Chapter 19.

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Storm tensed up.

She couldn't tell Yarah of her suspicions yet, with the shorter teenager staring at her; Storm couldn't help herself as she said "Well, I've kinda had an inkling; and no offense to you, but I think Tasha's cheating on me.."

Yarah simply huffed as she turned her attention to the rolling mountain side.

However, her reaction was too weird for Storm.

"Aren't you going to say something? You always have a snarky comment.." Storm said as she glanced over at Yarah then Storm asked as she returned her attention to the road "Is she cheating on me?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Uhh- she's moody, picks random stuff to argue about, is always busy with something unexplainable and she missed our date without even telling me that she wasn't going to make it."

"You guys have a lot to talk about and, as much as I'd love to help; I can't."


"Did you just ask why I won't betray my cousin for a complete stranger?" Yarah questioned in a confused state of shock and disbelief.

Storm shrugged as they approached the bottom of the mountain so she said as she drove onto the main road "I mean, don't you think I deserve to know? If Tasha's cheating, shouldn't I find out before she breaks my heart?"

Yarah nodded to herself as she looked down at her ripped washed out denim jeans while she listened to Storm say "I would consider us friends and since we're going to share your watchlist, almost making me your best friend; don't you think that we should find an activity to deepen the friendship?"



"No. I'm not going to help you with your quest, we're not going to watch my movie bucket list together and we're definitely not friends-"

"But we-"

"This was a one time thing, Storm. It's never happening again, okay?" Yarah said as she sternly looked at Storm.

Nodding, Storm inquired as she glanced over at Yarah "Are you going to Tasha's place?" The shorter teenager nodded in response so Storm turned into the street of Tasha's home and headed to the house whilst sitting awkwardly next to Yarah.

They slowly pulled up to the front of Tasha's home so Yarah unbuckled herself from the seat, yet; Storm couldn't stop herself as she blurted out "I really need a friend, Meyers. And I thought that you'd be that to me."

"I can't-" Yarah whispered as she reached out to the door handle but Storm reached out and placed her hand on Yarah's thigh.

Frozen under the touch, Yarah she swallowed hard from her longing the weird sense of uncomfortability that she felt and she found her eyes wandering down to Storm's fairly large hand before she looked up at the masculine teen.

"Sorry-" Storm mumbled as she jerked her hand away then she sighed softly and sat straight; placing her hands awkwardly on the steering wheel. Yarah exhaled softly then she said, looking at her aunt's house "I can't help you, Storm. I can't even be around you! You make me soo uncomfortable yet I just want to be in your annoying presence!"

Storm furrowed her brows as she looked over at Yarah who continued speaking "I've basically known you for the longest time and I just want to be the closest to you.. I mean, fuck everybody else! I just want you to love me! I crave your acknowledgement! I mean, I think- in fact; I know that I want you and I won't be able to just be your friend..."

"I, like, think that you're the dopest, funniest, most sarcastic yet caring, sweet and romantic person I've ever met! You deserve more than what Tasha's giving you! I would literally do anything to be in her place yet you don't even know!!" Yarah explained as she began panting and looking up at Monster's leather roof.

Storm was speechless.

For the first time, she was speechless.

She was speechless and confused.

It was what she wanted but she just didn't know what to say.

Yarah reached for the door handle and said as she glanced over her shoulder at the visibly shocked Storm "I'm sorry."

Suddenly, Yarah opened her door and climbed out of the car before trudging towards the house.

Unintentionally yet seeming to follow her natural instincts, Storm climbed out too and called out "Meyers?!"

Yarah ignored Storm as she continued walking so she called out again "Meyers?! Come on!!"

Feeling her heart racing in her chest, Storm snapped "I SWEAR, MEYERS! IF YOU GO INTO THAT HOUSE, I WILL NEVER EVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN!!"

Yarah stopped.

Walking around Monster, Storm said calmer "It's my turn to talk, Meyers. And you're going to listen."

Yarah turned around and crossed her arms defensively as she watched Storm step onto the lawn with her hands held open in front of her.

"Can I talk now?" Storm asked but Yarah shook her head and replied "I don't care whether or not you talk to me, Storm. I've managed to live without you for most of my life, what makes now different?"

"Tell me something..."


"In the past two days that we've seen each other, didn't you grasp how much I've gotten attached to you? Or how much I've studied the details of your face? Or when-"

"Oh please! I'm not going to stand here and let you bullshit me, Storm! I'm smarter than that!"

"I never said that you're dumb, Meyers-" Storm started to say but she was silenced.

Yarah's slender hand had landed against Storm's left cheek with a surprising amount of strength and the stinging feeling just seemed to ignite something within the taller teenager.

Yarah deadpanned through gritted teeth as she pointed her index finger at Storm in anger "My name is Yarah."

Without warning, Yarah turned around and stormed over to the house; leaving Storm standing on the grass in shock.

Sighing softly, she turned around and walked over to Monster with her mouth slightly ajar as she opened the driver's door and climbed into her car.

Storm turned the key in the ignition and as soon as the car revved alive; she put it in 1st gear and drove straight home.

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