Chapter 15

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Caspian stared up the flight of stairs in his home with fear and worry; something Beth noticed immmediately. 

"Duncan, darling? Do you mind giving me and Cas a moment?" Beth inquired as she took off her apron so Duncan nodded. Bentley suggested as he slid off of the stool "Could you perhaps drop me off at home, Mr D?" Duncan nodded as he walked around the island then the pair walked over to the front door.

As Duncan walked out of the house,  Bentley said to Caspian "I'm sure Storm will come around. Don't worry. You did raise her to think logically after all." Caspian gave the teenager a small and grateful smile as he patted his shoulder then Bentley waved goodbye to the pair before he walked out of the house; closing the door behind him.  

Beth said sternly as she pointed at the living room sofa "Sit." Caspian nodded and walked around the sofa then he sat down and turned his attention to his best friend; who stood authoritatively in front him. Beth said with a maternal sterness "I cannot believe you, Caspian Montgomery Carter!"

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't tell your daughter about your pregnant girlfriend?!"

"I didn't think she'd fall pregnant!"

"Don't you dare tell me that bullshit! You should have known that was a possibility when you decided to have unprotected sex! You're a bloody grown man!! Don't you know about condoms and their-"

"Alright!" Caspian interjected as he quickly rose to his feet.

"I understand that I messed up.. But you can't blame me, Beth. You know how Storm gets when it comes to my dating life." Caspian explained as he moved towards the kitchen and away from Beth's intense glare. He said as he stepped behind the island "I'll be sure to apologize and explain to Storm, if she'll talk to me after this.."

Beth shook her head as she said "I wouldn't bet on it." The pair simultaneously turned their attention to the flight of stairs as they heard movement from upstairs.

But no one came down.

The reason for this was because Storm had slammed her fist into the wall due to her blood boiling.

Zandile snapped in a maternal way "Storm Carter! Sit your ass down and don't you dare move!!" The teenager immediately complied as she sat down on the chair in front of her study desk whilst Zandile rushed out of the room.

Annoyed; Zandile rushed over to the small coat closet in the hallway, went inside and grabbed the first aid kit from underneath a selection of coats before she rushed out of the small space and back to Storm's room.

Unsurprisingly, the teenager had remained put so Zandile said as she stepped in front of her "You, young lady, need to stop behaving irrationally. Besides, I don't understand why you're behaving this way! You've always said that your father needs a partner but now that he has one, you throw a tantrum."

"It's not because his dating!"

"Then what's the problem?"

"You won't understand."

"I said I'm here to listen so make me understand." Zandile said as she carefully inspected Storm's pink fist.

As Zandile began cleaning the small droplets of blood that began seeping from Storm's fist, the teenager began explaining "My father and I talk about everything! I just don't understand why he didn't tell me about this lady.. And, on top of not telling me about, he got her pregnant and now they're engaged! Like, why didn't tell me?"

"I understand your point, but, Alicia's pregnancy was a shock for everyone; especially your father." Zandile said as she carefully began wrapping a bandage around Storm's right hand before it could swell then Zandile asked "Do you know what your father was worried about when he found out that Alicia was pregnant?"

"No." Storm mumbled as she watched Zandile finish wrap up her then the older woman looked at her and explained "When your father heard the news, he called me in the middle of the night to tell me about it and the only thing he could talk about was what you were going to think or how you were going to react to the news..."

Zandile continued as she watched Storm fathom the information "Storm, you are the most important person to your father and now that he has found love, I hope you can support him; the same way he has supported you throughout your life." The teenager nodded as she watched Zandile close the first aid kit.

"Look, I don't want to tell you to do anything that you don't want to but, your father is engaged and soon your family is going to grow; whether you like it or not. So, I'd suggest that you do your best to welcome Alicia and make her feel comfortable since she is carrying your father's child." Zandile calmly explained to Storm then she placed her hand on the teenagers should before giving it a light squeeze.

The older woman picked up the first aid box as Storm said with a scoff "You really should consider becoming a therapist." Zandile chuckled as she joked "Then you'd have to pay me for my awesome advice." The pair shared a brief laugh before Storm said "I promise to do my best when it comes to welcoming my father's concubine."


"Alright, alright. I'll play nice"

"Good. Now, you have to apologize for your outburst."

"Shouldn't my father apologize for keeping such a major secret from me?"

"Touche." Zandile said as she and Storm walked out of the bedroom.

The teenager said as she took the first aid kit "Go ahead. I'll put this away." Zandile nodded with a small smile as she turned around and made her way down the hall whilst Storm walked over to the small walk-in closet.

Storm returned the first aid kit to it's usual spot before she made her way down the hall then downstairs and the moment she got to the living area, she said unexpectedly "There's no need to apologize because I understand why you didn't tell me so let's just get this place ready for my father's new girlfriend. There's a lot that needs to get done, people!"

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