Chapter 10.

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Storm ran over the referees standing on the field and started the line for her team to follow.

Once The Werewolves were all alined, their competition from Henderson Public High School; The Hedgehogs, ran over to the other side of the referee.

Whilst waiting, the goalkeeper for The Werewolves; Micky Bell tapped Storm's shoulder and whispered into her ear "Coach said that you and Gustar have to stay on their half of the pitch since I'll be able to get y'all the ball better." The team captain nodded as she glanced over at her goalkeeper.

Micky Bell was a great goalkeeper but an even better left-wing, yet she didn't want that. She stands roughly as tall as Storm with her nut brown eyes complimenting her pale skin and her dark blonde hair. She would have been very attractive if she wasn't an acesexual.

Then the crowd and everyone else on the field placed their right hands on their hearts.

Whilst everyone else respectfully sang the national anthem, Storm was distracted by the sight of Yarah who pulled up directly next to field; driving Monster.

Tasha noticed this from her front seat on bleachers and followed the direction of Storm's surprised face; where she immediately locked eyes with her cousin then she turned to look at Storm, who was looking at her.

A look of visible anger, annoyance and disrespect covered Tasha's and this was very obvious to Storm so she returned her attention to the opposition team that had began greeting the referees.

The two captains were first to briefly shake hands and they both held strong eye contact with each other before the Hedgehogs captain continued greeting the rest of Storm's team.

But eventually, that was finished and soon everyone on the field was moving to their positions so Storm walked over to the center circle where a male referee awaited her and The Hedgehogs captain.

Storm who spotted Bentley waving at her from the crowd, nodded towards Yarah and he immediately caught the telepathic message as the young man began descending the bleachers in a rush but then the referee asked Storm and gained her attention "Which side, Carter?"

The nervous teenager opened her mouth to speak but then she shrugged and suggested "The Hedgehogs are our guests so they should choose, right?" The captain of the opposition team clenched her jaw as the referee turned to look at her. The slightly shorter teenager nodded to herself and said "Heads."

The coin was immediately flipped up and everyone's heads followed it as it spun around until it fell down onto the grass in between the teenagers. "Heads it is!" The referee said as he gestured at the team dressed in bubblegum on his left so Storm said as she stretched out her hand "Good Luck."

"I'm Marceline Killian. I don't need luck." The Hedgehogs captain said arrogantly as the referee placed a teal coloured ball in front of her. Storm lowly waved her arms as she said mockingly "Ohh, I'm shaking in my cleats." The tall teenager rolled her eyes as she watched Marceline glance at the referee.

Marceline Killian looked almost European with her slender yet somewhat beige coloured body, emerald green eyes, and her neck long frizzy ginger hair. Plus, the freckles that covered most of her defined face and body greatly complimented her delicate Scottish accent. She was attractive in her own heterosexually arrogant way that her father had practically given her the moment she was born.

The whistle ripped sharply and unexpectedly through the air; shocking Storm from her inspection of Marceline's body.

Suddenly, the ball was rolling and the game had started so Marceline, her teams strikers and midfielders immediately began their offensive strategy by running straight towards their oppositions goal posts. Storm chuckled as she and Hünter moved over to the Hedgehogs half of the field then she said to her teammate "Chiar sper că acest joc are o acțiune. Adică, nu vreau doar să câștig."

Romanian Translation: "I really hope this game has some action. I mean, I don't just want to win."

Hünter scoffed as she shook her head and replied "Scutește-mi anticul, Carter. Știți că aceasta nu va fi o plimbare în parc."

Romanian Translation: "Spare me the antics, Carter. You know that this is definitely not going to be a walk in the park."

Storm rolled her eyes as she watched her team defend it's area in what seemed to be a rather well planned defensive strategy then she looked at Hünter and said "Oh, vă rog, Hünter. Am o viață în afara fotbalului și este pusă în pericol în acest moment."

Romanian Translation: "Oh please, Hünter. I do have a life outside of soccer and it's endangered at this moment."

Hünter immediately burst out laughing then she inquired "Is that why you got bitch-slapped earlier?"

But thankfully, before the conversation could continue, Micky kicked the ball across the field and it was headed straight towards Hünter's area of the field so the tall pair began slowly moving backwards whilst the defense of The Hedgehogs began moving forward.

Suddenly, the ball dropped a few inches in front of Hünter but with the Hedgehog defenders nearing her, she passed over to Storm; who was wide open. Storm dribbled as she sprinted towards the goal box then as soon as she got near to the defenseless goalkeeper, Storm kicked the ball without hesitation.

But the ball was caught and quickly thrown out, back into the field to continue the game.

Storm huffed in annoyance as she turned around and jogged over to Hünter then she said as she stood a few feet away from her teammate "Cred că ar trebui să încercăm că tehnica Skyball pe care am făcut-o săptămâna asta."

Romanian Translation: "I think we should try that skyball technique we did this week."

With her brows furrowed in confusion, Hünter replied "Ești sigur? Știi că ai putea să te rănești.."

Romanian Translation: "Are you sure? You know that you could get hurt.."

Storm nodded with confidence then she asked with a cocky smile "Haide! De când vă este frică de o provocare?"

Romanian Translation: "Come On! Since when are you afraid of a challenge?"

Love In The Dark.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें