sneezed again then she rubbed her nose and cleared her scratchy throat. Kallan scoffed and said "Usually, I would totally be against this since my half-sister would have a bitch fit; but, I saw how that girl looks at you and I'm definitely not going to stand in the way of love."

"Are you serious?"

"Deadass, so, do you need a ride or do you plan to run to her?"

"I'd appreciate the ride."

"Then let's get going." Kallan smiled as thunder cracked loudly above them.

The pair looked into the kitchen area of the house and it was empty; so, they rushed over to the garage area. They walked through the small passage next to the garage and made their way around to the front of the garage.

Kallan unlocked her blue Subaru WRX STI that stood in the driveway and they climbed into the car; just as it began lightly dripping. "Nice car.." Storm mumbled as she rubbed her nose with intensity; whilst Kallan pushed her keys into the ignition.

The older woman said as the engine grumbled to life "Thanks. It has a B4 EJ22 Boxer Engine for better performance."

Storm nodded as they backed out of the driveway and into the street.

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