Chapter 20.

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Storm got home that Saturday and immediately locked herself in her bedroom.

She was distraught.

She even struggled to fall asleep as her brain was all over the place yet one person remained a constant.


Meyers and her passion.

Meyers and her smile.

Just Meyers' entire existence.

Even the Sunday; Storm trapped herself within the confinement of her bedroom as she spent most of the day sleeping.

Caspian was, naturally, worried about her and had Zandile come over but Storm simply slept through their talking and pleas from outside of her bedroom.

She just wanted space.

Space to clear her mind or try to clear her mind.

Storm just needed to think.

And finally, she came to the decision to dye her hair midnight black with the colouring that she had stored for her birthday.

Eventually, Monday arrived and she was forced to awaken at 5 a.m.

Grunting, Storm looked at the alarm clock on the dresser next to her bed.

Storm had followed her usual morning routine of making her bed, brushing her teeth and getting ready to run; but she just couldn't find the strength.

Giving up on the internal battle that she felt, Storm turned around and walked back to her bathroom.

She stripped herself of her track outfit before tossing it into the washing basket and stepping into the shower. Storm allowed the cool water to wash down her body as she slowly washed her seemingly stiff body whilst she taught of her weekend.

After spending about twenty silent minutes washing her body while staring into space, Storm realized that she had to finish up so she rinsed herself and stepped out of the shower. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body before she moved over to her vanity.

Storm stared at her reflection in the steamy mirror and sighed softly. Then she made a drastic decision.

The dedicated teenager bent over and reached under the sink before she pulled out a large pair of scissors.

Staring straight at her reflection as she brought the scissors up to her hair.

Inhaling deeply, Storm considered slicing away her hair but then her phone rang loudly from her bedroom so she put down the scissors and rushed over to her room. Storm walked over to her bedside and picked up her phone from the charge as it rang.

It was Bentley, as expected.

Storm braced herself as she swiped to accept the call then she moved it up to her ear and immediately listened to Bentley "I'm not even going to ask why you're ignoring the outside world, but your father?? Don't you think that he needs to know whatever you're going through??"

"I mean, if you're not going to tell your best friend or even your father; then who can you tell, Storm? Answer me that, huh, smartass?" Bentley ranted as Storm walked over to her closet in silence.

However, Storm's silence just made Bentley continue his scolding "Like, you didn't even tell me what happened on Saturday! You just go on a date and keep it from the whole world! What's wrong with you?!"

"And your not even talking to me?!" Bentley started to say but Storm interjected as she said "Dude, I just wanted space to think. I'm not dead or ignoring anyone, okay? I just wanted to relax. By myself. Okay?"

Bentley silently listened as Storm concluded whilst she stood in her closet and scanned her clothing with her eyes "I'll explain to my father and all will be well, okay? Don't worry your pretty little head."

"Okay. BTW; I'm driving with Kim so don't pick me up." Bentley concluded before he greeted Storm and hung up so she began picking out an outfit for the day; knowing that she wasn't going to have gym today.

Storm chose a lavender coloured extra large t-shirt to match her lavender coloured denim jacket, lavender coloured Nike Jordan 23's sneakers and her black, slightly baggy, trackpants. She also took out a few of her silver necklaces, a pair of diamond studs, quite a few of her eccentric silver rings and lavender framed polarized sunglasses.

The slender teenager walked back to her bedroom with her outfit in hand.

After drying herself and lathering herself in lotion, Storm got dressed and let her black hair hang loose.

With that done; Storm grabbed her backpack, cellphone, ear pods, wallet and lighter before she strolled out into the hallway while packing everything but her phone into the front zip of her bag then she walked downstairs.

The house was empty since Caspian probably left early to go into the station so Storm walked over to the kitchen after putting down her bag on the couch then she made herself a small breakfast; a bowl of Capt'n Crunch and cup of coffee.

Seated at the table, Storm checked her social media; there was nothing from Tasha whilst Yarah had dmed her on every platform with noticable concern behind her many, many, many texts.

The sight made Storm confused.

She didn't understand.

Was Tasha cheating or was Storm just insecure?

Was Tasha cheating or was Storm just looking for an excuse to end the relationship?

Was Storm actually attracted to either of them?

Or did she just want attention?

Those questions lingered in Storm's mind as she ate her breakfast in silence.

Then the front door opened and caught Storm's attention.

"Miss Carter? I thought you'd still be running?" The older lady said as she walked into the house wearing a baby blue jumpsuit and Storm shook her head in response.

This lady was Mrs Chavez; the cleaner that came in every morning but left before Storm came from school and left the entire house spotless. Mrs Chavez is heading for her 60's but still insists on working for the Carter's. She has short cut thining mustard blonde hair and a tawny skin with these kind sapphire blue eyes.

Storm stood up from the table with her dishes in her hands.

Then, as she walked over to the kitchen, Storm explained "I didn't feel up to it. But, it's great to see you, Mrs Chavez."

The old cleaner smiled sweetly as she watched Storm place her dishes neatly in the dishwasher.

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