Chapter 31.

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Caspian looked at Yarah as she sweetly smoothed down Storm's hair as the blacked out teenager laid her head on the shorter teen's shoulder.

"Uhm- Young Lady? What is your name?" Caspian inquired as kindly as possible so Yarah nodded and looked at him then she replied "I'm Yarah Meyers; I'm Tasha's cousin and Storm's friend."

The worried father nodded as he looked at his sneezing daughter then he said to Yarah "I appreciate you coming, Miss Meyers; but, I think it would be best if you left. I'll tell Storm that you came by.."

Suddenly, Storm burst into a fit of coughs as she said "No- Meyers should stay- Ple- please!"

Caspian and Yarah looked at the coughing teenager as she moaned softly and panted heavily.

Storm weakly wiped the sweat from brow and whispered loud enough for her father to hear "I don't want Yarah to go. Please don't go??"

Yarah's heart ached at the sight of the sweating teenager and couldn't help but cuddle closer to Storm as she whispered in assurance "I'm not going anywhere."

Following her instincts; Yarah pecked Storm's forehead as the shivering teenager pulled a tight lipped smile and held onto her.

"I will bring you guys something to eat soon. I'm right downstairs, okay? Call me if you need anything." Caspian said in a somewhat worried tone as he walked over to the bedroom door then he said to Yarah as he held open the door "There are flu tablets in Storm's vanity mirror; please make sure that she takes three."

Yarah nodded whilst focusing on the tall teenager shivering slightly.

Sighing softly, Caspian walked out of the bedroom and closing the door behind himself.

Yarah pecked Storm's forehead sweetly before she slipped out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom attached to the bedroom then she opened the vanity mirror and took out the small bottle of flu tablets.

The shorter teenager filled the glass on the sink with water before she walked back over to the bedroom.

Storm had forced herself to sit upright in under her bedsheets and the moment Yarah walked into her bedroom; she requested "Please bring me a pain tablet?"

Yarah froze and opened her mouth to speak but Storm quickly interjected "I feel like shit."

Sighing in defeat, Yarah turned around and returned to the bathroom; where she took out on pain tablet for Storm before returning to the bedroom.

Surprisingly, Storm had taken out her laptop and was typing something as Yarah walked over to her with a look of confusion.

"How about we start binging all of your movies?" Storm suggested with an innocent smile as she took the medication and glass of water from the very confused Yarah. Then the shorter teenager said with her faced contorted into a cute scrunched up nose "What- No! I'm only here to return your robe and tell you that I apologize. No- Nothing more!"

Storm's jaw dropped slightly as she looked at Yarah.

After a quick sneeze interrupted Storm; she said to Yarah "But I need you, Yarah. I don't want anyone else here.."

"But, Storm-"

"No one has to know.. Please don't go.. I'm begging you. Please?"

"Storm, this is not right! You know it's wrong-"

"Then leave!" Storm snapped abruptly.

Yarah's jaw dropped slightly in confusion as she stopped urging Storm from taking the medication. The shorter teenager questioned immediately "What did you just say?" Storm quickly placed the glass of water and meds on the dresser beside her; before she cutely sneezed and faced Yarah while rubbing her nose.

Finally; Storm stopped with her nose and reached over to the box of tissues next to her bed as she said to Yarah "If you don't want to be here; you can leave."

With the box of tissues on her lap; Storm took out a few and innocently blew out her nose whilst Yarah stared blankly at her. Then Storm tossed the tissues into the bin next to her bed and said as she faced the screen of her laptop "We can just sit and watch together; the meds will probably knock me out fast."

Yarah nodded quickly and Storm's head snapped at her as she said "Okay."

Storm smiled brightly; but, Yarah said as she picked up the medicine from the dresser "Drink up, first."

Without any hesitation; Storm reached out, took the glass of water and the medicine before placing the tablets in her mouth and gulping down half of the glass of water. Storm opened her mouth wide and wiggled her tongue around like a child as she handed over the glass to Yarah; who took it and placed it on the bedside dresser.

Storm scooted away from Yarah and allowed her to climb into the bed; then she placed the laptop on Yarah's lap as they leaned back against the suede bedrest.

Suddenly, Yarah froze.

Storm had leaned her head on Yarah's shoulder and said in a husky tone as she snuggled closer to the shorter teenager "Let's start with number one."

Yarah couldn't move.

Her heart was racing.

She couldn't even swallow.

Storm furrowed her brows and asked as she picked out a few pieces of tissue "What's wrong, Yarah?"

Yarah's head snapped at Storm as she whispered "I'm sorry.." and blew out her nose.

But Yarah didn't mind that!

Her heart exploded and her stomach just transformed into rampaging butterflies.

"You said my name!" Yarah said with a beautiful bright smile on her face and Storm smirked while trying to hide the blush that crept onto her face.

Clearing her throat; Storm pointed at the laptop and said as she leaned her head onto Yarah's shoulder "Let's just watch the movie."

Blushing intensely and feeling quite happy; Yarah turned to the laptop and typed in a movie titled The Handmaiden. Storm was greatly intrigued by the movies cover as Yarah pressed the streaming option; before she let the film cover the laptop screen.

Storm moved closer to Yarah as the movie began rolling; but the shorter teenager was not focused on that at all!

Storm was holding her sooo close!!

She could feel the masculine teenager's slow breath on her neck.

"This is going to be very awkward..." Yarah thought as she looked at Storm as she took her hand.

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