Chapter 25.

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The rest of the day was filled with Storm thinking about Yarah, James and Tasha.

In fact, she spent her entire in a trance filled with thoughts, questions and fears; that all mostly revolved around Yarah Meyers.

Eventually, school dismissed and everyone went home; yet, Yarah did not leave Storm's mind.

Even James hadn't gotten into contact with her about the news and that just doubled onto Storm's anxious thoughts.

For the rest of the treacherous week, Storm thought about how divided she felt between Yarah and Tasha... She simply couldn't make up her mind; much to Bentley's annoyance.

Finally, the final bell rang and the school dismissed; allowing the students to excitedly leave to prepare for their weekend.

Storm sighed softly after she waved goodbye to Kim and Bentley.

Then she headed over to Monster.

However, as she got closer to her car; Storm spotted a figure leaning against the passenger door.


Once Storm stepped next to Monster's grill, Tasha said with a smile "Hey, baby!!"

"Hey.." Storm muttered in a confused reply as Tasha stepped closer to her then she wrapped the very sweaty Storm in a tight hug. Tasha whispered in Storm's ear as she held the taller teen close "I've missed you so much.. You wouldn't believe it!"

As Tasha let go of Storm, she smiled brightly and took the taller teen's hands into her own as she said; focusing on their hands "God, how I've yearned to see you."

"You could've called or texted." Storm said coldly and the words made Tasha look up into her partner's eyes.

With a shrug, Storm deadpanned as she slipped her hands out of Tasha's grasp "You do have a phone for such. I mean, you never let that thing out of your sight."

"What's going on, Storm?"

"I don't know! You tell me. I mean, you are the one with a whole boyfriend in college and a bun in the oven!"

"Oh my-"

"Surprised? I bet you are."

"Let me explain, okay?"

"No. Not okay, Tasha! I've had enough of your explanations and excuses, okay?" Storm said with her voice slightly dropped from her brimming yet mixed emotions.

Storm stepped closer to Tasha and said with her index finger pointed at the shorter girl in frustration "I know about James and it wasn't hard to put two and two together when it came to all the times you've ditched me for some lame reason. I honestly thought that we were open with each other-"

"We are!" Tasha said so Storm quickly snapped "Then why is there a guy like James still in your life?!!"

Tasha couldn't speak.

She had her mouth open as if she was going to; but, she didn't seem to find the words as she blankly stared at Storm.

Clenching her fists, Storm sighed softly as she tried calming down then she muttered "We should just put an end to this before one of us gets hurt."

Tears brimmed in Tasha's eyes as she shook her head profusely.

The shorter teenager grabbed her tall acquaintance's wrist before she could walk away and forced Storm to look at her as she pleaded "Don't do this, Storm.. You know how much I love you! I can't see myself without you! Please? Please, don't? Don't do this.. Don't hurt me- please?"

"Am I supposed to stay with you and pretend as if I don't know what I know, Tasha?"

"No- Yes! I'm very confused, Storm; but, I know that I want you-"

"No, Tasha! That's not how it works."

"Don't be this way-"

"You can't rope me into your mess, Tasha. You're pregnant with James' child and he's more than enough for you.. Don't ruin a good thing for me." Storm said; her voice calm though she was in pain.

Tasha still shook her head and she held onto Storm's wrist. With her tears looming, Tasha begged Storm "Please? Storm, I'm begging! Don't do this to me- to us? Please?"

Storm clenched her jaw as she jerked her hand away from Tasha then she said as she flared her nostrils in anger "It's over, Tasha. Now, you can be with James and you guys can raise your kid together-"

"But I'm not pregnant!!" Tasha said as she slightly raised her voice but Storm instantly replied "And I don't care!"

Tasha's eyes widened in shock as she asked "How can you say something like that?!"

"Because the damage has been done.." Storm started as she stepped closer to Tasha and continued "How can I ever trust you again, Tasha? You've secretly been dating me while your boyfriend is off at college?! Do you know how that makes me feel?!"

Tasha opened her mouth to speak but Storm shook her head as she said with finality "Goodbye, Tasha."

The tall teenager walked around the hood of Monster before she climbed into the driver seat and placed her gym bag onto the passenger seat. Then she pushed her keys into the ignition and turned on the car before pulling out of her parking spot; leaving Tasha alone in the lot.

Storm drove straight to the white sandy beach in hopes to clear her mind and when she pulled into an empty parking spot; her emotions became overwhelming.

Frustrated and groaning, Storm hit her fists against Monster's steering wheel as she tried to release her anger.

But nothing.

"FUUCCKKK!!!!!!!" Storm roared in anger as she taught of everything she did for Tasha and how heartbroken she was.

Uncontrollable tears rolled down Storm's cheeks as she leaned her head against her steering wheel and she didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the window so Storm sighed softly as she quickly wiped away her tears whilst pretending to look for something on the floor.

Then, once she recomposed herself; Storm sat upright and looked at the person standing outside of her car.

Hünter gave her team captain a small smile as Storm rolled down the window separating them then the teenager in the car said "Hünter? Nice to see you here."

"I saw you beating up your steering wheel and I thought I could suggest you joining me at my uncle's gym to release all that pent up the anger." Hünter explained then she added as she looked around "Plus, I need a ride.."

With a chuckle, Storm nodded at the passenger seat and said as she unlocked her car "Sure. Let's go." Hünter nodded and walked around the hood of the car before she climbed into the passenger seat and buckled up.

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