Chapter 35.

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After following Storm's instructions; Kallan pulled up to the front of Yarah's home and stalled her car as the teenager stared out of the window.

"Good luck, kid. I know lesbian love can be tricky." Kallan smiled as Storm unbuckled herself then the teenager looked at the older woman and said with uncertain gratitude "Thanks.. I guess?"

The teenager climbed out of the car, closed the door and as Kallan drove away; Storm rushed over to the small side gate that lead to the backyard of the Meyers home.

The rain had slightly increased and her teeth unwantedly clattered against each other; but, Storm pushed through as she collected small stones from the ground of Yarah's backyard. Then she walked over to the center of the backyard and noticed that most of the home's lights were dimmed; except one.

Inhaling softly as she felt rather weak; Storm threw a stone at the window and it landed with a light tap.

No one came.

Storm threw another stone.

Again; nothing.

Getting rather annoyed as the rain slowly increased; Storm threw another stone, but, with a bit more strength.

Finally; a figure appeared in front of the window and opened it.

Yarah looked effortlessly beautiful under the moonlight as she leaned out of her bedroom window and the sight merely made Storm very nervous as she waved at the frowning teenager.

Suddenly, Yarah leaned back into her bedroom and pulled her window closed; leaving Storm standing awkwardly as she looked around the empty backyard.

The backdoor of the house got pulled open and gained the awkward teen's attention as she weakly smiled at Yarah.

"Storm..." Yarah whispered as her eyes inspected the ghostly pale teenager then she said as she noticed the rain growing stronger "Come inside before you get any worse." Yarah held open the back door as Storm walked up onto the back porch then she walked inside; slightly dripping from the rain.

Storm wiped her nose on the sleeve of her hoodie as Yarah locked the door then she looked at the shorter teenager and flashed her a rather weak smile as she said "I had to see you."

"So, you decided to run over in the rain?"

"I would've gotten out of the cold sooner; if, you answered your window faster."

"You do know that phones exist, right?"

"I thought it would be romantic.." Storm admitted in partial defeat.

Yarah, feeling conflicted, said as she reached out to Storm "I appreciate the sentiment; but, don't be so foolish next time. You need to get out of these clothing before you get any worse." She took Storm's hand and jerked her towards the stairs then to her bedroom upstairs.

The pair stepped into Yarah's bedroom and whilst Storm looked around the room; Yarah rushed over to her shared bathroom. The twin immediately began filling up the bathtub with hot water, her eucalyptus bath oil and bubble bath whilst Storm strolled around her bedroom and studied the tiny details of the space.

Yarah stood in the doorway of the bathroom and said as she spotted Storm looking at a picture of her and Zoé "I ran you a bath..."

The slightly hunched over teenager nodded as she put down the picture of the twins and turned to face Yarah. She sniffled as she tugged off her hoodie and walked over to Yarah as she slipped off her sneakers; then she stepped in front of the shorter teenager.

"I think you taking care of me is something rather weird.." Storm admitted with a small shrug then Yarah chuckled as she reached out to the hem of Storm's t-shirt. Smiling sweetly, Yarah helped Storm take off her t-shirt then she said to the tall figure in front of her "I aim to please you."

Storm tensed.

Yarah froze with realization as she dropped Storm's t-shirt onto the ground.

"Uhm- I'm just.. I'll grab you something to wear from my closet." Yarah stuttered as she tried pushing past Storm; but, the taller teenager simply wrapped her slim arms around Yarah and pulled her warm body close.

Yarah gasped softly as she felt Storm sigh in relief against her neck; causing goosebumps to cover her entire body as she wrapped her arms around Storm's slim waist.

The shorter teenager pulled away from Storm and said with a small smile "Go clean up; before you get worse."

Nodding; Storm stepped aside and allowed Yarah to pass her before she walked into the bathroom, pulled the door shut, tugged off her trackpants and underwear. She weakly walked over to the bathtub and climbed into the hot water; allowing the heat to seep into her aching bones and warm her body.

The water calmed Storm as she laid in the bathtub and closed her eyes. She relaxed in the heat and her entire body just started to ache a bit as it her immune system began fighting against her cold.

Weakly, Storm bathed herself in the hot water and once she finished; she laid back under the bubbly water whilst shivering slightly.

Suddenly, the door swung open and someone spoke "Yo, did you see what your cousin posted on Instagram? It's a damn shame that she got pregnant.."

Storm sat upright in shock.

The naked teenager locked eyes with another naked teenager and the pair froze.

Zoé shrieked in surprise as Storm tried jumping to her feet.

However; Storm slipped and lost her balance.

Thankfully, Storm grabbed the rim of the bathtub and stood upright; just as Yarah walked into the bathroom.

"What is she doing here?!" Zoé hissed at her twin and Yarah asked "What're you doing here?!"

Storm coughed and gained the twin's attention then she said as she reached out to grab a towel "I hate to ruin this; but, I need some privacy."

"Oh please, it's not she hasn't seen everything and described it to me."


"Yeah.. So, calm down, Superstar."

"Alright, alright, you two. Let's just calm down." Yarah interjected as she grabbed her twins elbow.

The older twin shoved her sister out of the bathroom and closed the door before she rushed out of the door on her side of the bathroom; leaving Storm to grab a towel, wrap it around herself, unplug the bath, pick up her underwear and walk over to Yarah's door.

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