Chapter 3.

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As Storm stood upright in the well lit wooden structure, she immediately spotted someone sitting on the balcony.

She said aloud "Hey? I'm here to get my cell!" This made the person look over their shoulder before they stood upright and fully turned to face Storm.

Suddenly, her entire world, body and brain cells just froze up.

The girl was remarkably and breathtakingly beautiful!! Beyond words! She stood roughly a foot below Storm with this sunkissed medium bronze skin that was complimented by the deep dimples in both of her cheeks, her wide and almost upside down triangular smile, unique cognac brown eyes and striking red dreadlocks that reached just below her shoulders.

She also had a piercing in her right nostril, a medium sized phoenix tattoo on her upper right shoulder and her sexy youthful appearance just seemed to tie together her supermodel body. This stranger was beautiful beyond compare.

With her throat suddenly dry as fuck, Storm swallowed hard as she watched this young woman stepped in front of her.

Her full pink lips were moving but Storm barely heard anything as she stared between the strangers kissable lips and full breasts.

"Am I right?" The stranger said and this caught Storm's attention so she looked into the girls eyes and shrugged. The girl chuckled and said "I'm Yarah Meyers and I assume this is your very weird phone?"

Yarah held out Storm's cellphone with a red eyed smile then she said as Storm took her phone "Your wallpapers are very gay. I mean, literally each and every one is gayer than the last." This beautiful young woman suddenly burst out laughing as she looked at the stud who just silently stared at her.

The sound caused goosebumps all over Storm's body and sent her entire insides into a rage of uncomfortability and confusion.

Storm had still not moved or taken her phone so Yarah slowly reached forward and slipped the phone into the pocket of the black and white checkered shirt that Storm wore before she took a step back. Yarah said as she turned around and walked back to the balcony "You still haven't answered my question."

"Question?" Storm inquired as she unwillingly followed after Yarah; who had sat down on the wooden flooring and let her feet hang through the wooden railing. The beautiful stranger nodded before she looked over her shoulder and said "Yes. I asked where's Benny? We have to drink away our blues."

"Your blues?" Storm inquired as she watched Yarah pick up a bottle of Hennessy that had been waiting patiently beside her before she threw it down her throat. Yarah pulled a face as her throat burned from the clean liquor then she said to Storm "Yes. Our blues..."

"You see, Mr Idris Elba's lookalike, my boyfriend has finally dumped me for good. His actually done with me." Yarah explained drunkenly as she practically stumbled over her slurring words then she sat upright and looked at Storm. "Honestly, you look like a sexy British version of Ruby Rose." Yarah deadpanned unexpectedly.

Storm, unsure of what to do, simply thanked Yarah before she stepped closer to the very drunk teenager who had taken another gulp of her whiskey. "Don't you think you've had enough and should go home?" Storm inquired as she got into a deep squat beside Yarah who just childishly flailed her feet back and forth.

But then she stopped.

Yarah's head snapped at Storm before she said "Do you know that my boyfriend, after I made him popular, decided to dump me?! Me?! Does he not know who I am?? I'm fucking Yarah Meyers!! He has no right!"

"You're who exactly?"

"Excuse me, you fucking bitch???"


"I am Yarah fucking Meyers!! I'm Captain of the fucking cheerleading squad, the schools best gymnast and I fucking rule Rochats! That dickswab has no right!"

"You're really proud..." Storm mumbled.

Suddenly, the collar of Storm's shirt was grabbed by Yarah and she got jerked closer to the drunken teenager.

With about three inches in between them, Storm's heart lept at the intense closeness as she felt Yarah's surprisingly minty breath on her face as they silently stared into each other's eyes.

"I'm going to end him." Yarah simply said before she practically threw Storm backwards and rose to her feet.

Storm hit her back against the side of the doorframe and hissed at the pain that originated after the impact. Yarah simply walked into the treehouse so Storm turned to her as she picked up a black bomber jacket.

Yarah's outfit was really sexy; a ripped black skinny jeans, a tight fitting black crop top, a pair of black Nike Jordan 22s and the black bomber jacket. Plus, the pair of hoop earrings and her minimal makeup just added to her beauty.

Storm looked like her everyday self too. A simple washed out denim skinny, a plain black tank top underneath her black and white checkered shirt that was all pulled together by her checkered black and white slip on Vans, her golden G-Shock wristwatch and diamond studs.

Storm mumbled as she turned and rose to her feet "Bitch.."

Yarah asked as she faced the now upright Storm "Are you coming?"



"No. I'm not going with you."


"What do- No!" Storm stumbled as she looked at the cutely pouting drunk teenager with surprise.

The taller teen said "Okay. Let's get you home. Where's your car keys?" Yarah rolled her eyes and said mockingly "No."

This ticked Storm off.

"Why?" Storm inquired with annoyance; to which Yarah simply shrugged as she inspected the taller girl. Storm rolled her eyes and asked "Where did you want to go? Maybe we could go there instead?" Yarah said as she walked over to Storm, grabbed her wrist and walked over to the ladder "That was quick."

Storm climbed down the ladder first and waited for Yarah as she carefully yet very wobbily climbed down the rope ladder. Finally, when Yarah stepped onto the grass , the pair began walking towards the house.

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