Chapter 40.

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Storm faced Yarah with disbelief.

The tall teenager begged "Don't do this to me!! Please? Let's just talk about what you're saying, okay? I have to go home; but, we don't have to stop being friends.." Yarah shook her head; just as Zoé peeked from over her shoulder.

"What's going on here?" Zoé questioned as she stepped next to her twin sister; so, Yarah deadpanned "Nothing. Storm has to go and we'll never talk to her again." The statement confused Zoé as she looked at Storm and the teenager opened her mouth to speak.

However; Yarah spoke up "She wants to leave, Zoé. Let her go." Zoé looked at Storm; and the taller teenager immediately explained "I have to go home and prove to my father that I'm not dead; but, your sister does not want me to leave."

The younger twin nodded slowly as she comprehended the information; but then, Yarah chimed up in anger "She doesn't want to be in our lives, Zoé. We should just let her go, right? She doesn't deserve us."

"She's standing right here-"

"I don't care about your feelings, Storm! Just like you don't care about mine!"

"It's not like that and you know it! Hell, you said it yourself!!"

"After everything we've been through and all of my admissions; you still want to leave? How should I feel about that??"

"You shouldn't feel anything because you know we're in two different spaces and that we'd never work out! You're too tox-" Storm explained angrily; but her venomous words were cut short by the hot slap that crossed her face.

Yarah pointed at Storm with pure anger as she hissed in warning "Don't you ever call me toxic!!" Raising her arms in defeat; Storm nodded then she inquired with innocence "So? I'm forgiven."

Suddenly, the dark blue front door of the Meyers home; was slammed shut in Storm's face.

Yarah called from inside the house; though she was slightly muffled by the door "Fuck You, Storm Carter!"

"What the fuck just happened?!" Storm mentally asked herself as she stared at the door. Then she shook her head, turned around and as she looked out at the street lights that lined the road; she locked eyes with Beth and the older woman had a look of visible dumbfoundness on her face at the recognition.

Beth immediately pulled the emergency brake of her car and Storm knew that she had to walk over to the parked car.

"Hi, B? How have you been?" Storm casually joked once Beth rolled down her window; but, the older woman was not going to play around with the teenager as she deadpanned stoically "Get inside the car now, Storm. I'm not joking around."

Not needing any further instruction; Storm simply walked over to the back door of the car, opened it and climbed inside. Then she spoke up as the car began moving "I promise that I'll apologize to my father; but, you have to understand that I forgot my phone in my room when."

"You mean when you ran away?"

"But; I'm safe now-"

"That doesn't excuse what you did, Storm!! We were beyond worried! And Bentley-"

"No disrespect, Aunty B; but, I don't want to talk about or even to Bentley. I don't consider us friends anymore."

"All this for a girl?!" Beth inquired with disbelief and Storm clenched her fists as she glared out of the window.

The teenager mumbled under her breath as she watched the various family homes roll past the window "She's not just a girl." Beth heard Storm and looked at her using the rear view mirror as she sighed softly then she said "I'm sorry for my outburst, Storm. We were all really worried about you and had no way of contacting you."

"I know and I'm sorry!" Storm admitted as they pulled up in front of her home; then she said to Beth "Don't worry; I doubt Meyers wants to even be around me after this."

The pair climbed out of the car together and as they walked over to the front door of the house; Beth laced her arm around Storm's shoulders, pulled her close and said with reassurance as she pecked the teenager's forehead "I love you, Honey Bunny."

Instead of fighting back; Storm gave Beth a side hug as they walked up to the front door. Inhaling deeply, Storm watched Beth open the front door of the house then she waited as she watched the older woman go inside first. Beth looked at Storm and could sense her worry; so, she held out her hand and whispered in assurance "I'll stay right next to you.. Okay?"

Nodding, Storm took Beth's hand then she walked into the entrance of the home and closed the door before turning her attention to the movement in the living area of the house.

Duncan, Zandile, Alicia and Caspian stood in the living area with looks of worry on their faces as they watched Beth lead Storm over to them. Kallan laid comfortably across the arms of the loveseat in the corner of the room while nonchalantly playing a game on her phone and dangling her feet in the air.

Before any of the adults could, even, open their mouths to speak; Beth spoke up authoritatively "I found Storm on her way home, she regrets her actions and has come to apologize. No one is going to interrupt or question her; because, I believe that her sentiment justifies her actions. Period."

Everyone sat down, looked at Storm and she let go of Beth's hand as she looked at the adults. Gathering some strength in inhaling a deep breath; Storm's heart raced in her chest as she said "I'm sorry for my outburst and impulsive actions; they were wrong and uncalled for. I do hope that you all can forgive me for being such a wanker; but, I acted out of serious infatuation for someone who I thought loved me..."

"My behavior is inexcusable and I understand if y'all want to stay angry at me; but, you will be glad to know that Yarah does not care about me as much as she claims." Storm explained then she yawned widely and exhaled loudly; before she concluded "If anyone needs me; I'll be in my room. Goodnight."

The mature adults, that didn't include Kallan; shared various looks with each other as Storm turned away from them, trudged over to the stairs and left them in silence.

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