Chapter 45.

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The sound of Yarah's reminder alarm awoke from her partial slumber.

Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

It was Storm's birthday.

And she had spent most of the night and morning; crying then dozing off.

Now; she laid on her back and stared at the roof.

"My Dear?" Yarah's mother spoke calmly as she walked into the teenager's bedroom so Yarah turned her back to her mother and covered her head under her bedsheets.

Ivory Meyers was a wonderful mother; but, her work as a paleontologist had often required her to leave her family behind. Her daughters had inherited her effortless beauty and small body structure. She stood roughly a good foot or so above the twins; with this sunkissed dark brown skin that was complimented by her wide smile, unique champagne brown eyes and wavy golden brown hair that reached just below her neck.

Ivory walked around Yarah's bed and sat on it; in front of her daughter's covered figure.

Calmly and gently, Ivory placed her hand on Yarah's shoulder as she whispered "I heard what happened and my heart aches for you.. I know how much this girl meant to you and in my honest opinion; you don't deserve to be crying over her if she was never meant for you."

Yarah laid still.

For a few brief minutes, the pair remained silent.

Then Ivory said "Take this as a sign that you two were not supposed to be together, that you two are supposed to remain apart and you have to accept this as your fate-"

"You don't want you're talking about!" Yarah interjected angrily as she pulled off her bedsheets and sat upright; then, she snapped "I love her and I know that Storm loves me!! Grandmother said so, the palm reader said so and even, my father said so!!!"

"You're father knows nothing!"

"My father knows everything!! He knows what I want..."

"Don't say that-"

"He knows what's right for me..."

"Bullshit and you know it."

"It's not bullshit because he loves me! My father loves me more than you and you hate it because only your mother loves-" Yarah spat viciously; but, she was cut short.

Ivory had risen to her feet and slapped Yarah so hard that the teenager just went silent and stared up at her in disbelief. Angrily pointing her index finger at Yarah; Ivory hissed with tears looming in her eyes "You will not speak to me in this manner! I am your mother and that man is nothing!!"

With her heart racing from anger, Ivory continued "He left us.. Remember? Or, do you choose to not see him for the lying, useless, thieving son of a bitch; that he is?!"

Yarah was in shock.

Ivory had never spoken to her like that.

When Yarah and Zoé were 3 years old; their biological father left them with their mother and sickly grandmother. Ivory and Ursula did their best to provide for the twins; until, Ivory remarried and had their younger sister.

However, when the twins hit puberty; their father decided to contact them and only Yarah welcomed him since Zoé was used to him coming and going. The older twin still held hope in her heart that her cocaine addicted father would change and would want to be in her life.

Something he has always proven to be untrue.

The pair stared at each other in silence.

Yarah blinked furiously as her eyes were welling up with tears so Ivory sighed softly and backed down then she said in a calmer yet much more aggressive tone "Darling, you have to stop this nonsense and get up. You are forbidden to grieve a relationship that never existed, you are forbidden to see your father and I do not want to hear you talk of those two ever again."

The teenager did not want to hear those words as she glared at her serious mother. With her eyes and blood burning from rage, Yarah said coldly "You cannot tell me what to do! I love Storm and I'm going to see her!" She pulled off her covers, rose to her feet and concluded as she stared dead into Ivory's eyes "And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

The teenager pushed past her mother, stomped over to her bedroom door and pulled it open as she said "Please leave. I have to get ready."

"No." Ivory replied lowly as she glared at her daughter in disbelief; so, Yarah looked at her mother and raised her brow in question. Standing firmly with her arms crossed in front of her chest, Ivory said "I am going to that outburst slide since you're emotional, but, if you ever think of pulling this shit again; I'll fucking kill you myself."

Yarah was confused as she watched her mother walk towards her. Ivory stopped in front of her daughter and said "If you really think this girl is worth it... Then I'll let you be. But, you ever compare my love to that of your father."

Without invitation; Ivory pulled Yarah into a loving hug.

The teenager sighed softly in content as she felt her heart calm down; before she pulled away from her mother and flashed her a small smile as Ivory cupped her cheeks.

The older woman showered her daughter's face in quick pecks and the action caused Yarah to giggle sweetly as she squeezed her eyes shut; then Ivory stopped and raised Yarah's head so they made eye contact as she said "I love you. Remember that, okay?"

"Always." Yarah smiled so Ivory pecked her forehead one last time before she walked out of the room and pulled the door closed behind her; leaving Yarah to rush over to the bathroom and quickly strip herself down whilst the bath filled with the perfect balance of hot and cold water.

Once she was naked, Yarah climbed into the bathtub and quickly began bathing herself as her mind remembered that it was Storm's birthday. When she felt cleansed of dirt; she climbed out of the bathtub, wrapped a towel around her naked body and walked out into her bedroom.

Yarah made her way over to the closet and once she was inside; she went over to her half where her jackets hung, got onto her knees, reached underneath the long coats and pulled out a fairly large black gift box with an rather small black bow neatly tied around it.

Storm's gift.

Love In The Dark.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz