Chapter 44.

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Storm stepped back from the adults and flashed them a winning smile.

Zandile grabbed Beth and Duncan by their elbows and said to Storm as she began dragging them towards the front of the house "See You Later, Storm!! We Won't Keep You Any Longer!!"

Storm chuckled as she watched the three adults walk into the house; so, she turned around and headed towards her car as the garage door rolled up. She walked around Monster, climbed inside and buckled up; before, she pushed the keys into the ignition and backed out into the street. Storm opened her edible worms and munched down on it as she drove to school.

The teenager pulled into the parking lot and parked in front of the school building; before she unbuckled herself and climbed out of Monster. With her blood red eyes matching her goofy smile; Storm walked over to the main building, into the school and she headed straight towards Coach Baxter's office.

Storm got to the changing room and trudged across the empty space; straight to the office at the front of locker room. The door and blinds were closed so Storm knocked on the door and waited with baited breath.

After a brief few moments, the door swung open and revealed Coach Baxter in a tight fitting floral summer dress; a sight that left Storm speechless as her eyes trailed over the older woman's body.

"Come inside." Coach Baxter said as she stepped aside and held the door open for Storm to walk inside; and she did. The teenager pulled out an armchair and sat down while Coach Baxter walked around the wooden desk and sat on the edge of the desk. Storm looked up at the older woman and smiled as her eyes kept bouncing between the coaches round breasts and beautiful eyes.

Sighing softly, Coach Baxter seemed to gather herself before she looked straight into Storm's eyes and said "Storm, you're not being drafted for the next game."

"What?!!" Storm blurted out in confusion and Coach Baxter nodded before she elaborated "Uhm- Tommy Glaser complained about you to Principal Hernandez and he gave me two options; bench you or kick you off the squad. Obviously; I'm choosing the safer option. It's only for this game-"

"But you don't understand! I love soccer! You can't just sub me!!"

"Storm, I understand that you're upset."

"Upset?? Upset?? I'm not upset.."


"I'm fucking pissed!!!" Storm hissed aggressively as she rose to her feet.

Without warning, Storm rushed out of the office and out into the locker room. Ignoring her coach calling after her; Storm angrily made her way towards the Principal's office.

When Storm got to the reception and it was empty; so, she made her way over to the principal's office.

It was empty.

Storm was getting rather agitated as she spun around and trudged out of the office.

The lean teenager walked into the hallway of the school then she looked around and found herself all alone. A soft sneeze escaped from Storm and she rolled her eyes as she rubbed her nose; but, something caught her attention.

Three figures stood in front of the theater and were looking directly at Storm.

Unsure of what to do; Storm called out "Did you lose something, mate?"

There was no reply.

The tall teenager took a few steps forward and the figures remained still as they stared at her.

"Ayy?!! Are yous lost or something?" Storm questioned loudly; but, something hard and cold hit the back of her neck.

With her brows furrowed immensely as she hissed in pain and turned around; Storm couldn't help the amusingly confused look that found it's way onto her face.

Then her heart skipped a beat.

A black Glock 18 was pointed directly at Storm's forehead and she froze from fear.

The voice of Jared came from behind Storm as he teased "Not so cocky now, are ya?"

Suddenly, a tightly clenched fist found it's way across the side of Storm's face and landed against the side of her nose; blowing her head to the side before she could react.

With tears in her eyes and a metallic smell in her nose; Storm reached up, felt the blood that slowly trickled from her nose and wiped away as she stood upright to face her assailant.

Frankie and Jared stood cockily in front of Storm with two strange guys flanking them and the first thing Storm noticed was the gun in Frankie's hand; so, she said as she looked at the four young men "Where's Tommy? I thought you fuckers never did anything without his permission.. or, is this some ploy to get his affection?"

Jared grabbed her shoulder and sent a strong punch right into her stomach; knocking out the air from Storm's chest as she nearly buckled over whilst gasping immensely.

The silent duo of strangers grabbed Storm's body and forced her to stand upright; before, Jared punched her in the stomach again.

Again; Storm bent forward and gasped as she grabbed her stomach.

However, as she stood upright and tried to recompose herself; an enslaught of punches rained down on Storm and all she could do was drop to the ground and cover her head with her arms as she was too weak to defend herself.

The four young men kicked and punched down at the young woman who had curled up into a ball as she attempted to protect herself.

But; she failed.

Storm could feel her body strain under the immense pain that it found itself and the world around her just seemed to slip away from her.

Then it stopped.

The attacks stopped.

But; Storm was somewhat unconscious as she laid on the ground.

"What now?" Jared asked as he looked at Frankie and the armed young man instructed the group "We take her to the other body then we finish our mission. Okay?"

The four nodded in agreement then they all reached down and picked up Storm's limp body; before they began carrying her towards the theater.

The usually short trip was long and partially straining for the four young men; but, they eventually reached the stage of the theater and dropped Storm's body onto the strong wooden podium.

Then Frankie took out the handgun that he tucked in the back of his pants, cocked it and aimed it at Storm.

No one argued or even attempted to stop him as he slowly squeezed the trigger.


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