Chapter 37.

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A fit of sneezes that overwhelmed Storm; forced her to awaken in the middle of the night.

Blindly, she reached over to the dresser and grabbed a few tissues before she blew out her nose. However, after Storm dropped the used tissue on the ground, the somewhat dull light that shone next to her; gained her attention.

Squinting slightly, Storm turned to face Yarah and was surprised to find the shorter teenager seated upright and looking at he with worry evident on her face. "What're you doing up so bloody late?" Storm sleepily questioned as she rubbed her itching eyes.

Yarah took her phone and turned it off; after she turned on the bedside lamp. She looked at Storm and spoke with concern as she placed the back of her palm on the taller teenager's sweaty forehead "Are you alright? You're burning up.. Should I get you anything?"

The shorter teenager wanted to climb out of the bed; but, Storm reached out and pulled her back then she said softly "I'm fine.. I just want to know why are you up so late?"

"Insomnia, I think. Hey? Where did you read about cuddling; I wanna read the interview-"

"Meyers, are you feeling okay? It's really late and you should be asleep.."

"Don't call me Meyers and don't worry! I'm fine. I should be worried about you."

"I'm not going to argue with you; but, you have to sleep-"

"Stop fussing!" Yarah hissed and her outburst shocked Storm.

Yarah inhaled deeply then she looked at Storm and said calmly "I'm fine, okay? There's no need to fuss. Just- Just- Go to bed, Storm. You need to rest."

The taller teenager reached out and took Yarah's hands into her own as she looked down at it; then she looked up into Yarah's hypnotically beautiful eyes and inquired softly "What were you watching on your phone?"

Smiling sweetly, Yarah's entire demeanor returned to normal as she pulled her hands away from Storm and picked up her phone; then she unlocked it as she said "Lucifer. I'm currently at Season 4 and it's quite funny."

Storm, who had removed most of the pillow barricade, snuggled closer to Yarah and leaned her head on the shorter teenager's shoulder. Yarah turned off the lamp and held her phone in front of herself and Storm like a tiny movie screen.

Storm sneakily took Yarah's hand into her own as they watched the series; and soon, the pair fell comfortably asleep.

The night was filled with Storm sneezing, coughing and blowing out her nose; whilst she and Yarah awoke and watched episodes of Lucifer in intervals.

Finally, the morning came and the movement in the room; awoke the very drained tall teenager.

Storm's messy hair blocked her vision as she fought against the bedsheets; until she managed to break free and sit upright.

Zoé stood at the end of the bed with a mischievous smirk on her face as Storm yawned widely. "Morning, Stormy." Zoé said as she picked up a pillow from the floor; then she tossed it onto the bed and joked "Wild night, I'm assuming?"

Storm shook her head and looked over at the person she hoped to see; unfortunately, there was no sight of Yarah.

"Looking for her?" Zoé questioned knowingly so Storm nodded in response to the teenager that walked over to the window. Zoé pulled open the window as she explained "You're stuck with me since Yarah has an appointment with her hairdresser; then, she has a match to cheer at."

Storm nodded as she threw herself back onto the bed and sighed loudly as Zoé looked at her with a smirk of amusement. "I'm so fucking tired..." Storm groaned loudly and Zoé chuckled as she strolled over to the teenager lying on the bed; then she said "I'm assuming that you don't want to do anything or go anywhere, right?"

Storm nodded as she used her hands to cover her face then she mumbled "I'm really exhausted."

Suddenly, she sneezed cutely and Zoé laughed. "What's so funny?" Storm inquired as she looked at Zoé while rubbing her nose.

"I honestly didn't expect you to sneeze so adorably."

"Are you joking right now?"

"Oh No!! I'm serious! You sound like a kitten."

"What a reference, hey! I, Storm Carter, sneeze like an adorable baby kitten." Storm teased playfully as peeked at Zoé.

The younger twin smiled brightly at Storm then she said as walked over to the bedroom door "I'll get you something to eat and my game; it's going to be a long day... Plus, we're home alone so we can make as much noise as we want!"

Zoé opened the door and winked at Storm before she left the sick teenager alone in the room. Storm simply laid back down under the bedsheets and adjusted her comfortably.

Suddenly, someone burst into the bedroom and a woman said "You silly girl! Why are you sleeping at one in the afternoon? Don't you have a game today?"

Storm jerked the blankets off of her head and sat upright; locking eyes with a very wise and familiar pair of champagne brown ones.

The lady was Mrs Ursula Meyers; she had shortcut curly white hair, noticable wrinkles and big champagne brown eyes that matched her tawney skin. She was slightly hunched over but she was rather tall for a 72 year old.

The tall teenager turned to fully face the old woman and flashed her a faint smile.

"I do apologize for my appearance, Mrs Meyers, I am not feeling well and Yarah suggested that I spend the night." Storm explained as felt a sneeze come on; then, she sneezed rather cutely and Yarah's grandmother smiled brightly as she walked over to the teenager. Storm grabbed a few tissues, apologized and blew out her nose for a quick minute.

As the teenager dropped the used tissue into the small yet thin metallink dustbin and turned her attention back to Mrs Meyers. "Oh dear, you're burning up. You need some of my piping hot brothy chicken soup, my homemade bread and lots of love!" Ursula said as she placed her palm on Storm's partially sweaty forehead.

Then Yarah walked in; looking completely different from before.

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