Chapter 47.

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Buckling over and groaning; Tommy looked up at Yarah as she pushed past Jared and rushed over to the main building.

However; Yarah was pushed back by the line of firemen that blocked anyone's path of entry whilst some firefighters ran towards the building and others used the stretch ladders on the firetruck to get close to the burning building.

But, the fire sent raging flames through all points of entry; forcing everyone to halt in their steps and protect themselves from the heat.

Yarah even lost her balance as she fumbled away from the fire.

Standing upright, Yarah stared at the building with tears rolling down her cheeks and said to the men blocking her way "LET ME PASS!!! SHE'S INSIDE AND YOU'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!"

"Calm down, Miss Yarah. These people are trained for this situations and they're going to do their best to find Storm. She, too, knows what to do in this scenario." Beth explained calmly as she stepped next to Yarah and placed her hands on the teenager's shoulders whilst trying to hide her grim and brimming fear.

Caspian stepped next to one of the firetrucks and asked one of the firemen "What's going on inside?" The guy replied as he adjusted his protective helmet "There's, at least, three bodies throughout the building and their all in separate places. We're trying to get to them as soon as possible."

The worried man frowned as he nodded then he turned to Beth; who was attempting to comfort the very distraught Yarah and he said "They're moving in now. We have to get ready to clear a way so any survivors can get to the medical team."

The woman nodded and turned to face Yarah then she wiped away the teenager's tears and said with a small reassuring smile "Storm is going to be fine. She probably got out before the blaze spread and is watching us from some bush.." Yarah slowly nodded as she tried to believe Beth's words.

"WE'VE GOT A BODY!!!!" A fire woman called out as she and three more firefighters came rushing out of the building and carrying a stretcher. Caspian instructed loudly as he turned his attention to the medics that hurried over to the firefighters "CLEAR THE WAY!!! NOW!!!!"

The group of spectators, that had grown quite a bit, all cleared a way and allowed the teams to interact with each other whilst Caspian rushed over to them.

The frowning man looked at the fairly burnt body on the stretcher and it was a young man; that was still partially conscious and in a tremendous amount of pain. Caspian stepped back and allowed the groaning young man to get taken over to the back of an empty EMT.

Yarah was struggling to breathe as she stared at the firefighters that carefully climbed from their high ladders and into the second level of classrooms in the school building.

The teenager was having an inner panic attack from anxiety as she bit her bottom lip in a failed attempt to calm herself.

Yarah's tears streamed down her cheeks and she just couldn't handle waiting and watching.

Then, another body got carried out of the main doors of the school; but, this body was covered by a black cover and Yarah immediately thought the worst as she felt her knees weaken whilst she watched Caspian stop the emergency medics from taking away the body.

With baited breath, Caspian peeled back the black plastic from the head of the person on the stretcher and he sighed softly in relief since the person was not Storm. "You may pass..." Caspian said as he took a step back and turned to look at Yarah before he mouthed "It's not her."

Yarah couldn't find it in herself to calm down as she looked back at the building and waited.

A tense moment; turned into two..

Then three...

Then four....


Some firefighters fought against the blaze whilst other were inside the school and in search of any victims; but, Yarah and Caspian were anxiously waiting for one person.

There didn't seem to be any sign of Storm and it was both worrying and relieving for the pair that nervously stared at the school building.

The bustling crowd had started recording on their phones as they gathered in front of the school to watch the spectacle that took place.

Caspian couldn't think straight.

Beth's phone kept buzzing from worried inquiries.

And Yarah was panting heavily.

The three stood next to each other; but, none of them spoke.

They simply couldn't form one sentence and it made the time drag longer.

"Mr Carter?? Is there any news?" Tasha asked with worry evident in her tone of voice as she stepped next to Caspian.

Yarah clenched her fists and jaw as she stared at the building; avoiding looking at Tasha as Caspian explained to her "They're still looking.. But, I'm certain that they'll find her soon."

"I agree.. Plus; Storm's a fighter and she'll be able to get through this without a scratch."

"I hope you're right."

"I know she will. She always is."

"Yeah...." Caspian whispered softly as he turned his attention back to the school.

"BODY COMING THROUGH!!!" A fireman shouted as him and a few members of his team walked out of the school building; helping the semiconscious Coach Baxter and carrying a portable stretcher that held a body.

Caspian and Beth immediately noticed a bright yellow jacket and they rushed over to the paramedics that transferred the body onto a stretcher. Yarah and Tasha notice the pairs haste and followed them over to the body.

It was not Storm.

Hünter laid on the stretcher and stared blankly up at the sky whilst she took short breaths.

Caspian immediately inquired as he stepped next to the moving stretcher "Where's Storm?? What happened inside? Did you see her? Why do you have her jacket? Can you answer me??!" Beth grabbed his elbow and jerked him to a stop as the medics loaded the stretcher into the back of the van; but then, Caspian noticed the blood on the jacket and his mind went reeling.

"Oh God..." Beth whispered as Hünter mumbled indescribably "A supernova is beautiful; but, there's a deeper beauty in the storm. The Storm. Your Storm."

The van doors got slammed shut and the vehicle sped off; leaving Caspian, Beth, Tasha and Yarah staring at it in disbelief.

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