Chapter 38.

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Yarah immediately rushed over to Storm as she spotted her Grandmother standing next to her bed.

"Aii, Mama! You're not supposed to be-" Yarah started to say as she stepped next to her Grandmother; but, she received a slap on the shoulder before Ursula scolded "Silly girl! How can you leave your guest to get your hair done?! I did not raise you like that, Silly Girl!"

"But Mama, I came back to check on her and I'm not going to the game; because I'm going to look after her." Yarah quickly explained then she looked at Storm; and the sick teenager stared at her in visible awe.

Yarah looked effortlessly beautiful; even though, she changed her hair. She no longer had her long dreadlocks; instead, her hair was a bone straight, shocking emerald green and reached the middle of her slim neck.

Storm had her mouth slightly ajar as she looked down at Yarah's outfit.

Yarah wore a tight fitting seafoam green summer dress; that reached just above her knees and looked almost as if it was a tie-dye experiment.

"Remarkable..." Storm whispered in beguilement at the sight in front of her.

Yarah smiled brightly as she teased "I bet you didn't see this coming.." A quick slap across the back of her neck from her grandmother gained Yarah's attention as Ursula said "Go put on the oven and started skinning a few pieces of the chicken. I will look after my daughter-in-law."

"No!!" The pair simultaneously snapped and the old woman smiled sweetly; before, she said to Yarah "Go, child. We cannot allow your guest to shiver to death."

Storm shrugged at the pair as the looked at her; she wasn't shivering a lot, then she said "I really apologize for being an inconvenience.. I should really get going-"

"J'aimerais vous voir essayer."

French To English Translation: "I'd like to see you try."

"Maintenant, j'ai vraiment peur de ne pas être d'accord.."

French To English Translation: "Now, I'm really am afraid to disagree.."

"Tu parle français?"

French To English Translation: "You speak French?"

"Oui, mais je ne parle pas beaucoup, mais tout le monde ne parle pas la langue de l'amour."

French To English Translation: "Yes, but I don't get to speak it alot since not everyone speaks the language of love."

"I agree completely." Yarah spoke up and the pair looked at her in confusion.

Ursula chuckled as she looked at Storm then she said "She doesn't understand; so, don't mind her.." The tall teenager smiled as Yarah dramatically rolled her eyes; then, she said to her grandmother "Anyway... Grandma, don't worry about Storm. I can take it from here."

The old woman shook her head, just as Zoé walked in; holding a plate and a cup of hot tea. Everyone looked at the brightly smiling Zoé as she walked over to Storm whilst saying "So, I made you THE best grilled cheese sandwich and not to brag; but, it's awesome."

Zoé wanted to hand over the small meal; but, Yarah and Ursula simultaneously stepped in front of her and blocked her access to the very confused Storm.

The older twin said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest "You seriously can't expect Storm to eat that! It's unhealthy!" Zoé looked down at her hard work then back up at her sister and retorted "I'd like to see you do better, Mrs Burnt Popcorn!"

"That was one time and you know it!" Yarah snapped and Zoé immediately opened her mouth to say something snarky; but, Storm interjected by coughing into her elbow. Ursula slapped the backs of both her granddaughters heads and said as she pushed them out of her way "Move, Silly girls."

The twins scuffled aside and looked at their grandmother as she gently pushed Storm backwards and whilst the tall teenager leaned against the wall; Ursula tucked her under the sheets and said to the twins "Yarah, go do as I said and, Zoé, I need you to get your mother's face steamer from her room. Oh yes, bring along some of her eucalyptus and mint oil."

The twins didn't move as they watched their grandmother gently push Storm's hair out of her face; then, Zoé mumbled to her sister as she handed over the cup and saucer over to her "She's never that nice to us.." Yarah nodded and added as she gestured between herself and Zoé "And we're related to her!"

"Do I need to ask twice?" Ursula questioned as she rose to her feet and faced her granddaughters; but, by then, the twins had already scuffled over to the bedroom door.

The twins closed the door behind them; so, Ursula looked at Storm and said "You have a beautifully cosmic connection with my silly girl. That has to be an achievement." The teenager shrugged with a small smile on her face then she said "It's not hard to get along with Yarah..."

The old woman walked over to the shared bathroom and said loudly as she moved around "Oh Dear! You really think that that child is as great as she seems? You're sorely mistaken, child. That silly girl is the most difficult person in the world!!!"

Storm mumbled to herself as she scoffed softly "Surely her dramatics are inherited..."

"What was that?" Ursula asked as she returned to the bedroom with something in the palm of her hand; so, Storm shook her head in response as she watched the old woman walk over to her. Storm took the two tablets from Ursula, placed them on her tongue and waited as the old woman bent over next to the bed.

Standing upright; Ursula inquired as she held out a small bottle of water for Storm "You want to marry my silly girl?" The teenager took the bottle and said as she opened it "I appreciate everything you're doing, Mrs Meyers; but.. I don't think Yarah and I are even at the dating stage!"

The wise woman watched Storm gulp down the water then she placed the bottle on the dresser and looked at Ursula. "Thank you." Storm said; as Zoé walked into the bedroom whilst holding a rather sizeable ivory white device in her hands.

The younger twin walked over to the pair and said as she handed over the steamer to Storm "I already added some of my mother's oils.. It'll definitely open your nostrils." The taller teenager had an appreciative smile on her face as she inspected the device.

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