Chapter 8.

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By the time Storm had returned home, she was panting and dripping in sweat.

She got home just as her father had stepped out of his sleek black Lincoln Continental so doing her duties as Caspian's daughter; Storm walked over to her father and said with a bright smile "Welcome home, My wonderful father!"

"I don't have money, you can't spend the night at Bentley's and where's your car?" Caspian said as he stopped next to his car trunk. Storm shrugged as she stepped into the garage then she opened the trunk and explained "I lent it to a friend but that's not important.. Dad, I need a lift to the stadium at 11."

"So, you borrow someone your car and I have to suffer?"

"Or you could just borrow me your car?"

"Be ready by 11:45." Caspian deadpanned as he walked into the house carrying his suitcase.

Storm chuckled as she walked over to the side door whilst the garage door closed behind her. She walked into the house, closed the door and made her way upstairs. The moment she got to her bedroom, Storm walked over to her bed and began fixing it then she recalled where she put her and Yarah's wet clothes from the previous night.

With her bed neatly made, Storm quickly ran back downstairs and straight towards the small room in the house that was transformed into a laundry room. She found that the clothes had already tumbled dry and only needed to be hung out so Storm quickly grabbed the clothes and went out into the backyard to hang it out.

Once that brief task was completed, Storm returned to the house and found her father in the kitchen. She smiled brightly as he said "I'm making eggs so hurry up and shower quickly." Storm nodded and ran towards the stairs before running up towards her bedroom. The moment she got into her room, Storm went to her closet to grab her team uniform, cleets and shinguards that was packed into her gym bag.

She tossed her bag over to her bed before she returned her attention to her closet where she grabbed an outfit for after the game; a simple washed out grey ripped skinny jeans that had at least two silver chains hanging from its belt hoops, a black slightly oversized Queen t-shirt, a pair of black Jordan Air Force 1s, her wristwatch and clean underwear.

Storm returned to her bedroom and placed the clothes on her bed before she placed both her phone and ear pods in charge, took out a black tank top from her dresser then she walked over to the bathroom. She tugged off her t-shirt and tossed it into the washing basket before she took off her trackpants. Storm threw the trackpants onto her bed where she had left her tank top before she shut the door.

The teenager turned to her bathtub and opened the hot water tap only. While the bath filled with water, the room filled with steam so Storm quickly rinsed her mouth with mouthwash since she already brushed her teeth earlier. Once that was done, Storm climbed into the bath and closed the tap.

The heat seeped into the suddenly tense bones of Storm and she let out a sigh of relief.

Her entire body relaxed from the intense heat.

It was just what she needed to calm down.

After lying dead still in the hot water, Storm finally stirred and began bathing.

She rinsed off the soap that covered most of her body before she stood upright, grabbed a towel and climbed out of the bathtub. Storm wrapped the towel around herself and walked over to her bedroom. She dried herself before covering herself in lotion and getting dressed in her navy blue Nike gym bra, a pair of boxers, trackpants and tank top.

Storm retied her hair before she folded her second outfit and packed it neatly into the extra space provided in her gym bag for that specifically then she grabbed her phone and ear pods.

Then she found Yarah's phone that was still in charge.

Storm took it off and checked the lockscreen.

It was a beautiful full body picture of Yarah in a sky blue tie-dye dress and a pair of white Nike Air Force sneakers.

Suddenly, Storm found herself blushing intensely.

But then the phone showed that it needed a pin.

Though Storm wanted to simply turn off the phone and put it in her bag; the pin hint was just very intriguing. It read: April Aries ♈ Shady's Ducci.

Feeling rather curious, Storm dumbly entered her birthday as a try and the phone immediately unlocked.

A scoff of surprise escaped Storm's lips as she easily gained access to Yarah's phone then she saw the time; 10:21a.m so she locked the phone and put it in her pants pocket with her ear pods and cellphone before she made her way downstairs with her gym bag slung over her shoulder.

Storm got downstairs and placed her bag on the couch as her father placed a plate with a few slices of toast on the table amongst a full spread breakfast; which only meant one thing.

Caspian has always been present but over the past year or so, he has had quite a few undercover missions that required him to leave her alone and Storm always knew when he made a full breakfast; he was going away.

However, Storm does suspect Caspian of having a girlfriend since he often returns with marks on his body which he downplays as fight injuries but kinda look like hickeys.

Storm said feigning annoyance "You're leaving so soon, huh."

Caspian opened his mouth to speak but decided to keep the peace and sit down with his daughter. They silently ate the food at a slight haste and the moment she finished, Storm stood up and carried her plate over to the sink. Caspian spoke up "Leave it. I'll do the dishes!"

Storm said as she walked over to grab her gym bag "We can go now." Caspian nodded and stood up before he grabbed his car keys and walked over to the garage with Storm following behind him.

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