Chapter 39.

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Storm had spent the rest of her day; being fussed over by the Meyers women, eating a large amount of soup, sneezing, coughing, taking medication and then dozing off.

Finally, after what Storm would describe as the longest day; she was starting to feel better and once she showered again; she was ready for the evening ahead.

Storm was drying her hair while staring at her half-naked reflection in Yarah's full body mirror; then she came inside.

The taller teenager turned and looked at Yarah as she smiled brightly while holding a surprising amount of clothing in her arms. "Hi?" Storm smiled as she watched Yarah walk over to the messed up bed then she asked "Is everything alright, Yarah?"

"Just peachy.." Yarah mumbled in reply as she placed the clothing on her beds ottoman. She faced Storm with her arms awkwardly by her sides as she explained "Here's your clothes; so, get dressed and join us downstairs for dinner. I made chicken fillets."

"No, thank you."


"Yarah, I appreciate everything that you guys have done for me; but, I have to get home now.. I'm sure my father's beyond worried and-"


"Excuse me?" Storm blurted out in confusion as Yarah firmly shook her head.

The shorter teenager crossed her arms in front of her chest and said with a cold tone to her voice "I don't care about your father or his worries. You said you wanted to be with me and you are; so, that means that you're not going anywhere until I say so."

Storm was dumbstruck. Her expression changed from confusion to even worse confusion as she looked at the stoic faced Yarah. Storm inquired as she stepped over to the shorter teenager "What do you mean?"

"I'm not letting you leave me." Yarah deadpanned as her expression softened; then her eyes welled up and she said "I- I- I don't want to lose you, Storm.. If you leave, then- then you'll get back with Tasha and you guys will be all lovey dovey then- then I won't have anyone and I'll die! Storm, we can't be friends... I'll- I'll always see you as something more and that's scary."

Yarah's hot tears ran down her cheeks as she stared at Storm then she shook her head and said to the tall figure standing in front of her "I'm not letting you go. End of discussion."

The statement worried Storm.

With her most adorable pleading look on her face, Storm took Yarah's hands into her own as she slightly leaned down and said "I don't know what to do with you..." She reached up and wiped away the tears from Yarah's cheeks as she continued "But, I also don't know what I'm going to do without you."

In an instant; Yarah wrapped her arms around Storm's slim body and held her as close as she possibly could. A breathy whisper escaped Yarah's mouth as she spoke against Storm's slim neck; causing the stiff teenager to get covered in goosebumps "Don't do this.. Please? Storm, I-"

Storm immediately shoved Yarah off of her body and took a step back from the confused teenager. Pointing her index finger in anger; Storm said to Yarah "Don't say it. Don't say those three stupid fucking words!!"

"But-" Yarah started to say; but, Storm interjected "I don't want to hear it! It's not going to work between us, Yarah. We have too much going on and we're not right for each other!"

"How would you know?! You didn't even give us a chance?!" Yarah countered with anger and the words simply made Storm's mind reel from mixed emotions as she said "Can you picture it?? You and me? Together?? That would be the worst combination to exist!"

Yarah had her hand ready to slap Storm across the face; however, she was ready and grabbed the shorter teenager's wrist before she could do any damage.

Storm shook her head as she held onto Yarah's wrist; so, the blurry visioned girl said as she felt her entire body want to collapse "Every second with you is like I'm living out my dreams, Storm! Can you not be an arsehole and let me live out my dreams?!"

Letting go of Yarah's wrist, Storm slowly shook her head; but, she was suddenly pulled down into a forced kiss. With her lips crashed against Yarah's, Storm wanted to stay in the moment; but, her entire body was against it. Storm said to Yarah as she pulled away from her "I'm sorry, Meyers.. I have to go."

Without warning or even the slightest hint of hesitation; Storm grabbed her trackpants on the ottoman and tugged it on with her t-shirt and hoodie. With her sneakers in her hands, Storm walked over to the bedroom door; but, then Yarah snapped "LOOK AT ME!!!"

With her hand on the door handle; Storm looked at Yarah over her shoulder and the short teenager said "Look me in my eyes and tell me that this meant nothing to you. Tell me that you hate me and that you never want to see me again..." Storm turned around and faced her as she concluded "Say it; and I swear, I'll leave you alone."

Yarah stood upright, wiped her tears and stared at Storm with rage burning underneath her heartache.

Storm's mouth was slightly ajar.

Yarah was determined.

Neither of them spoke.

Mustering up her strength; Storm said "Don't be like this, Yarah.."

"No! You want me to be the bad guy?!" Yarah questioned as she stomped over to the door and pushed past Storm; then she opened her bedroom door and said as she gestured out into the hallway "Now; I'm the bad guy for loving you, adoring you, for wanting nothing but greatness for you and for always choosing you!!"

Without waiting for Storm, Yarah grabbed her elbow and jerked her out of the bedroom; before, dragging her down the hallway and down the stairs of the house. They got to the entrance of the house and Yarah let go of Storm as she reached out to open the front door.

With a pleading look on her face; Storm begged "Don't do this, Yarah.. Not like this. I don't want to end it like this.. This is not right and you know it. Let's just talk-"

Using all of her strength, Yarah pushed Storm out of the house and onto the front porch; under the darkening sky.

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