Chapter 42.

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And that all lead up to the first chapter.

The moment you started reading.

Storm had finished explaining to Caspian and stared at him anxiously.

The older man nodded as he processed the information with a serious look on his face.

Then he looked at Storm.

"Do you love her, Storm?" Caspian questioned as he looked away from Storm.

This was the first time Storm had actually thought about that.

"Do I actually love her?" Storm mentally asked herself and Caspian noticed how her entire demeanor changed; so, he reiterated on his question "Are you sure that what you feel is love?"

Storm was deep in thought and that question simply dragged her further down her rabbit hole.

The teenager through herself backwards and groaned in frustration.

Caspian looked at Storm and sighed softly then he said "I'm going to leave you to think about all of this and we'll talk tomorrow, okay? It's going to be a huge day for you.. I mean, you're a year older!"

"But, now my life's just ten times worse!" Storm complained with a groan as she ran the palms of her hands over her face.

Caspian shook his head slowly as he rose to his feet then he took Storm's hands and pulled her upright. He leaned forward and pecked Storm's forehead before he stood upright and teased "Goodnight, Huge Head."

Storm gave her father a small fake smile as he backed away from the bed then he turned around and left the room. The teenager groaned in annoyance as she plopped herself back down onto her bed.

Storm climbed under her bedsheets and laid in her bed..

The night was long and treacherous for both; Yarah and Storm.

Finally; morning came.

And Storm woke up from a sleepless night that was filled with her tossing and turning.

She stared straight at her roof and the birds that chirped outside just annoyed Storm to the core.

Grunting; she rolled off of her bed, slid out from under the bedsheets and looked at her bedside clock.

It was 11:12 a.m and Storm knew that her father was already awake.

The teenager stood upright, fixed her bed properly before she walked over to her closet to grab an outfit. She chose a pair of bright yellow Yeezy Octobers to go with the somewhat baggy black leather tracksuit-like pants, a baggy yellow t-shirt and a yellow bomber jacket; that she placed on her bed.

Storm walked over to her bathroom, closed the door, stripped herself naked and stepped into her shower. She opened the taps and allowed the water to wrap around her body before she started lathering herself in her bubblegum shower gel.

The teenager showered slowly as her mind raced, her body ached and her chest felt tight; then she finished, closed the taps and climbed out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her body and strutted over to her bedroom.

Storm dried herself properly before she rubbed her entire body in lotion and got dressed; but as she was tying her shoelaces, there was a knock on the door.

The teenager sat upright and looked at the door; as Caspian and Alicia walked into the room with a stack of pancakes and a candle stuck at the center.

"Happy Birthday To You.. Happy Birthday To You. Happy Birthday To You, Storm. Happy Birthday To You." The pair sung as they walked into the room; Caspian holding the plate of pancakes whilst Alicia held two fairly large gift bags in one hand and her recording phone in the other.

Storm smiled weakly as the couple walked over to her; then, Caspian held out the pancakes in front of her and smiled "Make a wish.."

The teenager blew out the candle with a small smile on her face then she watched Alicia pull out the candle, place it on the corner of the plate and spray chocolate whipped cream all over the pancakes; that had already been drowned in maple syrup. Caspian pulled out a fork from his back pocket and held it out to Storm.

Smiling sweetly, Storm took the plate and fork; before, she dug into the sweet breakfast.

With a few pieces of pancakes in her mouth, Storm smiled childishly as she chewed. Then she looked at the two adults, swallowed the contents in her mouth and said gratefully "Thank you guys. I really needed this booster."

Alicia smiled at Caspian and said as she held out the gift bags "See? I told you that she simply needed some parental love." The teenager placed the plate on the ottoman that she sat on; before she took the bigger gift bag from Alicia.

Storm reached into the bag and first; pulled out a sky blue shawl collar tuxedo blazer and then it was followed by a somewhat medium sized box. She took out the box and opened it as she looked up at the smiling adults; before she looked down at the black Laco Dortmund pilot wristwatch that rested in the box.

"Oh my God..." Storm whispered in disbelief as she carefully took out the watch and inspected it. Alicia said as she studied Storm's expression "That's from me and your future sibling. Just something small."

Storm smiled gratefully as she returned the watch to the box; then she said as she looked at Alicia "Thank you. It's a really great choice to bribe me."

The three shared a brief laugh.

The teenager looked at her father as Alicia handed her the other gift bag and explained "From your father." Storm took the bag after she placed the other one on her bed; then she reached into the gift that her father bought her.

The first gift came in a medium box; so Storm opened it and she smiled brightly at the sight of a bottle of Vanhera Laboratorio Olfattivo perfume. The teenager popped off the lid and sprayed some perfume on her wrist; before she sniffed it.

Storm savoured the woody vanilla perfume with a spicy undertone as Caspian said "There's more inside."

Smiling mischievously with excitement; Storm placed the perfume next to herself and reached into the gift bag. She pulled out a black shoebox and her smile brightened as Caspian took away the gift bag and allowed Storm to place the box on her lap and opened it.

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