Chapter 30.

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Storm froze as she silently stared at the older woman holding small pieces of firewood in her arms.

The woman looked no older than 32 years old and was quite attractive.  She was about 5"7½ with a beige skin that matched perfectly with her sparkling doe-like amber brown eyes and intensely coily raven black hair that reached just below her slim neck. She has full pink lips, a wide yet very flirtatious smile, high cheekbones and a deep dimple in her right cheek.

Storm immediately rose to her feet as she pointed at the stranger.

"I'm assuming you're Storm?" The woman said and her South of London accent was very noticeable to Storm as she nodded and fully faced the woman. The smiling stranger walked over to Storm and dropped the pieces of firewood onto the mat before she held out her hand with a genuinely beautiful smile as she said "I'm Kallan Oakden; Alicia's half-sister."

"Do you have to be so specific, Kallan?" Another woman asked as she walked into the living area and gained the attention of the pair; just as Storm reached out to shake Kallan's hand.

Turning away from Storm and forgetting about their handshake; Kallan said to the other strange woman "Of course. Storm has to know that we're not totally related and that explains why were so different."

Storm looked at the other woman as she said with an apologetic look on her face "Storm, Dear, I do apologize for my sister's behavior and for us meeting at such an off time for you. Your father told me about how you want to appear like the respectable young woman that you are and I know that this is not your usual dress code."

Alicia Oakden did look partially like her half-sister; but, it was barely noticeable. She stands at 5'6 with a curvy body, a sunkissed tan, amber brown eyes, full lips and intensely coily chestnut brown hair. She did not look much older than her sister and identifying who was the eldest between the pair was almost impossible.

Confused but respectful; Storm held out her hand to shake Alicia's.

Suddenly, she sneezed.

Storm sneezed cutely and when she whipped her hair out of her face; Alicia and Kallan were standing a good foot away from her.

"Apologies! I do not feel so-" Storm started to say but she cut off by another sneeze; just as Caspian walked into the room holding a thick body towel, a guest bathrobe and a small plastic box that contained a few medical supplies.

Alicia and Kallan watched Caspian hurry over to his daughter as he said to her "Storm, sit down and let me take care of you before you get worse."

"Dad, it's just a small sneeze. I'll be fi-" Storm spoke again; but, her sneeze seemed to simply interject her and she accepted defeat as she moved over to the couch with her father's help.

Before Storm could sit down; she was quickly dried by the warm towel then covered in the thick robe before she was plopped down onto the couch and laid on her side.

Caspian explained to the two women staring at him as he looked through his medicine container "Storm doesn't like believing it; but, she has a rather weak immune system when it comes to getting sick yet it kinda combat viruses fast."

Alicia nodded as she watched her financé carefully pour a rather fitting amount of cough mixture into Storm's mouth before the teenager laid down and let her father place a thermometer under her tongue.

Caspian rose to his feet and rushed over to the kitchen as Kallan teased "Well, aren't you a worry wort?"

Alicia shook her head at her sister as she watched Caspian open a packet of chicken soup then she said "We can always leave you two, Darling. Storm is in bad shape and we'll just be a distraction. The three of us can always hang out some other time."

"And what about me?" Kallan questioned as she looked away from the man preparing the easy-to-make soup and faced her sister.

"Dad??" Storm groaned before she sneezed again then she pulled herself upright and said "There's no need for me to keep you guys. I'll just go to my room."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Alicia smiled as she said "I'll get it."

Everyone watched Alicia walk over to the door then Storm coughed a bit; worrying Caspian as he looked at his daughter while waiting for the microwave.

"Come on in, Dear." Alicia said as she stepped aside and opened the door then Storm looked at the entrance of the house; just as Yarah walked inside while holding her school bag in front of her. Caspian and Kallan smiled sweetly at the young woman as she walked into the living area with a friendly smile.

Then Yarah looked at Storm and her eyes went wide as she said "Oh my- You're really pale."

Sniffling slightly, Storm shook her head then she said as she looked at her father "I'm perfectly fi-"

Unfortunately, she blacked out and lost her balance before her limp body fell backwards.

Everyone immediately rushed over to Storm as she laid on her back while shivering slightly.

Yarah had dropped her bag and reached Storm before everyone else then she lifted the taller teen's head onto her lap whilst her heart raced from fear.

Caspian's eyes were wide as he said "Oh my God!! We have to get her upstairs!! Now!!"

Yarah's eyes were filled with tears as she held Storm's cold and shivering body close to hers then she looked up at Caspian and asked "Can you help me carry her, please?"

Nodding, the panicking father reached down and picked up his daughters legs whilst her friend picked up her upper body.

Storm's limp body was quite heavy and the pair carrying her upstairs were under a lot of strain; until they reached her bedroom and gently laid her down.

Yarah tucked Storm under her bedsheets whilst Caspian walked over to the fireplace and started a sizeable fire to warm up the room.

The older man turned to look at his daughter; who was being cradled in the arms of the other teenager that had made herself very comfortable under Storm's bedsheets.

Storm was very pale and shivering; something that always worried Caspian when she got sick.

He was beyond nervous.

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