Chapter 2.

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So, it was all just one big mess, okay?

It was two weeks before Easter and Storm's birthday.

She was at a school party and had just discovered that she lost her phone so she was in a panic...

"Dude?!" The teenager exclaimed as she tapped herself down.

Her best friend and the soccer team Captain; Bentley Grant looked around his bedroom in a panic.

The music was booming throughout Bentley's home, his parents weren't at home, almost all the teenagers from all around Wayville was at his house and the only worry he had was to find Storm's phone since she was just with her girlfriend.

Bentley was doing his senior year and really liked Storm the moment they met. His about 6" with messy strawberry blonde hair, chartreuse green eyes, a dark bronze skin and a rather huge brain but to society, his muscles mattered more than his intelligence. Especially for his parents since he was the youngest of three boys and both of his older brothers were great in sports.

Storm was panicking, though.

She had to find her phone.

Storm had always kept her options open. Especially when it came to relationships and her girlfriend, Tasha Hunt didn't like that since she wanted to teach Storm loyalty. However, this meant that within the past 4 months that Storm had spent living in Wayville, she had broken up and gotten back with Tasha roughly 7 times.

And this was her last chance; which meant that Tasha couldn't see Storm's phone or their relationship would finally be over because Storm had still not changed from her hoeing tendencies.

Something that Bentley knew and even though he didn't like Tasha or Storm's cheating, he was only helping her look for phone because he did not want Tasha and Storm to have their famous screaming matches.

"Dude!!!" Storm said through gritted teeth as she looked around Bentley's dark wood study desk then she said loudly "We should ring it!!"

"Huh?" Bentley blurted out as he stopped his searching and looked at Storm as she walked over to him. The very tipsy British teenager explained "Give me a bell."

"I don't speak British.. Remember?"

"Sod off and just call my phone!"

"Ohh.. okay." Bentley said as he reached into his back jean pocket.

He took out his sleek phone, typed in something then he called Storm's phone and put his own on speaker.

The phone rang.

It was suddenly tense.

Storm and Bentley kept their eyes bouncing between each other and the phone in between their chests.

Then a girl answered "Hello??"

Storm asked with her brows "May I ask who I'm speaking to?" Bentley looked at Storm as the girl replied "Yarah Meyers. And you are?"

Bentley sighed softly in relief as he interjected "Hey, Yarah? It's Bentley and I think you have my friends cell."

"Oh? I found it suspicious that my wallpaper was art and not me." Yarah seemed to mumble on the other end and this just made Storm look at Bentley in confusion. He said "I know for a fact that you're at my party. Right?" Yarah seemed to be moving around so Bentley and Storm remained silent.

Then Yarah replied "Of course! You have the best parties, do you really think I'd miss one?!" Bentley exclaimed with pride "Of course not!!"

Suddenly annoyed at her friends bright smile, Storm spoke up "Hey, Uhm- Miss Meyers? I would like to know where you're at so I can get my cell."

"Ohh, you sound like a Idris Elba. Sexy!" Yarah blurted out and this made Bentley snicker in amusement as Storm rolled her eyes then she said "Thank you, but you still didn't answer my question." There was a long pause.

Bentley whispered to Storm as she nervously shoved her hands into her pockets "She's not like this when she's sober. I'm sure her sister is nearby." The annoyed and impatient teenager shrugged then Yarah finally spoke up "You, Benny Boy, will be glad to know that I am currently seated in your tree house."

Both Bentley and Storm's heads snapped at the window in the left wall that looked directly at the tree house that Yarah spoke of.

Bentley said to his friend as Storm walked over to the door "Yarah, just stay put. We're coming to get the phone, okay?" And the moment Yarah slurringly agreed, Bentley hung the phone up. Him and Storm rushed out of the bedroom, down the hall and straight towards the back door; though the crowded house made their movement hard.

When the pair finally managed to walk out of the sliding door that lead to the back yard, a loud crash and shouting caught their attention.

"Fuck!!" Bentley groaned as they walked down the stairs of the porch so Storm said with a reassuring nod "Go check it out. I can get my cell alone." Before Bentley could speak, someone called out his name so Storm said as he looked at the house over his shoulder "Go."

Bentley nodded to himself as he spun around and returned to the cramped house while Storm trudged around the pool, across the green lawn and straight towards the treehouse at the top of a strong and sturdy tree. The teenager stopped in front of the tree and looked up at the wooden 'house' with a sigh.

Storm used the rope ladder that hung from the tree to climb the treehouse and even though she had drank quite a few drinks, she didn't fall off or get hurt as she made her way up towards the treehouse. She quickly got to the top of the ladder and climbed up into the fairly large treehouse.

Bentley's treehouse was transformed into what he calls 'mini Jamaica' since it's where he grows and smokes about five different strains of marijuana. The treehouse is made from the same strong dark tree wood and doesn't have a lot of furniture or anything else; other than the various sized beanbags, pots of marijuana, openings that formed windows, and also this two person balcony attached to the treehouse.


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