Chapter 14.

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Storm and Bentley stared at the female couple with their brows furrowed as they simultaneously sighed.

Zandile scoffed as she said to her wife "Cas is your work partner." Beth rolled her eyes as she watched Zandile continue with the cooking then she sighed softly and looked at the confused teenagers. Beth cleared her throat and stepped closer to the pair then she asked Storm "So you know when we joked about your father dating again?"

"Yeah.. He acted super weird about it. Why- Wait!"

"Let me explain, Storm-"

"My dad has a girlfriend?!"


"And she's coming over for dinner?!!" Storm raised her voice as she rose to her feet.

"Their not actually dating..." Zandile whispered but everyone heard it so Bentley asked her "What do you mean?" Beth groaned audibly as she glared at her wife over her shoulder.

Suddenly, the front door opened and everyone turned their attention to it.

Caspian and Duncan walked in with bright smiles on their faces and this made Storm snap.

Bentley rose to his feet and rushed after Storm as she stomped over to her father and stopped him in tracks to the kitchen whilst Duncan greeted her with smile.

"Who is she?!" Storm asked as she authoritatively crossed her arms in front of her chest so Duncan joked childishly as he simply continued walking to his wives in the kitchen "Ohh, you're in trouble now, Caspian.." Caspian silently studied his daughters visibly furious face.

Bentley stepped next to Storm and calmly placed his hands on her upper shoulders as he professionally explained to Caspian "I'm so sorry, Mr Carter. We just received some life changing information that Storm is struggling to fathom."

"You guys lost the game?"

"Of course not! We're the Wayhaven Werewolves! We never lose!"

"So what then, Bentley??"


"Spit it out, young man!" Caspian instructed and this upset Storm further.

The teenage girl snapped "You're bringing home someone and I have never met or even heard about her!! What happened to no secrets?! Or is that a one-way street? A whole fucking girlfriend?!!" She took a step closer to her father "Why did I have to hear it from Aunt Beth and not you?!!"

Caspian opened his mouth to speak but Storm raised her hand as she continued "I've never kept one secret from you! Not one! And here you're hiding a girlfriend from God knows where for Lord knows how long then you want to have a dinner with everyone around to pacify me?!! Is that how you see me?!!"

Bentley quickly grabbed Storm by her shoulders and pulled her back as she seemed to be getting worked up then he calmly said to her "Dude.. Give your Dad a chance to explain." Grateful, Caspian nodded at Bentley then he took Storm's hands into his as she turned her attention to him.

"My dear, I never meant to keep this from you but you have to understand that I was unsure of how you'd react. I mean, having a girlfriend is one thing but I'm engaged to Alicia and I'm hoping you can listen to my explanation before you-" Caspian started to explain but Storm jerked her hands away from him and immediately shoved past him.

The teenager stomped over the stairs before she ran upstairs and the moment she got to her bedroom; Storm slammed the door shut.

Caspian sighed as he turned his attention to everyone gathered awkwardly in his home then he said to them "I'll go talk to her.."

"Don't!" Zandile interjected as she watched her friend turn to leave then she said as everyone looked at her "I'll go. I think I'm probably the only one who can get through to her now.. and I can explain the situation best." Bentley nodded as he walked over to the island then he took his phone and said awkwardly "I have to get home.."

Duncan nodded then he said as he walked around the island "I'll take you." The youngest man greeted the adults as he followed Duncan out of the house. Zandile, who had walked over to Caspian, said as she placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder "I promise you that I'll do my best to make Storm see this from your perspective, okay?"

"Help Beth with everything here, okay? I've got this.." Zandile said as she gave Caspian's shoulder a brief squeeze and he nodded in thanks then she walked past him and made her way upstairs.

As the beautiful older woman stepped in front of Storm's white wooden bedroom door, she sighed softly and knocked.

"Go away, Bentley!! I don't want to talk about it!!" Storm replied in anger from inside the room so Zandile said loudly enough for her to hear "It's not Bentley. I come in peace, Storm and I only want to listen to your thoughts. But you have to open the door first.."

Suddenly, the door swung open and Storm stepped aside; gesturing for Zandile to walk into the bedroom.

As soon as the older woman stepped into her bedroom, Storm closed the door and said "You can take a seat over there." The teenager gestured at her bed as she moved over to her study desk a few feet away and directly vertically across from the bed. Storm sat on the edge of the table and said to Zandile "I know you're here to convince me to see life from my father's perspective so go ahead..."

"You're a smart girl, Storm, but you're impulsive and that can be your downfall.." Zandile started as she sat down on the suede dove grey that stood in front of Storm's bed then she continued "Darling, I'm not going to try and change your mind but you have to understand that your father wanted this to go starkly different and you would've met Alicia under other circumstances.. However, nature and the universe has had other plans for them."

"What do you mean?"

"Dear, I want you to promise me that you won't overreact to what I'm going to tell you."


"Because your father doesn't want you knowing about this yet.."

"About what?"

"Alicia's pregnant." Zandile deadpanned and this shocked Storm. 

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